
Naruto: Different Perks

Awakening his memories on the night of the Nine-Tails Incident, Kazutora lost his parents in the incident. Later, with his parents being friends of Shinku Yuhi, Kurenai, who had also lost her parents, decided to take care of Kazutora. The duo started to live together, and Kazutora, who could see a gift box in his vision, opened it in his room. Kazutora, who decided to live an ordinary life if he didn't have talent, found everything changing when he opened the gift box. Since then, Kazutora's life changed, and he decided to live as he wanted to in the cruel ninja. Kazutora, who knew that strength was needed to live in the world, decided to grind in the present so that he would have a comfortable future. On the journey, Kazutora meets various people, such as Itachi who thinks of the meaning of life, Izumi who could only live in illusion, Anko who suffers in the village because of Orochimaru, and others. With Kazutora as the changing point in the world, a new history of the Ninja world folded and changed the lives and the fate of many people. Read the story to find out how Kazutora changed the lives of many people in the world, and he provided a home to many lonely women in world. . . . Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski

Kaoski · Anime & Comics
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112 Chs

Tremble, Kumogakure! III

After reading the letter from his mother, Atsui's face was full of tears and then he gave the letter to Kazutora. Kazutora looked at Atsui and he first gave a handkerchief to Atsui and then took the letter and read it without thinking much.

In the end, a sigh escaped his lips and he rubbed Atsui's head, who kept on crying while wiping his tears as he learned the truth about his parent's death.

Unlike what had been told to them by the village, it was his mother who couldn't stand his father anymore and she killed him one night and then hung herself.

She couldn't handle and live any more in this wretched village where she was forced to carry a baby twice without her approval and looking at Atsui, who tried not to cry but tears kept on escaping his eyes, Kazutora could feel his sadness and emotions.

A thought appeared in his mind, and he asked, "Do you want to see your mother and talk with her one last time? I have a method, but I might need your mother's DNA for it."

Atsui's expression changed at his words. Just as he was about to nod, Atsui remembered the words written by his mother in the letter, and then he shook his head.

"No, I don't want to disturb her rest, and make her remember everything that happened to her," Atsui muttered with his voice getting lower as he spoke. He spoke while shaking his head and Kazutora was surprised by his willpower. He knew that it wasn't an easy choice to reject seeing someone's late loved ones and Kazutora smiled at his answer.

Just then, the door of the house opened and Samui entered the house with Karui. Entering the room, her eyes fell on Atsui, who was sitting on the sofa and wiping his face. A stunned look on her face and appeared beside him with her guard up against Kazutora.

Kazutora paid no attention to her actions, and he appeared beside Karui. Before Karui could even check the situation, her eyes dulled with Sharingan appearing in them, and he took out her soul and read her memories.

She didn't have any memory seals in her mind, and he put the soul back in her body after recovering her chakra. Kazutora understood the reason as she didn't have memories of her parents and other things that could lead her to the truth.

Samui looked at the scene with her eyes widened and fear evident in her eyes. Even though she didn't understand what happened, she felt that Karui had died for an instant and then revived back with some technique.

"She doesn't have any memory seals. Maybe it is because she hasn't met her parents. Anyways, have you read the letter your mother left behind?" Kazutora said and Atsui passed the letter to Samui. She had been busy checking Atsui's condition, so she ignored the letter in his hand. Her hand trembled as she held the letter, and a tear escaped her eyes when she was done reading the letter.

"Is this the truth behind my parents' death? My mother killed my father and then committed suicide?"

Samui said with her body trembling and her brother held her hand with some tears on his face. Looking at them, Kazutora opened his mouth and said, "I can't return your parents but if you want to do something or question A, I can help you."

"There is no need," Samui said, shaking her head. She couldn't hold the Raikage responsible for her mother's death because it was her father who had forced her. Kazutora might disagree with her thoughts, but since the act was carried out under the orders of the Third Raikage A, he understood that she wouldn't hold the Fourth Raikage accountable in this matter.

If she has someone to blame, it would be the Elders who were Higher-ups in past and had supported this matter.

For them, it is beneficial to pillage and kidnap different bloodlines since they weren't worried about the matter coming.

However, they are unaware of someone like Kazutora, a skilled sensor who can easily distinguish individuals based on their chakras and read memories to uncover the secrets they are concealing. They could never have imagined someone like Kazutora appearing in their village, let alone the fact that he is a Senju and hails from Konoha.

"I guess the training done on you by Kumo isn't waste and for the village, your mind has decided to suppress the matter and make it as if you can't do anything."

Kazutora said while shaking his head and he left the room after leaving a wood clone that would explain the matter to Karui. He didn't care much about Samui now as he could see that the image of the village in her mind was higher that her own thoughts. But her brother was different and Kazutora could feel his anger towards the village, but he didn't dare to show.

The reason why Kazutora left is because he had sensed Tsunade's chakra moving, and it meant the meeting was done and he went to share his results with her.

In the hotel room, Tsunade heard everything with an expressionless look on her face and she looked at the copies of letters that Kazutora created.

When she was done with the letters, a terrifying chakra pressure was released by her, and her surroundings and the walls in the hotel started to crack.


She shouted as she punched the wall and destroyed the whole wall in a punch. Everyone in Kumogakure heard the words, and at Samui's house, Samui and Karui looked in the direction with a worried look on their face.

Atsui looked in that direction with a smile on his face and if he was alone, he would have cheered and shouted with her as Tsunade said the words he had been thinking in his mind.

Raikage A, who had just left the building, heard the shout and looked in the direction. The heavy chakra pressure reminded him of some dark memories, and he rushed in the direction of the Hotel after ordering everyone to evacuate.

"What is it, Fifth Hokage?"

Appearing in the place, A said, and his body flinched as he saw the cold look in Tsunade's eyes.

She threw the letters at A's face, who took the letters and read them. His eyes widened as he was done reading Samui's mother's letter and then he read the other two letters with a look of fear and anger in his eyes.

The fear was because of Hokage and Hokage Advisor's anger while he was angry at the people who didn't clear the records and left the letter that could be used as proof of their actions.

"This is fake," Raikage A said and Tsunade rushed at him. He only saw Tsunade appearing in front of him, and then Raikage flew away from the place because of her punch.

He spat a mouthful of blood because of the hit and Raikage noticed that his ribs had been broken by her punch.

"Fifth Hokage, this should be fake as---" Raikage said but when he noticed that Tsunade didn't listen to his words, he used Lightning Release Chakra Mode to dodge her attacks.

The ANBU and other Jonins in the village gathered around the place and they wanted to help their Raikage. But then, another heavy chakra pressure descended in the area, and they saw a white-haired man floating in the air and looking at them with a smile on his face.

A line appeared between them and the white-haired man, and they heard, "If you cross the line, you will die."

Such cruel words when spoken with a gentle smile on Kazutora's face made everyone in the place shiver and their instincts screamed at them to listen to his words.

They all felt that if they disobeyed and crossed their line, their necks would roll off from their body.

Raikage A noticed the situation and gritted his teeth. His whole body was full of pain because of broken bones, and both of his hands had become useless when Tsunade crushed them.

"J-just what do you want?" Raikage said with blood leaking from his mouth, and he looked at Tsunade in front of him. He knew that if he was hit once more, he would die.

Tsunade looked at him with a cold look in her eyes and then she healed his injuries. His expression changed with a bad feeling in his heart, and again, Raikage was kicked away in his balls by Tsunade, and he flew away. A screamed in pain and he knew that his future has been destroyed by Tsunade who gave zero fucks about his screams and future.

"You fucking bastards dared to kidnap members of the Senju clan and used even them for breeding."

"A single death isn't enough for you all, and I will make sure you know the pain and etch the fear in your minds so that you will never ever think of it again."

Tsunade said with her voice infused with chakra and the whole village heard the words. Their expression changed as they heard the words and a look of horror appeared on the faces of those who were aware of the situation.

Kazutora, who was paying attention to the chakras of all people in the village sensed several extreme chakra fluctuations and a grin appeared on his face.

He created ten clones who rushed at those ten chakra fluctuations and then looked at Tsunade breaking Raikage's bones again.

"If you do more, he will die because of severe pain." He said appearing behind Tsunade who snorted at his words. She sensed several people appearing in the place and narrowed her eyes as she looked at them held by Kazutora's clones.

"They all know about this matter. Let me check them and then you can do whatever you want."


As he said this, one guy in the group shouted but Kazutora ignored the words and started with him.

The other clones did the same and, in the end, all of them had cold looks on their faces and said, "They don't deserve to live because of what they have done."

"Then it would be better to make them pay for what they have done," Tsunade said with a merciless look on her face and they shivered at her words. Since Kazutora didn't tell her what they had done, it means the memories in their minds were something he didn't want her to see and know.

A cold light flashed in her eyes, and she asked, "Have you located everyone?"

"No, three more are left but they aren't in the village. Instead, I have found the information of everyone else who was kidnapped and their children too."

"But, most of them have died, or I should say, they were killed because they got to know about their situation and besides Yugito, Samui, Karui and Atsui, four more are left in the village."

"As for parents, they have also been killed so that news about this won't be released."

Kazutora said in an angered tone and the scene he had seen in their memories makes him want to wipe Kumogakure off from the face of the world.

Not only physically, but the kidnapped people were mentally tortured too, to make them lose their emotions and then become puppets that would listen to their words, and they wanted to keep on breeding them like pigs for bloodline.

Just thinking of this made Kazutora's blood boil in anger and the ground around him cracked and air pressure around him increased with natural energy reacting to his anger.

Sensing the change in Kazutora, a worried look appeared on Tsunade's face as she didn't want him to get berserk again. It was good that Kazutora noticed his state and he calmed himself.

Tsunade sighed in relief when Kazutora calmed down, and she saw the ten people disappearing from Kumogakure. Kazutora sent them to the Torture department in Konoha, and the rest will be done by the experts.

Raikage A looked at the scene with a dead look in his eyes. He didn't feel any regret in using the means to get bloodline but only anger at Kazutora and Tsunade and the humiliation that he received because he was weak and had his methods found. He didn't think that if he had the same strength as them, it wouldn't be him who would be on the ground.

"Now, Raikage A! Shall we have a long chat and discuss what needs to be discussed?" Tsunade said while holding A by his hair, and he could only give a nod and accept everything she said since he was defeated party in the ground.

The pride of being Raikage of Kumogakure had already been shattered twice, and he knew that only by accepting the demands would he and Kumogakure be able to escape from their anger.

"First, I will be taking ALL the people who have the bloodline of Senju and Uzumaki in them irrespective of their positions and their thoughts."

"Not only this, if anyone else in Kumogakure wants to leave and join Konoha, they are allowed to do so. If someone dares to stop you, then my fists and their broken bones will be the answer."

"Second, from now on, Kumogakure will pay 50% of the Profits they get, irrespective of the sources. This will be the last time I will be merciful at your actions because many others will suffer if I do something in anger."

"But, if I find that you are hiding and embezzling the money you receive, your life will be in my hands, and I promise that I will make you experience hell."

"Third, all the people involved in the matter are sentenced to torture until they will die."

"Fourth, I want you to spread the word in the world that Kumogakure has surrendered to Konoha and will serve and accept Konoha's reasonable demands for the next 20 years."

"These terms, do you accept it, Raikage A?"

Tsunade said with her voice infused with chakra and the whole village listened to the words. Everyone in the village was afraid of Tsunade or Kazutora going berserk again because the chakra pressure they felt before was too suffocating.

They knew from their instincts that if any of the two went berserk in the village, it wouldn't be impossible to destroy almost half of the village if not the whole.

So, they all prayed in their heart that Raikage would accept the proposal even if it was humiliating and might make things difficult in future.


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