
Naruto: Different Perks

Awakening his memories on the night of the Nine-Tails Incident, Kazutora lost his parents in the incident. Later, with his parents being friends of Shinku Yuhi, Kurenai, who had also lost her parents, decided to take care of Kazutora. The duo started to live together, and Kazutora, who could see a gift box in his vision, opened it in his room. Kazutora, who decided to live an ordinary life if he didn't have talent, found everything changing when he opened the gift box. Since then, Kazutora's life changed, and he decided to live as he wanted to in the cruel ninja. Kazutora, who knew that strength was needed to live in the world, decided to grind in the present so that he would have a comfortable future. On the journey, Kazutora meets various people, such as Itachi who thinks of the meaning of life, Izumi who could only live in illusion, Anko who suffers in the village because of Orochimaru, and others. With Kazutora as the changing point in the world, a new history of the Ninja world folded and changed the lives and the fate of many people. Read the story to find out how Kazutora changed the lives of many people in the world, and he provided a home to many lonely women in world. . . . Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski

Kaoski · Anime & Comics
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114 Chs

Meeting Shiruko Senju!

"I accept," Raikage A said with some difficulty in speaking and Tsunade grinned at his words. She held his hand and then twisted it to break the bones and muscles in his hand again.

"Now that the terms have been settled, I will be taking off my anger and letting you feel pain."

Raikage A screamed at his bones getting broken again, but Tsunade paid no need to his screams. Being a Medical Nin, she knew where she needed to poke to hurt him most and for the next fifteen minutes, Raikage kept on screaming in pain and squealing like a pig.

No one interfered with the scene because Kazutora didn't let them. One idiot wanted to save their Raikage but Kazutora pulled him into an illusion and let him experience what it means to be a helpless girl in a goblin dungeon in the illusion.

In the end, the man's psyche broke down in the illusion and he couldn't differentiate between reality and illusion anymore. Before creating the illusion, and letting him experience everything, Kazutora had read his memories to give him a fitting punishment for him, and after knowing his actions, he gave him a fitting punishment that should be given to every rapist.

The screams of the man and the twisted expression on his face made everyone feel terror from the depth of their hearts, and they understood that if they moved, they would be the same as the man twitching on the ground with blood flowing from all of his holes.

Tsunade looked like Raikage A lying on the ground like a dead body, but she knew that he was alive. It would take at least a month for him to get back to his original shape but that is if he is healed with top-class methods.

With Kumogakure's current Medical Level, Tsunade knew that he would never be able to recover to his peak in his lifetime because of the deep injuries in his muscles and bones that she left.

But did Tsunade care about the matter? Nah, she didn't. The only reason why he didn't die is because of his position and unlike him who survived even though he is involved in the matter, the others wouldn't for sure.

"Bring these three people back to Konoha in seven days," Kazutora said while showing the projection of the other three involved in the matter and they memorized their appearance. They didn't dare to neglect his words as they couldn't think of what Kazutora and Tsunade might do in future.

"As for those who want to leave Kumo, you can prepare. I and Hokage will leave Kumogakure in three days, and three days should be enough to make the decisions."

"As for the people of Kumogakure, if you can stop them from leaving without me finding anything, then do it. But, if I found you, then you won't even dream of being able to live a good life."

"Samui, Karui, Atsui, Yota, Sora, Chika and Ran."

"You all get ready to leave as you all have Senju and Uzumaki Bloodline in your bodies."

"I will send a clone that will check if you have memory seals on you or not."

Kazutora said and the clones appeared in front of the remaining four people. He had already sent the clone when he started to speak, and the village listened to his words. A certain mother's eyes gleamed at his words, and she looked at his son with some hope in her eyes. Maybe leaving Kumo would be a better choice for her and in Konoha, she might be able to keep her son safe.

"Tsuna-Nee, let's go. There is someone I would like you to meet."

Kazutora said to Tsunade who remembered the words in the letter, and she wouldn't say that she wasn't curious about the woman who sealed her Shadow Clone and wanted to meet someone from Senju even in her death.

"Let's go," she said without paying attention to others and they disappeared from the place with the line on the ground disappearing too. An ANBU appeared beside Raikage A and took him to the hospital while another ANBU took the idiot and went to dispose of his body after checking something.

Tsunade and Kazutora appeared at Samui's house, and the trio at the house were stunned by their arrival. Paying no attention to their expression, Tsunade followed Kazutora to the secret room.

Looking at the secret room, Samui felt weird as she had been living in the house for the past 18 years, but she didn't know anything about the room.

Kazutora unlocked the seal and they saw a brown-haired woman in her prime appearing with a burst of smoke.

The woman looked around and her eyes paused for a second when she looked at Samui, Atsui and when she looked at Tsunade, her eyes widened and she murmured, "Tsu-Tsumiko-Sama?"

Tsunade raised her brows at the words as 'Tsumiko' is her mother's name and the 'Tsu' in her name came from her.

"She is my mother. I am her daughter, Tsunade."

"T-Tsunade-Hime? Y-You re-really have grown up and become a wonderful lady." Shiruko said with some emotion in her eyes and her eyes softened as she looked at Tsunade with a smile on her face.

"I didn't expect I would be able to see you. It was an impulse of mine when I thought of this decision and I didn't think that my wish would be achieved but now looking at you, I can say that it was good that I followed my decision."

Shiruko said with her voice full of expectations and complex emotions and Tsunade's eyes softened at her words. Shiruko then looked at Kazutora with a gleam in her eyes and she asked, "I-Is he descendent of T-Tobirama-Sama? The hairstyle is the same but white hair instead of silver and the eyes are blue instead of red. Well, the blue eyes look much better than those red eyes which are like the eyes of damned Uchihas."

Shiruko said with some disgust apparent in her eyes when she said Uchiha and Kazutora could say with 100 million on the bet that she is a loyal supporter of Tobirama Senju and his policies.

"No," Tsunade said while shaking her head and Shiruko's eyes dimmed a bit as she heard the words.

"He is my husband, Kazutora Senju." Tsunade continued and Shiruko's eyes brightened at her words and she 'Good' three times like an elder would.

Samui and Atsui, who had been ignored from the start felt weird as they looked at grandmother's Shadow clone who seemed to be paying more attention to Kazutora and Tsunade than her relatives.

'No wait, they are also her relatives, so I don't need to feel weird.' Samui thought in her mind, and she saw Shiruko finally glancing at them.

"My daughter's children," she said before they could say anything and Shiruko looked at white-skinned grandchildren. It felt good to know that her Senju Clan's genes were dominant in her children as she didn't want to see anything that would say that her genes were in the people of Kumogakure.

"Since my daughter isn't here, it means she has escaped the wretched village. Well, I am also there so I must already know about it."

Shiruko said while shaking her head and Samui looked down at her words.

"Anyways, how did this happen? Why are you here and how did you find out about the formation?"

Shiruko asked with a curious look on her face, and she wanted to know how they got to know about her Shadow Clone and the formation. 

The difficulty of finding the formation is extremely high because they need to come to Samui's house. Shiruko doesn't think Samui holds a high position in the village and can bring people from another village together at her house.

"A lot of things happened and from one thing to another, I found out about her being a descendant of Senju. Then, my husband looked for the clues and he found out about this house that has been made in the same style as how the houses are made in Senju Estate."

"In the end, he found out about the formation and took control over it. Let's not mention more though as you said in the letter, I am bringing her back to Konoha but are you sure you want me to dig your grave?"

"Of course, I will be happy to return to the place I belong to," Shiruko said with a happy look on her face and Samui felt conflicted in her heart.

"Mm, I will do so. Anything else do you want to say or talk about?" Tsunade asked with a thoughtful look on her face and Shiruko shook her head.

"My last wishes have already been fulfilled and I am sure that since you are here, you will take away them back to Konoha. Still, how much time has passed by since I died?"

"Forty years," Samui replied and Shiruko nodded at her words.

"Much shorter than I expected," Shiruko said, and she could feel her chakra in the Shadow clone was about to disperse.

"Do you want to stay for more time and look around new Konoha?" Kazutora said as he noticed her chakra decreasing and Shiruko's expression changed at his words.

"Can I?" She asked and Kazutora put his hand on her shoulder and gave some chakra to her. Then, he sent her to the Hokage Office in Konoha, and Tsunade communicated with her clone and let her deal with Shiruko.

"Well, that's it," Tsunade muttered and then a strange look appeared in her eyes as she looked at Samui and Atsui. She understood that when Shiruko made the Shadow clone, most of her thoughts were on Konoha and Senju so she didn't care much about her grandchildren and focused on matters regarding Konoha.

Giving the siblings a last look as they reminded her of herself and Nawaki, Tsunade left the place and Kazutora followed her with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Didn't you want to hike? I have a good place for it." He said in between and Tsunade, who was feeling a bit low, brightened at his words.

"Hehe, then let's go and live there for three days and then leave Kumogakure," Tsunade said with a chuckle as she understood that he was diverting her attention, and he was successful in it.

They disappeared from the place and appeared on Turtle Island, Kazutora released his senses first and after checking the levels of animals there, he put a restraining seal on them.

Tsunade wasn't surprised by the seal because they used it quite often when they spar and quibble with each other.

Feeling the decrease in strength, Tsunade evaluated herself and she understood that her base level had been decreased to Tokubetsu Jonin level.

"The animals here are much weaker than I thought," Tsunade muttered as she stretched her body and then used the wood release to change her clothes and she wore blue pants, a black top and a hiking jacket to suit the occasion.

Kazutora did the same and then they created equipment used for the hiking.

"Let's start," he said while pointing in a random direction and Tsunade rolled her eyes as she knew that he must have made a map in his mind.

Walking beside Kazutora in a place full of wood, Tsunade felt calm and peaceful. The worries and chaotic thoughts in her mind disappeared and Tsunade started to enjoy the quiet atmosphere between them.

"It would be good to have this place in our dimension, right?" Kazutora spoke up while looking around and Tsunade just hummed in response. She moved closer to him and putting his hand between her breasts, she put her head on his shoulder with a happy smile on her face.

"You know," "No, I don't." "Shh, just listen to me."

Kazutora chuckled at Tsunade's words, and he asked, "Alright, what is it?"

"Sometimes, I regret sending you to Konoha Hospital."

Tsunade said with a flicker in her eyes and Kazutora rolled his eyes at her words.

"To be honest, even if you hadn't sent me to the hospital, I might have turned around this way after living together with several women."

"Heh, living together? Except for Itachi, and Shikakuro I don't think you have any male friends, right?"

"It's not my problem that they can't stand girls around me. Itachi seems to be only interested in his brother Sasuke and maybe Shisui, and Shikakuro thinks women are troublesome and his fiancee keeps him tight. So, they don't find the situation problematic."

"Inojun got a crush on Hina, but it's not my problem that she is crazy for me."

"As for rest in the class, let's not mention them."

Kazutora said while shaking his head and Tsunade laughed at his words.

"Still, it was crazy of you to flip the whole Hyuga upside down when the Elder tried to use Seal on Hina and force her to answer."

"Isn't that the reason why she is crazy for you?"

Kazutora snorted at Tsunade's words as he thought of what happened in past.


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