
Naruto: Different Perks

Awakening his memories on the night of the Nine-Tails Incident, Kazutora lost his parents in the incident. Later, with his parents being friends of Shinku Yuhi, Kurenai, who had also lost her parents, decided to take care of Kazutora. The duo started to live together, and Kazutora, who could see a gift box in his vision, opened it in his room. Kazutora, who decided to live an ordinary life if he didn't have talent, found everything changing when he opened the gift box. Since then, Kazutora's life changed, and he decided to live as he wanted to in the cruel ninja. Kazutora, who knew that strength was needed to live in the world, decided to grind in the present so that he would have a comfortable future. On the journey, Kazutora meets various people, such as Itachi who thinks of the meaning of life, Izumi who could only live in illusion, Anko who suffers in the village because of Orochimaru, and others. With Kazutora as the changing point in the world, a new history of the Ninja world folded and changed the lives and the fate of many people. Read the story to find out how Kazutora changed the lives of many people in the world, and he provided a home to many lonely women in world. . . . Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski

Kaoski · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Sasuke and Boruto! II

"Come again?"

That's all Sasuke could say when he heard Kazutora's words.

'Three Kage, Jinchuuriki, Six Paths of Pain, Akatsuki members, and Otsutsukis!'

Sasuke repeated the words Kazutora said in his mind, and he didn't understand just how it was possible, and why this was happening.

"Can you explain the situation from the start?" Sasuke asked.

Listening to him, Kazutora nodded at his words, and he explained how Konoha dominated the small war in the three years, and then others surrendered.

But they actually wanted to do an all-out attack from inside Konoha and destroy it.

He also talked about how they humiliated and destroyed Raikage A, and how they got to know about the plan.

Then, using Miruko's ability about the future, they got to know about Otsutsuki's Advent, and they prepared for it.

Hearing all this, shock would be an understatement of what Sasuke felt. He didn't understand how a single person's existence could change future this much. Sasuke knew that all the changes in this world were related to Kazutora, and he wouldn't deny that he did feel a bit jealous.

After all, because of him, the most painful event of his life, Uchiha massacre won't happen, and this world's Sasuke wouldn't have to be separated from his beloved brother.

"Have you prepared for that? I can sense that you are strong, but you shouldn't be able to solve everything on your own, right?" Sasuke asked after thinking of the situation, and he continued, "If it was possible, I would have liked to return to my world and bring Naruto and others here."

"Since this is a parallel world, there won't be any problem with changing history since many things have already changed."

Sasuke said with a sigh, and a glint flashed in Kazutora's eyes as he heard him.

'With my Dimensional travel ability, I should be able to access his Reality and that turtle, locating Dimensions would be easier.'

Kazutora thought in his mind, and he decided to check it out later. If it was as he had thought, then he would have many things at his disposal, and it wouldn't be bad to go to different worlds for date trips.

"That could be possible since I gained an ability when I awakened Rinne-Sharingan," Kazutora said after thinking for a moment, and everyone looked at him.

"Show me that turtle artefact," Kazutora said as he looked at Sasuke, who checked himself and said, "It seems Boruto has it."

"Never mind, we can check it later. For now, you were curious about our strength, right? Sister Mikoto, why don't you show him how strong you are in this world?"

A chuckle escaped Mikoto's lips as she heard his words, and she saw Sasuke looking at her with a weird look in his eyes.

Kazutora snapped his finger, and they disappeared from the Hokage office. Appearing in his dimension, Kazutora and Tsunade stepped back to make space for Mikoto and Sasuke.

Sasuke looked around with his Rinnegan and he noticed that they were in a different dimension. His expression changed when he saw Mikoto's eyes changing to Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, and he found himself appearing in a different place.

"Let me also experience everything you," He heard Mikoto's voice, and Sasuke found himself appearing in a seven-year-old boy.

"No!" He shouted.

He used his Rinnegan to destroy the illusion but the place on semi-cracked. Mikoto narrowed her eyes when she noticed how 'weak' Sasuke's Mental strength was, even if he had a Rinnegan.

'His mental strength should be far greater than his current one. My EMS is on the same level as his Rinnegan, just how did he awaken Rinnegan if he didn't have enough Mental Strength?'

Mikoto narrowed her eyes. Since he didn't want to show, she decided to accept his words. Their surroundings changed and outside, Sasuke wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"Mom? How?" Sasuke asked as he stared at Mikoto's Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. But Mikoto didn't answer his questions. Instead, she asked, "First you tell me, how did you awaken Rinnegan or I should call it Rinne-Sharingan?"

"Considering your weak Spiritual Energy, you shouldn't have been able to even awaken it, let alone use it."

Sasuke flinched at Mikoto's words, and he asked, "You know how to awaken Rinnegan?"

His eyes widened when he saw Mikoto's eyes changing to pitch black with concentric white circles on them, and he was dumbfounded by what he saw.

Sasuke wiped his eyes to see if he was watching correctly and he couldn't hold anymore.

"What the fuck is going on now? Just what is happening in this world?"

First Otsutsuki, and now his mother awakening Rinnegan. Next, what will he see? Naruto's Parents? Someone else also awakening Rinnegan? Kaguya Otsutsuki? Senju with Rinnegan?

Kazutora narrowed his eyes, and he waved his hand. As he did this, a Teleportation formation appeared and four people appeared in the location.

"Hah? Fourth Hokage? Naruto's Mother?" Sasuke said as he stared at Minato, Kushina, Naruto and Boruto appearing in the location.

"Woah! How did this happen? I appeared here with woosh again. I also want to learn this." Boruto said as he appeared in the place again, and his words made Kushina laugh.

"You can ask your grandpa later and he will teach you the Flying Thunder God Technique," Kushina said with a smile on her face and Minato froze at her words.

"Eh? Kushina? Wouldn't it---" Minato wanted to talk about his age, but Kushina's smile stopped his words.

"You will, right?" Kushina asked with a not-so-smiling face, and Minato gulped his denial.

"Yeah, I will." He said, and looking at the scene, Mikoto snickered, and Tsunade shook her head.

"Hello, grown-up Sasuke. Can you transform into Naruto and show us how he looks? Boruto did transform but he couldn't copy his demeanour. It should be possible for you, since you are his best friend, right?" Kushina said as she appeared beside Sasuke and looked at him.

Sasuke, who was too stunned to even say anything, just accepted his words. He created a Shadow Clone, who transformed into adult Naruto, and Kushina narrowed her eyes. At first, she thought that it was Boruto making fun but now looking at Sasuke who made similar copy, Kushina couldn't hold back anymore.

"Which bastard designed his haircut? My son looks much better with long hair, just who made this joke?"

Those were Kushina's words when she saw Naruto's hairstyle and Boruto nodded with her words.

"Right, Grandma! I also asked Dad once, but he said that it looked good. I don't understand how this looks good." Boruto said as he pointed at the style and then pointed at Sasuke.

"Look, Teacher looks good with long hair and if Dad has Grandpa's hairstyle, he will also look good. After all, I can see that dad looks like Grandpa."

Kushina nodded at his words, and she turned to Sasuke.

"The first thing you will do after returning is get Naruto to change his hairstyle, okay?"

Mikoto put her hand on Kushina's shoulder and asked, "Is that important now? Do you want to see his family and your cute granddaughter?"

"Hah? Is that possible?" Kushina asked with light in her eyes, and Mikoto nodded at her.

"Sasuke, don't resist." Mikoto said with Rinnegan in her eyes, and she pulled everyone there in a dream.

"Boruto, just think of your family, and they will appear here," Mikoto said. She could just see his memories, but she didn't do.

However, before Boruto could do anything, he felt a gust of air around him.

"Caught you, Momoshiki!" Kazutora said. He could already see Momoshiki around Boruto, and when Mikoto pulled everyone in the dream, he was also pulled there.

Before Momoshiki could do anything, Kazutora caught him, and he said, "Suppress him, Sister Mikoto."

Mikoto hummed in response, and she suppressed Momoshiki. Various seals appeared on Momoshiki's body, and Kazutora stared at Momoshiki who was shocked by their actions.

"Inferior creature, let me go," Momoshiki said.

His words made Kazutora chuckle, and he retorted, "Inferior creature? Haha, If I am inferior, then what are you, who is suppressed by Inferior creatures?"

"An ant? Anyways, I don't need to bullshit with you. I will ask questions, and you will answer them. If you won't, I will erase your soul."

"What do you think, Momoshiki Otsutsuki?"

Kazutora stared with Rinne-Sharingan appearing in his eyes. The dreamworld started to crack, and Momoshiki felt a lot of pressure on him.

Kazutora controlled himself before anything could happen, and Momoshiki said, "Those eyes, how can a human like you have those eyes?"

Kazutora didn't answer his question.

"How strong is Strongest Otsutsuki? How much time it would take for another Otsutsuki to come to this planet? Will you answer them?"

Kazutora asked. It doesn't matter if Momoshiki answered or not, Kazutora had planned on using Human Path to read his memories.

But, if Momoshiki answered correctly, he would keep him as a battle slave, and if he didn't, he would erase Momoshiki's memories, and merge the remaining knowledge and abilities to Boruto's body.

At first, Kazutora held some disgust but Boruto but after thinking for a moment, he felt that being disgusted was useless. It would be better to just straighten Boruto and let him be a good boy instead of being a shitty guy like he had read.

Momoshiki stared at Kazutora and didn't answer his question. A chuckle escaped Kazutora's lips, and he said, "Sister Mikoto, send me and Boruto out. I will deal with this shitstain while you can continue."

Mikoto nodded at him, and before Sasuke could say anything, Mikoto sent them away.

"Can he, do it?" Sasuke asked with a frown. He didn't understand how Kazutora could deal with Momoshiki, who had implanted Kama on Boruto.

"No need to worry. If he can't, then no one can." Tsunade said with a confident look on her face, and Mikoto nodded with her. Sasuke stared at Minato and Kushina, who also had a confident look on their faces, and he wondered just why they were so confident about him.

'It's like I am watching a guy who is a mixture of First Hokage, Second Hokage and Naruto.'

Sasuke thought in his mind. He could feel that Kazutora gave a similar feeling to First Hokage. His mind and abilities were like Second Hokage and the same for his appearance. The confidence shown by others in him was the same as how they showed in Naruto after he dealt with everything.

Outside, Kazutora looked at Boruto, who stared at him with his eyes widened.

"What was that?" He shouted. He didn't know anyone else could also see Momoshiki, and Kazutora just smiled at him.

"I will take care of Momoshiki for you but in return, I want you to do something," Kazutora asked as he looked at Boruto, who tilted his head.

"I will give you power, and I want you to keep your world safe, like your father did."

"Eh?" Boruto said as he heard his words.

"Besides Urashiki, there will be many Otsutsuki who will be coming to your world later. Naruto and Sasuke, they are strong but for some reason, they won't be able to reach that level. I could just come to your world and clean up everything, but I can't do it always.

"Hah? You can come to my world?" Boruto asked with an excited look on his face.

"Show me that turtle," Kazutora said, and Boruto took out the artefact from his seal. Looking at the artefact, Kazutora's eyes changed to Rinnegan and he sent his chakra to the turtle.

The turtle opened its eyes and a few moments later, it said, "Where would you like to go?"

"Give me the coordinates of Boruto's world," Kazutora said. He used his Dimensional travel ability. Sensing a familiar energy from Kazutora, the turtle's eyes lit up, and Kazutora felt strange coordinates in his mind.

[T2' 3'', S'2 4'', T-S 23' 23'']

Getting the coordinates in his mind, Kazutora felt that with a single thought, he could just open a portal and go to their world.

"Mm, I can," Kazutora said as he created a small portal in his hand, and Boruto's eyes widened as he saw it. His eyes changed to Jougan as he looked at the portal, and Kazutora suppressed his chakra before Boruto could disappear.

"I guess your Jougan is really good for Dimension-related abilities," Kazutora muttered. He didn't expect Boruto's Joan to react to the portal, and he felt that he understood a few things Boruto would do in future.

'Time-Space Reset, huh! Same copy of DBZ.'


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