
Naruto: Different Perks

Awakening his memories on the night of the Nine-Tails Incident, Kazutora lost his parents in the incident. Later, with his parents being friends of Shinku Yuhi, Kurenai, who had also lost her parents, decided to take care of Kazutora. The duo started to live together, and Kazutora, who could see a gift box in his vision, opened it in his room. Kazutora, who decided to live an ordinary life if he didn't have talent, found everything changing when he opened the gift box. Since then, Kazutora's life changed, and he decided to live as he wanted to in the cruel ninja. Kazutora, who knew that strength was needed to live in the world, decided to grind in the present so that he would have a comfortable future. On the journey, Kazutora meets various people, such as Itachi who thinks of the meaning of life, Izumi who could only live in illusion, Anko who suffers in the village because of Orochimaru, and others. With Kazutora as the changing point in the world, a new history of the Ninja world folded and changed the lives and the fate of many people. Read the story to find out how Kazutora changed the lives of many people in the world, and he provided a home to many lonely women in world. . . . Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski

Kaoski · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Dealing with Momoshiki!

"Jougan?" Boruto murmured as he put his hand on his right eye. He remembered his eyes changing in past, and he didn't expect that he would really have a Doujutsu.

"You need to work hard to use this Doujutsu. First, let me deal with Momoshiki, or he will become a problem in future." Kazutora said.

His eyes changed to Rinne-Sharingan, and he put his hand on Boruto's head. Boruto felt a cold aura around him, and a groan escaped his lips.

He felt as if something was getting stripped from him, but under Kazutora's chakra, his body was suppressed.

Taking the soul from Boruto's Mindscape wasn't easy since Momoshiki was bound by Kama. But, Kazutora had his ways to deal with it.

He summoned the King of Hell, which specializes in dealing with souls, and the King of Hell put his tongue around Boruto.

A groan escaped Boruto's eyes, and from his body, a white light came out. Holding the soul with the tongue, The King of Hell waited for Kazutora's orders.

Kazutora first replenished Boruto's chakra and used the Six Paths chakra to heal the damage. Boruto had already lost consciousness when Momoshiki was taken away by him.

Kazutora then focused on Momoshiki's soul, and he started to read the memories in his mind. His expression changed when he noticed that Momoshiki had no memories.

'Did he do something?' Kazutora thought in his mind, and he went inside Boruto's Mindscape. He didn't find anything in his Mindscape, and he understood that Momoshiki must have done something. Maybe it was related to Otsutsuki, and it could be a technique to prevent them from letting others know their location.

"Tsk," Kazutora clicked his tongue. He was expecting to know their location and their level of strength, but he didn't get anything.

"Well, I will capture the ones coming here and ask them," Kazutora murmured after thinking for a moment and he looked at Boruto's Kama. After checking it, he decided to place the soul back in the and placed some seals on him.

A hum escaped his lips, and he saw everyone waking up from Mikoto's dream. Kushina and Minato had smiles on their faces and it was same for Mikoto and Tsunade.

Sasuke opened his eyes, and he saw Boruto lying unconscious. He didn't notice any change in chakra, and Sasuke looked at Kazutora.

"It seems Otsutsuki has set up a measure to prevent their memory from getting leaked. I have taken care of Momoshiki and he won't do anything for him." Kazutora said after thinking for a moment and Sasuke nodded at his words.

"So, you didn't get anything?" Tsunade asked with a flicker in her eyes, and Kazutora shook his head.

"I did get something. Wanna meet your otherworld counterpart?" Kazutora asked. He created a portal in his hand, and Tsunade paused later. A glint appeared in his eyes, and he said, "After we are done with them. I will show off to Seventy-Year-Old Single Lady."

"Hehe~!" Tsunade chuckled as she thought of her counterpart's jealous expression, and Kazutora snickered at her words.

"Anyways, Sasuke. You can follow Sister Mikoto for now. We will meet later after I have thought of a solution to your problem. One-fourth of your soul, which was Indra's soul, has been taken away, leaving you with injuries."

Sasuke didn't say anything. He already knew about the problem, and he knew Naruto had a similar problem. When they had sealed Kaguya, they did feel something leaving them, but they didn't focus on that time.

Only after the event happened, did they understand but at that time, they couldn't do anything.

Sasuke tried to look for solutions, but in the end, he didn't find any solution. Even Yin-Yang Release didn't help them, and, in the end, they decided to not think much.

"Is there a way to heal the soul?" Sasuke asked after thinking for a moment, and Kazutor said, "I will see what I can do. Yin-Yang Release should be able to do it, and if it can't, I will use Creation of All Things."

"Since Hagoromo did create Tailed Beasts and their souls using Creation of All Things, I should also be able to do it."

Kazutora had never tried to work on the soul since it was a delicate matter but after the problem with Momoshiki, he understood that he needed to do something.

'Or I won't know anything about Otsutsuki and I will have to act passively. Kaguya doesn't know much since she was of lower branch.'

Sasuke just gave a nod and didn't say anything. He didn't have many hopes since he had never heard of this. But looking around, he saw no change in other's expressions, and it meant that they believed that he could do it.

'Let's wait and see. Till then, I will just look around and see what I can do.' Sasuke thought in his mind.

Sending everyone but Tsunade away, Kazutora looked in the direction with a thoughtful look on his face.

"What idea did you get?" Tsunade asked as she noticed his expression, and she understood that he must have gained an idea.

"I was wondering what to do after the event. Since Momoshiki and others appeared 1000 years later, it means that the other Otsutsuki won't appear for quite some time."

"We will have a lot of time to mingle and play around, and you can also use this chance to train someone else to retire."

"Retire? You will be Hokage after me, no matter what." Tsunade said with a glint in her eyes.

"As for the future, we can begin with having a child."

A chuckle escaped Kazutora's lips as he heard her words.

"I am going to work on Moryo's Soul and see if I can use it. What about you?" Kazutora asked after thinking for a moment and Tsunade answered, "Send me to Kaguya's Dimension."

"I want to defeat Kaguya and be the strongest woman in the group. Only then will I be able to maintain my position as Big Sister of the group." Tsunade said with a dark look in her eyes, and Kazutora looked at her. He didn't expect Tsunade would also have this side, and with a chuckle, he said, "You will remain the Big Sister forever even if you aren't strongest."

"Heh~! I have to be, and," Tsunade said as she stared at Kazutora, "You have thought of bedding Kaguya, haven't you?"

"Ahahaha!" Kazutora laughed awkwardly and said, "She is a maid and has to fulfil his master's needs. Besides, it will be a long time later."

"Tsk!" Tsunade clicked her tongue as she heard him and said, "One year, you can bed her a year later."

"Mm? What plan do you have?"

"It's nothing," Tsunade said while shaking his head. The only reason why he can even bed others would be if they couldn't satisfy him. This year, Tsunade planned on thoroughly studying him with others and making sure that he wouldn't have any ideas or strength to even think of other women.

A dark look appeared in Tsunade's eyes as she thought of this, and Kazutora patted her head when he noticed her chakra leaving. Even if he did have an idea in his mind, he wasn't planning to keep a secret and for now, he didn't think he could just do something like that.

'After all, Mikoto's relationship hasn't been cleared and they will surely pout and be annoyed if I spoke about this. Anyways, since we will be living a long time, there is no need to rush anything.'

Kazutora thought in his mind, and he sent Tsunade away after giving a passionate kiss to calm her. In his dimension, he appeared in his laboratory and looked at the clones working on Moryo's body.

His eyes changed to Rinnegan, and Kazutora summoned the King of Hell. He took out a black ball from the mouth of the King of Hell and placed it in the place he had set up before.

'Let's see how the Soul is formed and what needs to be done,' Kazutora thought in his mind, and he started to check the soul and what he has to do.


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