
Naruto: Different Fox


Jasmine_Oreno · Book&Literature
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Chapter 2: Sasuke Uchiha

"Alright. That only leaves you next." Kakashi gave one of his classic eye smiles and Sasuke rolled his eyes. It seemed to Naruto that Sasuke was still the same passive aggressive asshole he remembered from the anime. But besides his attitude, Sasuke didn't really seem like an edgy emo teenager.

Naruto almost considered Sasuke to be adorable, with his round chibi face, pouty lips, large watery black eyes and his soft black hair that parted in the middle like a split river. His choice of clothing also complemented his looks. He wore a light blue top with a white undershirt, a baggy pair of white shorts that loosely hung on his slim waist, and two belts that were slightly different hues of blue.

It was about as much color coordination Naruto would expect from a kid. Although it wasn't much, it was better than Sakura's horrid pink flower dress. Naruto's eyes almost burned at the sight of the abomination. Of course, he wouldn't be telling her that anytime soon. He didn't care enough to do so.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha." Sasuke dramatically paused with a heavy foreboding tone. "I live for one thing and one thing only. To kill the man who murdered my entire clan." Sasuke's voice seethed with anger as the boy clenched his teeth and ground them together so hard that they made a terrible screeching noise. "I will do anything and everything to get my revenge. I swear that one day, Itachi Uchiha will fall to my hands and I will avenge my dishonored clan."

Both Sakura and Kakashi had colorful reactions to Sasuke's declaration, but Naruto stayed silent and expressionless. "Thank you for sharing that Sasuke. While I do hope you drop this suicidal plan, it's good that you have a goal to strive for." Kakashi seemed to pity Sasuke in Naruto's eyes. Perhaps he saw himself in Sasuke when he gave his hateful speech? Naruto wasn't sure, but he didn't need to know, so he stopped thinking about it.

"No. I will kill Itachi. I'm the best of my year, the most talented genin alive. I will catch up to my brother at whatever the cost. You are the one who is foolish." Sasuke almost shouted at Kakashi, his face turning red with emotion. "Mayhaps." Kakashi smiled. "But you're still just a bug. Whether it's Itachi, me or any other jonin in the village, you are just a child to us."

"Hey! You can't talk to us like that! What type of teacher are you?" Seeing that Sasuke was very embarrassed, Sakura stood up to defend her crush. "Besides. You don't know what Sasuke is capable of. Who are you to call him a bug?" Kakashi laughed in the pink girl's face. "I suppose that's true. I haven't truly seen what the three of you are capable."

"Well, since you think you're all such great shinobi, why don't we take a test tomorrow morning at the 7th shinobi training ground? If you pass my test, then you'll become official genin and join my team. If you don't, then I'll send the three of you back to the academy for another year." Kakashi's harsh words brought an immediate gasp from Sakura who visibly showed her regret for sticking up for Sasuke.

"You can't do that. We've already passed the test to become genin, you can't send us back to the academy." Kakashi gave a wolfish smile as he stood up. "I can and I will. If you don't meet my requirements then I do have the authority to push you back another year." Kakashi laughed. "Maybe you should be more respectful when talking to your superiors little girl. Instead of being so focused on your boyfriend you should focus on yourself. Otherwise you'll be just as successful as your parents."

Kakashi's snide remarks left both Sasuke and Sakura embarrassed. Naruto could feel Kakashi's eyes pander over to him, probably expecting some random outburst, but he stayed quiet. "Well that's all for today. I was going to introduce myself but since you definitely won't be passing tomorrow there really isn't any reason to waste my breath." Kakashi formed a symbol with his hands and disappeared in a swirl of bright green leaves.

Once he was sure that Kakashi had actually disappeared, Sasuke drew his arms over his chest and disdainfully looked at the still leaves on the ground where Kakashi had stood. "Who does that man think he is? I am Sasuke Uchiha, the sole heir to the strongest clan in Konoha. I'll make that nobody regret taking to me like that."

"Yeah!" Sakura shouted. "I can't believe a shinobi of our village could be so arrogant. How is that man even a jonin?" For once, Naruto felt the need to speak. Lest these two buffoons get immediately clapped by Kakashi tomorrow. "That man is Kakashi Hatake. He's a famous war hero from the last major war. They call him Kakashi of the Sharingan, they say he's copied over a thousand jutsu using the sharingan he keeps hidden under his headband."

Sasuke immediately turned to Naruto with eyes full of shock. "What did you say? That man has the sharingan?" Naruto shrugged his shoulders. "Supposedly. I don't actually know, I've never met the man before this. But it's probably true. One of the stories I've heard about the 3rd Shinobi War was about Kakashi and his best friend who was an Uchiha. It was that Uchiha who gave Kakashi his sharingan just before he died himself."

"No! No, that can't be true. Why wouldn't anyone tell me that there is another person with the sharingan besides my brother?" Naruto awkwardly looked away, obviously without an answer to that himself. "How should I know? If you want more information you should go talk to someone who actually knows Kakashi. Since he's such a renowed hero I bet a bunch of people can confirm this. Maybe old man Hiruzen knows something about it."

Sasuke nodded. "Yes, of course. The hokage would know if Kakashi had the sharingan. Uhh..." Sasuke awkwardly looked at Naruto with embarrassment and appreciation. "Thank you for telling me this." He said meekly. Before Naruto could respond, Sasuke quickly made his way to the staircase and disappeared.

After that, Naruto also walked down the stairs, without bothering to talk to Sakura. His opinion of his teammates was very negative, and he found listening to them to be a major waste of time, much more speaking to them.