
Naruto: Different Fox


Jasmine_Oreno · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: Genin

"Naruto! Wake up!" Naruto's blond head rose from the hard wooden table he had slept on for the past few hours. His hair was a ridiculous mess of coarse yellow hairs that looked as spiky and uncontrollable as the quills of a porcupine.

The 12 year old boy rolled his clear blue eyes in confusion upon seeing a little girl standing over him with her hand slammed on the desk. She had a cute ovular face and stunning green eyes that shone like jewels, her pink hair was even more mystical, glossy and shiny as silk under the skylight.

"Who are you?" Naruto yawned. "Listen little girl. I'm not interesting in playing with you. Why don't you go bother someone else?"

The girl's checks flushed red and she smacked Naruto right across the face. "Don't talk to me like that Naruto. If you say one more insult I'll punch you in the head. Our sensei already came to pick us up. We need to go to the top floor. He wants us to introduce ourselves."

The ugly boy's face contorted. "What did you call me?" The pink haired girl sighed. "Are you really so stupid to forget your own name?" Naruto sighed, he'd already guessed who the person in front of him was.

"Alright Sakura, I understand. Just go up without me. I need to go to the restroom." Sakura nodded and left the room to go up the stairs while Naruto slumped back in his very uncomfortable chair.

"Sakura. Sasuke. Kakashi. Naruto. Yeah I'm definitely not tripping, I'm far too clear headed. Guess I'm a ninja now." Naruto got up from his chair and slowly walked out of the classroom into the hall of the academy. The hall was even more dingy and dirty than Naruto remembered school being.

All of the doors were made out of wood, not metal. And there were no windows in any of the classrooms, meaning there was no way to look into the hallway. There were no lockers or anything along the walls, just cracks in the shoddy material that Naruto couldn't even identify.

Naruto pulled the headband off his forehead and looked at it. The metal plate was engraved with the symbol of Konohagakure was obviously familiar, just as familiar as the kunai and shuriken Naruto found in the pouch strapped to his waist.

Naruto sighed. He had read so many imaginary situations like the one he found himself in but he knew his was actually real. Naruto Uzumaki had been replaced with a soul from the modern world, how riveting and original of a story that was.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were people expecting him to go meet them, Naruto would've just left school and searched for where his apartment was so he could go back to sleep. Naruto didn't have any interest in meeting the savory characters of the anime he was in.

"I guess I don't really have a choice but to go up and meet Kakashi. Hopefully this won't be as annoying as I expect." Naruto muttered under his breath as he walked up the stairs to the top of the building.

Naruto reached the top of the stairs and pushed the door open. At the edge of the ugly white roof were three people, Sakura, who had already met, a black haired little boy with big onix black eyes that took up most of his face, and a handsome man with incredible white hair looked straight out of a fantasy story. One of his eyes was covered with the signature Konohagakure headband while the other lazily looked over to Naruto.

"I see you've finally come up Naruto. Why don't you sit down and introduce yourself to me and your other teammates. You'll go first since we've waited so long for you."

Naruto sighed. He found a seat next to Sasuke and he sat down. Sasuke looked at him disapprovingly but Naruto didn't care. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I'm the jinchuriki of the nine tailed fox. I'm an orphan who's parents died during the attack of the nine tails. That's all you need to know of my backstory. The rest of my life isn't interesting."

Naruto was watching Kakashi's expression throughout his short introduction and found faint amusement in the man's one eye. Naruto also noticed that both of his classmates were surprised by his introduction, likely because they were expecting him to be much more upbeat and happy like he normally was. Naruto didn't know if they knew he was a jinchuriki before this but he figured he'd let them know just to give context to any future events.

"That's quite the heavy backstory Naruto. I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to share that with us. I know that must've been hard." Kakashi gave a very friendly smile but it only made Naruto feel even more tired than he already was.

Kakashi's eye moved from Naruto to Sakura, who was busy trying to get as many side glances of Sasuke as she possibly could without arousing his suspicion. It somehow worked, mainly because Sasuke was dazing off into the distance, thinking of something Naruto had no idea about.

"Why don't you go next Sakura?" Sakura cleared her throat, making sure to bump a little into Sasuke so he would pay attention to her, before she began to speak. "My name is Sakura Haruno. I'm the daughter of a civilian family, so I'm very excited to be the first of my family to become a ninja."

Sakura's introduction was very short and brief and none one was interested. Naruto could tell that Sasuke and Kakashi didn't have any sort of interest in the poor girl. She was like many other people Naruto had met in his life, young with dreams of making her parent's proud by pulling them out of their mediocre life. But Naruto knew she'd make it, unlike other people at the bottom, Sakura was born talented. As long as she didn't involve herself with the wrong kind of people, she would definitely accomplish her dreams.

Probably not going to continue this but I really like Naruto and I've read a lot of Naruto fanfics on this site so I decided to see if I enjoy writing one chapter.

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