
Naruto: Desperate Survival

A normal person trying his best in the modern world suddenly dies and gets reincarnated in the naruto world. Specifically, in the warring states period. He was a fan of anime, manga and novels but he never thought he would have to survive in one of the worlds. Read and find out how he would affect the world to survive as in the period he was born children are sent to the battlefield. The story will not be fast paced. MC will not become strong really fast. Consider unscheduled uploads as I have got a real life and I am only writing for fun. Notice: I do not own any of naruto characters or anything related to it. This is just a fanfic for fun. The poster as well is ai generated and provisioned from internet. I do not own that as well. All the rights belong to their respective owners. Important: I use capitalisation to show emotions and explain certain situations. Sometime punctuation or exclamation mark (!) could do the same but I do not use it because they can be missed easily while reading. Also, just because people read english does not mean they understand punctuation or people won't understand the situation clearly by it. This is my own style of writing. If capitalised strings appear for inner thought of some character that depicts a heightened emotion like joy or anger based on the context. If capitalised string appear in a conversation or when a character is speaking then it means they are yelling or shouting due to some emotion like joy, anger, annoyance etc. If you have a problem with this then please do not read. Although, You would be missing out if you are a fan of Naruto. Lastly, as the timeline of of warring states in Naruto is not clear then I am making my up. If you can not stomach it then do not read as well. Although, as I said, you would be missing out. Bye.

HiddenInPlainSight · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

First Mission: Ambush - 4

Kouske: Okay, this is how we are gonna do it. We will be doing an ambush on the Aburame in pursuit. I believe they are not stupid enough to not watch their six. So to get them in the ambush, I am declaring that we will pull of "Mission Impossible: Surprise M***** F*****s".

[Fuma-Clan-Person-1]: Why is it Mission Impossible? Do you mean we will die? What happened to your plan?

[Fuma-Clan-Person-2]: Why is it named "Surprise M***** F*****s"? You, Your tongue is too dirty. Didn't your parents teach you to not cuss?

Kouske: SHUT UP. This is my moment, do not ruin it. I will only tell you the plan if you accept the mission. Your mission should you choose to accept it, is to surprise some m***** f*****s and take them out. You have 30 seconds to comply.

[Fuma-Clan-Person-1]: What happens if we choose to not accept your b*** s**t?

[Fuma-Clan-Person-2]: You know, I have seen children on the battlefield and I know you are much younger than most, but looks like being trained as a shinobi and to be sent to the battlefield has messed up your mind.

Kouske: SHUT UP, I SAID. If you choose to not accept the mission then we will go after Aburame without a plan and may the most resourceful one survive. You have 25 seconds to comply.

[Fuma-Clan-Person-1 & Fuma-Clan-Person-2]: FINE, TELL US THE PLAN.

Kouske: Okay, this is how, it will go. We will approach them from behind and some or may be all 3 will notice us as they are Aburame.

[Fuma-Clan-Person-1]: Uhuh....

[Fuma-Clan-Person-2]: OK, then what are we gonna do?

Kouske: Then we are gonna use our power of friendship, bonds and love. It will allow us to use an S-rank Jutsu and we will defeat them. But we will also run out of chakra and our special secret S-rank Jutsu won't kill them. So, at the end it will be us and them, going at each other punch for punch. We will then all pass out. When we wake up, all of us will acknowledge each other and we will form a special bond. We will be brothers.



Kouske: It was a joke damn it, a joke. You both do not need to be so serious. I have not lost my mind completely yet.

[Fuma-Clan-Person-1]: Did you heard what he said? about not having lost his mind completely.

[Fuma-Clan-Person-2]: I also heard him say "yet". Meaning, he expects that he will definitely lose it completely in the near future.

Kouske: In this world full of war, where children are the most casualties, do you truly expect for people to have sane mind? I mean, look at your fuma clan's squad leader. I know he is a battle maniac and he will probably kill a helpless child, if he found one on the battlefield, no matter if the child has zero chance of hurting him as he is quite strong. You both as well will kill children of a different clan, no matter how powerless they are, if you found them on your battlefield. Look at this world, where I, a six years old, is fighting to protect a 40s something middle aged man and you expect me to have a sane mind?


[Fuma-Clan-Person-1]: You are a shinobi.

Kouske: I did not choose to be one. I was born in a clan that happens to be a shinobi clan. I am six years old. Tell me was I asked by my clan whether I wanted to be shinobi or not? Tell me what does a six years old child normally do? Do they not play around if they are not shinobi. One of you did say correctly, being trained as a shinobi and to be sent to the battlefield has definitely messed up with me. Also, I know in the not so near future, I will definitely lose rest of my sane mind. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, IT WILL BE QUITE A SIGHT TO SEE, I AM SURE. I MEAN LOOK AT ME NOW. I HAVEN'T COMPLETELY LOST MY MIND, YET I AM DOING SO WELL ON THE BATTLEFIELD. I BELIEVE WHEN I WILL COMPLETELY LOSE IT THEN I WILL PROBABLY HAVE NO EQUAL. I AM REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT. THE DAY WHEN THE WORLD FEARS MY NAME. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, AH, IT WILL BE AMAZING. HAHAHA...COUGH, COUGH, COUGH. Hurry up give me some water. I think I pushed my throat too far, cough, cough, cough. Hmm...why are you guys so far behind? Do not worry, I have not completely lost my mind yet. So give me water now or I might really go crazy. After drinking the water, I will share my real plan.


The fuma person with Tsubame finally recovered. Both were running towards the Inuzuka. They have decided to conduct a surprise attack. When they get near then they will perform a combination jutsu of water and wind. Hopefully, the result will be them damaging or taking out the Inuzuka. They finally see the beast in the front and 3 fuma shinobis confronting it. More like, the shinobis are dodging the beasts claws and its jaws. The beast is jumping around using the tree trunks and attacking whoever is in front of it. Sometimes, its claws will tear the trunk of the tree they pass by showing how much power there is in the strike. The fuma shinobis are dodging and sometimes they will attack with normal shuriken and kunai. While dodging, they saw Tsubame and one of their squad member from a distance. The Inuzuka noticed them without looking due to his amazing sense of smell. The beast stopped in a way that both the three fuma shinobis and Tsubame were on its left and right with Tsubame being on its right. The beast growled, It knew things might get more dangerous.

[Fuma-sqad-leader]: Now, this is our chance.

On the leader's signal, both of his fuma members threw their iconic fuma shuriken and then all three started to make hand signs.

[Wind-Style: Sickle Weasel Jutsu]

[Wind-Style: Sickle Weasel Jutsu]

[Wind-Style: Sickle Weasel Jutsu]

All three of them performed the jutsu together, they increased the lethality, also, the shuriken they threw were covered with wind-style chakra, due to the combination jutsu of three wind-styles, the shurikens accelerated towards their target in the middle of the giant vortex of sharpened winds.

Tsubame: Now....

Tsubame performed hand-signs and started releasing water from her mouth, the fuma clan member with her followed suit with his wind-style.

[Water-Style: Wild Water Wave]

[Wind-Style: Sickle Weasel Jutsu]

Both jutsu combined to form a twister of water and wind. The twister had sharpened winds in it.

The Inuzuka beast wanted to dodge by jumping up but because it was being attack from two sides and both with combination jutsu that cover a wide area, It jumped up but its try was useless. It was then attacked from both sides. When Jutsu from both side met, there was an explosion of wind and vertical tornado started forming. The tornado was spinning quite fast and its height increasing with constant wind around the area that were affecting the trees showing the power that was concentrated in the middle. The pressure in the middle was astounding and the beast could not breath due to the pressure from the mixture of water and wind styles. Also, sharpened water and wind were making cuts on its body. The blood was coming out of the wounds and in the centre of the tornado a tinge of red could be seen. The jutsu went on for 2 mins and stopped but the devastation it did was significant. It started raining because the water that made the tornado went up in the sky and with the winds following it, it was spreading everywhere. The beast was in the sky a few meters up due to the tornado, it fell down. Where the combination jutsu from both sides met, the area was clear of trees showing the jutsu's might. The beast was injured, blood has dyed its hide red. It was down on the ground. The executors of the jutsu from both sides were breathing hard. They probably put all their chakra in the jutsu to make sure their enemy will not survive.

[Fuma-sqad-leader]: HAHA, today was a glorious battle and victory.

When he said that from 3'O clock directions there were noises of trees getting toppled as if something was coming their way. They heard a howl of a beast. Suddenly, Naohiro with his squad came towards them and they were breathing heavily.

[Fuma-sqad-leader]: What the f**k are you doing? You did not take out your side?

Naohiro: We tried but it was not as easy you think. Ask your people.

[Naohiro's-fuma-sqad-member]: He is right, we did combination jutsu 3 times. We took out one Aburame in our first try. Then their squad leader performed summoning and the beast that came out was impervious to our next 2 tries. Its armour is something else. We could not damage it even thought we poured so much chakra in our Fire-Wind combination style jutsu. Naohiro said our only chance was to rendezvous with you guys.

As soon as the explanation finished, the trees behind them toppled and a creature screamed. It was 12 meters big black Rhinoceros beetle with amazing horns. On it were two remaining Aburame.

[Aburame-summoner]: You are not getting away.

While they were discussing and Aburame replied. The three headed wolf opened its eyes and it got back up.

[Fuma-sqad-leader]: What??? No, It should have died.

Its hide was red due to blood and it was injured but its eyes were clear. It wanted to tear these bugs apart.

[Aburame-summoner]: Mugenjin Inuzuka, what happened to your group?

[Three-headed-wolf]: I do not know, I just know my clansmen in my group are dead. I am gonna kill all of these bugs and take revenge.

Tsubame: Damn it, things are really bad. Hmm...What the?

Before she could speak more, a three person group came and perched at the top of different trees looking at everyone. The one that was on a tree branch a little ahead of the other two looked at everyone and said.

[Unknown]: You Aburame and Inuzuka have done quite a number on our distant relatives. Hey, is that diamyo alive? he was supposed to hire us, we came because he has not reached the meeting point.

[Mugenjin Inuzuka]: The Uchiha?

[Aburame-summoner]: Things have become complicated. What happened to our clansmen that were coming from that direction?

[Fuma-sqad-leader]: Good that you are here. The diamyo is alive for now but if you do not help us then we would lose our client.

The leading Uchiha was about thirty years old. He looked at the Aburame and Inuzuka after hearing the reply from the fuma leader, then he looked at the Aburame on the summoned beetle.

[Uchiha leader]: You asked what happened to your clansmen? Can't you figure that out given the direction we came from? We took them out. They burned like the bugs they were. It happens to everyone who faces the Uchiha.

When he said his clan name then his eyes turned red with three tomoe Sharingan.

[Aburame-summoner]: Mugenjin Inuzuka, we should retreat. This mission was a failure. We had too many loses. Given that the group from the 10'O clock direction also have not arrived, we can assume that they were taken out. We do not know whether the enemies that faced our allies on that side survived or not but if they did, then they should be coming to rendezvous with the people here. Also, the Uchiha has also joined.

[Mugenjin Inuzuka]:Grrrrrr.....I have remembered all of your faces today. When I run into any of you again then I will avenge my clan.

After Inuzuka spoke, he undid his transformation and there was smoke everywhere due to that. The Aburame on the beetle threw smoke bombs around. When the smoke cleared, both the Inuzuka and the Aburame were no where to be seen.

[Uchiha leader]: Looks like they ran away.

[Fuma-sqad-leader]: Hey, What are you doing? Pursue them I am sure you can take at least one more of them out.

Tsubame: You can drop the act. I sense them leaving quite fast. They are afraid you will pursue and kill them so they are using all of their chakra to maximise their speed. In 2 mins or so they will be outside my 500 meters range.

When Tsubame said that, everyone looked at her. What did she meant?

[Uchiha leader]: Hmm...I see. I was thinking whether I should act to pursue them but stop after making sure they are far away. But looks like the name Uchiha gave them quite the scare.

When the Uchiha leader stopped speaking, there was smoke, he and his squad turned into Kouske and two other fuma clan persons. Everyone was amazed.

Tsubame: At the beginning, even I was confused but when I did not sense your chakra and only Uchiha were present, It hit me that you have used the Transformation Jutsu and I figured out your plan. My brother was not wrong, although you are weird, but you are definitely smart. Even I would have never thought to scare my opponents away. I would have thought of a strategy to somehow come out of this skirmish alive. But you saved everyone with a clever scheme.

[Fuma-sqad-leader]: What? A true shinobi never admits defeat without a battle. Using Transformation Jutsu to transform into Uchiha and borrowing their name, where is your pride? You admitted defeat before even battling them. That is why your clan is a no name clan. Everyone follow me, we are pursuing. If I can kill even one more person then that....

Tsubame: No, You are not. You will get us all killed. We should be thanking him, if it was not for him then all of us would be dead. Can't you see? Everyone here is low on Chakra and tired. What's more that Inuzuka and that Aburame summoner are a lot stronger than your average shinobi. We only survived this long because we cooperated, if each one of us ran into that Mugenjin or that Aburame summoner separately then we would die.

[Fuma-sqad-leader]: Damn it, Damn it. No, I can not let them leave. If you do not want to follow then fine, my clansmen will follow me to engage them.

Tsubame: You should give up. Our mission is to protect Tsuchimikado-sama and his family. We finally saved him from this ambush. If you still want to pursue then ask for his permission first.

[Fuma-sqad-leader]: grrr, Fine.

Tsubame: You did very well Kouske for your first mission. Not only did you take out your side, but you planned well on how to help your allies. I can not sense the Aburame that were pursuing me so I think you and your squad took them out as well. You probably did the most in this ambush. When we get back I will tell my brother of your accomplishments.

Naohiro: Hmph, he was just lucky and he used a scheme.

Tsubame: No, he was smart and thought how to overcome his circumstances. You should give up on your bias. He was the one that informed us of this ambush, if we did not know then we would be dead. Also, he was also the one to take care of his side and help his allies on another front. Then he thought of a way for all of us to survive and executed it perfectly. Even your child, no, any other child in his age group could not have accomplished so much. You should change your attitude and give him some respect. He saved your life as well. Who knows? In future, you might need his help again in some serious circumstances. 

Naohiro: Hmph. I did not say he achieved nothing. I just said he was lucky.

Tsubame: You might pay for your arrogance in one of these days, Sigh.....By the way Kouske, how did you take out the Aburame pursuing me? You are low on chakra right? So, you could not have used a Fire-Wind combination Jutsu.

While Tsubame was asking Kouske about his ambush, they all were moving towards the carriages. They found the carriages safe. Everyone was inside, huddled together and scared. Fuma squad leader went to inform Tsuchimikado, while Kouske told everyone about his ambush.