
Naruto: Clan Saiyajin

Protagonist dies and reincarnates in naruto's world with three options one for world or universe another for place/country of birth and time/period, with 3 wishes to adapt to the desired world in the best way that suits the protagonist. OC Protagonist / Saiyan / Clan Creation / Warring States Period My english is shit I use google translate whoever wants to translate for me call me on discord DedaoMilagroso#3346

SharonMeuToba · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


When they said that, it unleashed on the battlefield a tension and thirst for senge in the air on both sides already preparing and analyzing the opponent, to start the battle. When it's broken by what appears to be the enemy leader saying

"Ryuko capture the child, don't underestimate him even if he doesn't have a superior training than you in combat he can still kill you, Yusuke and I will kill your father"

says the leader when the smallest of their group runs towards me excitedly and the leader and the laughing guy start to focus their attention on my dad

"Akira don't let your guard down and attack to kill or you will die, then come help me kill them or I will die too, I believe in your strength"

says my father seriously as he faced the duo in front of him

* Takeshi's Vision *

As soon as I finish talking to my son I notice the leader of the group of enemies blinking towards me holding the scabbard of his sword, when he is a few meters away I try to cut him in half, with a vertical blow that is blocked by his sword horizontally, as soon as we get into a contest of strength, I realize that I'm physically weaker than my opponent so I kick his chest to push him away which works, but not as much as I initially thought.

He makes some weird hand signals, when I brace myself for whatever happens next I can at least dodge it.

"Fire Release: Mythical Fire Flower Technique"

says the leader of the enemy group, who shoots several small fireballs from his mouth in my direction.

Not waiting to dodge I jump to my left side, when the leader of the enemy group suddenly appears in front of me forcing me to draw my sword and go into frontal combat again and we dispute our forces again, as I was taken by surprise I couldn't exerting my maximum strength and was unable to block his sword creating an opening in my defenses.

When the enemy leader notices my opening he attacks me with a diagonal blow, which succeeds in hitting me in my chest which burns with pain, enduring the pain I jump back to get distance between me and my enemy.

Restoring some of my energy I launch myself at my enemy and perform several quick exchanges with my sword, I notice that in the middle of the consecutive blows that his breathing is getting irregular so I force more fast blows when I break his defenses and using the rest of my energies knowing that I wouldn't survive this fight and that my son was still in combat, internally cursing my impotence and lack of strength, I boost myself using all the chakra I saved forward to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy, who couldn't react to my change on speed.

When I am about to stab my enemy in the stomach with my sword, it is blocked and thrown into the air by another sword, when I notice my enemy's subordinate who had not been involved in the battle until this moment in front of me defending his leader at a crucial moment.

'damn how could I forget about this guy' I curse in my mind as the giggler stared at me with a mischievous smile

When the leader of the enemy group sees that his ally has protected him at a crucial moment he gives me an evil smile as he draws his sword and is about to slash me vertically. Someone blinks in our midst surprising not only me but also the two of our enemies, I notice a blue ball in his right hand that is directed towards the enemy leader who is caught off guard and with his guard down, when I see that his silhouette is my son who came to my rescue I give a real smile because I didn't expect him to defeat his enemy so quickly.


I hear my son say when he slams the blue ball into the enemy leader's side abdomen, when the ball expands to the size of a person causing the enemy leader to be thrown flying in towards his subordinate who is dragged along with the Chakra ball towards the nearby trees.


says my son with great concern who comes running towards me

"I'm fine, go check if they're dead or alive, if they're not dead finish the job before they come and kill us, I'm exhausted"

I said

* Akira Vision *

When my enemy approached me and drew his sword with the intention of killing me, I planted Chakra on my feet, to help increase my speed, I appear behind my enemy and punch him with chakra, throwing him towards me. the high, while my enemy was launched into the air I use my chakra to strengthen myself again and blink behind my enemy when I give him a flying kick with my feet in his abdomen being launched with force to the ground generating a crater.

Going down to the ground, I approach my enemy who is immobile on the ground all covered in blood, he is probably with his whole body broken.

"DAMN YOU KNOW WHO I AM HOW A BUG DARE TO TOUCH ME! COF COF" says the boy screaming and moaning in pain and coughing up blood

"You who ambushed us, did you think I would stand by and wait for you to kill me? Stupid for someone of your age you are very stupid and also weak, how a small insect like me can defeat you so easily isn't it"

I said with a very arrogant tone

"You who ambushed us, did you think I would stand by and wait for you to kill me? Stupid for someone your age in you are very stupid and also weak, how can a small insect like me defeat you so easily isn't it"

I said with a very arrogant tone


says my enemy

"Of course you can try in your next life good luck"

I said drawing my sword

'Until this sword has some use'

I thought because I prefer a melee fight I will learn Kenjutsu in the future but not now

As soon as I draw my sword the boy has a dark expression "Please don't kill me I have..." he tries to interrupt my act but I give a vertical cut from the neck to his belly gushing blood on my clothes and expelling his intestines out , I turn around and I throw up to the side because of the scene.

After killing this extra, I find myself more bloodied than before my father cut the supposed merchant's head off and I start to reflect if this was really the life I wanted to lead and if I made the right choice in choosing this world, and not a more peaceful world with less fights, but when I remember my mother and I think that I have to get stronger to protect her and that my wishes will help me to achieve this goal I am more relieved by my decision I was lucky to have her in my life

'How dad is dealing with his enemies'

I think as I run towards his old position when I notice some red lights and increase my speed to see my dad getting hit in the chest which makes me furious

I get very uneasy when my father starts exchanging blows with the enemy when something unexpected happens and my father gets an opening that could become a serious blow, but when I notice that my father has exceeded his limits in his speed I realize that this was not a fatal blow, but rather a killing blow and could kill the enemy leader, turning my attention to the enemy subordinate smiling scarily I see him making his move.

When the enemy blocks my father's fatal blow and throws his sword in the air, I take my initiative seeing that the enemy leader was surprised for a moment and prepares to attack my father, I try to generate the Rasengan that I had been training during the trip. however I had only managed to make it rotate in a single direction making the technique lose strength, I follow the steps carefully so as not to make mistakes in this situation because it could cost my father's life, I first direct my Chakra to the palm of my hand and unleash the rotation in various directions trying to keep the shape of a ball however, I see that the ball was destabilizing, when the technique started to disappear going into despair I remember that Naruto used his second hand to help rotate the chakra and I use it all my faith in this last resort.

Which, for my happiness, stabilizes the Rasengan again, so without wasting time I use the rest of the Chakra in my left hand to increase the speed of my hand and inject a large part of my Chakra that was apparently bigger than before and I use the rest to increase my speed.


I say out loud

So I strike the enemy leader who was about to kill my father in a position that by accident involves the enemy subordinate who was taken by surprise.

After my attack expanded and expelled my enemies towards the trees that caused destruction wherever I went, I run towards my father to see if he was okay.


I said very worried about his injuries and if his life was in danger.

"I am, go check if they are dead, if they are not dead finish the job, while they still haven't recovered to kill us, I'm exhausted"

he replies so I run out to check if anyone had survived the attack

Arriving there I come across a tree where the enemy leader was already dead and his subordinate who was all full of serious injuries and broken bones, approaching I see that the enemy subordinate no longer had a maniacal smile but he had an expression of anguish and sadness when he opens his mouth to speak

"Yeah boy you were something anyway who would have thought a 4 year old boy was so strong I was expecting your dad to use some skill to support the leader of the group but who would think the real skill owner would be yourself COF COF, Now that my journey is over I feel so sad that I can't kill more people, abuse weak women, loot merchants and torture children there was no better feeling..." said the maniac who was in front of me not taking it anymore I just approach and cut your head off

"Just die you son of a bitch"

I said looking at his corpse

Leaving the scene as this statement made me nauseous, I realize that this world is indeed very evil and that's why I need to stay strong to protect my loved ones from bastards like these, it only served to solidify that my decision was right to survive this chaotic era.

When I return to the place where my father was I see him lying down picking up the remains of the tissues and passing it around his body, when I approach him to help him he looks at me and says

"It's done?"

"Yes, we will treat you and come home"

"When we arrive we will pack our things and flee the village they will not let us live in peace and they will hunt us down"

said my father seriously

"I understand"

Another one pls, give me your Review, i need to know if like this story

SharonMeuTobacreators' thoughts