
Naruto: Clan Saiyajin

Protagonist dies and reincarnates in naruto's world with three options one for world or universe another for place/country of birth and time/period, with 3 wishes to adapt to the desired world in the best way that suits the protagonist. OC Protagonist / Saiyan / Clan Creation / Warring States Period My english is shit I use google translate whoever wants to translate for me call me on discord DedaoMilagroso#3346

SharonMeuToba · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Dangerous Trip 1

As my father was exhausted and injured, I decide to go hunt some animals in the surroundings to eat, when we recover I will help my father walk to go home.

"Dad I'm going to hunt some animals for us to eat after we rest let's go home as soon as possible"

I said looking at him.

"You can go, it's almost lunch and we have to recover our energy to go home"

"Understood" I nod in response and go hunting some animals that could be nearby.

After searching for almost 1 hour, I find some rabbits and I capture them and I go to a nearby lake that I had found before, after cleaning them and I go back to the old position to find my father leaning against a tree. When he looks at me I show him 5 rabbits that have already been cleaned he gives me a thumbs up.

My father asked me to get some twigs and he is going to get ready to make a fire, he also asks me to get some dry leaves and a trunk, and with a twig he starts to make the rotation movement with his feet supported on a trunk more thick to generate ember with the fiction generated by the stick and the trunk, when managing to generate a small ember he uses the dry leaves to generate fire.

when the fire is ready I put the animals to roast when I look at my father who is leaning against the tree.

"Akira I'm really useless I almost died so quickly..." my dad was saying when I cut him off and give him a sincere hug

"I thought you were going to die, I'm sorry I could have helped you a lot sooner, but I was watching your fight like it was a show and I didn't act immediately putting your life at risk" I said already crying as I hugged him.

My father returns my hug and we are silent for a while enjoying the moment when he pulls me away and looks me in the eyes.

"it wasn't your fault i also forgot there was another enemy if you hadn't saved me i'd be dead i'm proud of you being so strong and still being a little boy when we get home let's get things ready to move out, tonight I'm going to talk to Mr Kenjiro about what happened to see if he can let us out while it's still night so we can escape the Ryu clan's retaliation as soon as possible, otherwise we'll be dead in the morning" said my father

"I understand, I didn't want to stay in this village, I also want to see the world, if we leave the village I won't have to worry about hiding my strength and I'll have the whole trip to train and become stronger, so I'll keep you and Mom safe. " I said determined

After we talk for a while and we eat I get up and go to my father, helping him to get up we start to go back home, time passes slowly as my father was still injured we slowed down a lot and we arrived at the village , after walking for more than 8 hours and it was already night and we had missed dinner we were tired.

Getting close to the gate a guard sees us and approaches to talk to us.

"What happened to you Takeshi why are you injured" says the guard who seems to recognize my father

"We went on a deceptive mission and were ambushed, let Mr Kenjiro know I need to speak to him urgently tell him to meet me at my house the subject is about the Ryu clan" says my father

"Understood" replies the guard, the guard takes one last look at my father as he turns to leave in a hurry towards the center of the village where Mr Kenjiro's residence resides, then we continue our way home.

As we are getting close to the house we notice my mother with her psychopath friend by her side, my mother seems to be crying when she sees us and comes running towards me crying with a relieved but still angry expression. I stop helping my father to welcome her with open arms when she passes straight and faces my father and slaps him in the face very hard, I remained immobile because this movement was not expected considering that he is still injured.

"I warned you to protect him look how much blood he has in his body" she says pointing to me

"It's not his blood, don't be stupid and think nonsense" replies my father who is angry and I notice he was about to raise his hand to fight back the provocation when I appear at his side and hold his hand tightly with a worried face .

"Mom why did you do that? he is seriously injured, dad are you ok?" I ask still holding his hand when he looks at me and I nod at him not to do what he intended

"yes I'm fine, I just need to rest, let's go home to eat and to talk about what happened" says my father who gives a light sigh and makes me feel more relieved

"I'm sorry I thought you let our son get hurt I was so worried" says my mom who helps me carry my dad inside and Akemi follows us.

When we arrived in the kitchen the food was already cold my mother served us as usual, preparing us to eat Akemi opens her mouth to speak.

"So what happened, tell us soon you can't see the worried face that your wife and mother are now" she says while pointing to me and my dad

"Well we were tricked by the fake trader and ambushed by the Ryu clan now, if we don't move we'll probably die tomorrow, tonight we're going to flee the village and live like nomads, the details I'll tell you after eating" says my father well simplifying the story

When my mom is about to say something my dad shoots her a threatening look that bothers me a little for his attitude, my mom just keeps quiet waiting for him to eat and when he finishes she opens her mouth.

"Now that you've eaten, tell me how you ended up like this and don't hide anything from me, I've never hidden anything that important from you, right Akemi" she says hastily as Akemi nods backstage

'At last hypocrisy' I think, but this has to end or I won't be able to train the Oozaru transformation during our nomadic life I can't wait until I'm independent' I think

After a long time of conversation, several questions, many answers and a lot of tension from my mother, I decide to open my mouth and throw all the cards on the table and say that I could turn into a giant ape, I just didn't know how to explain it like I knew I could do that.

"Well dad mommy hid from you that I was born with a tail and to hide it from you she cut my tail at birth and recently it grew back and she tried to cut my tail off again..." seeing my father motionless staring at me I didn't I wait for him to speak when I bring up another subject "but as I still have my tail intact I want to make the revelation that through this tail I have a transformation ability that will increase my strength so I can protect us, but I get really giant in the process and I go into an irrational state not differentiating friends from allies but I believe I can manage to control this power" I finish when I pull my tail out waiting for them to say something and not only my father and mother look at me annoyed.

I notice Akemi pull a pair of scissors out of her pocket when I give her a menacing look and she flinches my mom then looks at my dad, when my dad looks at my mom and opens his mouth.

"Well actually I also knew you had a tail your mother had told me before on another occasion when it had grown back when you were 2 years old so I don't know why she hid it from me but Akemi is very skilled with scissors and you were drugged and you don't remember what happened, now tell us how exactly you know you can do it" he asks me

"Oh well mama remember when I had the tail and I told you not to cut it again because I have a hidden power so I always had dreams about me turning into a giant gorilla gone mad after I looked at the full moon , so I believe that's how the transformation is triggered" I said trying to convince them. Still looking at me with serious eyes, they dozed off for a bit before answering me.

"Well we believe you that should also answer why you peed in bed when you were 3, it must have been scary" says my dad

'My bladder was small you idiot had no control over it' i think

"Well then, let's get down to business, let's get ready to leave as soon as possible when Mr Kenjiro arrives I want everything ready I'm going to take a shower" says my father

I was ready to take a shower too when Akemi approached me.

"So that's it boy I just have one question why don't you like my presence?"

"Well I don't hate you I just don't want to be around a psychopath like you"

"Why didn't I harm you in anything, I just think you're weird"

"You have a thing for my tail so yes you are the weirdo here!"

"no no i was not born with a tail and i can turn into a giant crazy ape" she says with a pout

we laughed a little together

"maniac" i just say that and go out to shower i think this was the longest conversation i had with her

When everything was almost ready I see my father go towards the door and open it when Mr Kenjiro who is the head of the village enters.

"Takeshi we have a lot to talk about and I'll get straight to the point the Ryu clan came to me and wants me to deliver you for money, I advise and give you my permission for you to flee during the night you've already helped the village a lot economically before is the least I can do" says Mr Kenjiro

"So it's all right, let's go tonight" says my father

"Calm down Mr. Takeshi I have a better route for you it is a secret passage in one of the walls protecting the village southwest of the village so in case of emergency I can escape from some disaster I will give you a cart with horses so the scouts of the clan Ryu won't see you walk out the front door like that, so you have a better chance of surviving" says Mr Kenjiro

"Thank you, I accept" says my father who looked annoyed

"So solve everything as soon as possible and go to the southeast side of the village I'll wait for you there" says Mr Kenjiro who goes out the door

We finished everything in 20 Minutes when we were about to leave my mom says

"Where do you think you're going Akemi is going with us we're going to get her I'm not leaving my best friend behind, they're going to kill her" So we took another 10 minutes to help Akemi get everything ready and we left, we are currently taking some things to eat like rice and other food, we grabbed clothes in bags and headed southwest when we found a village guard with a cart and horses.

We loaded the cart and were about to leave when the guard approached and said

"Mr Kenjiro wishes you luck on your journey we put horse rations for 1 month in the cart and extra food" says the guard who leaves then my father nods and starts driving the cart with two horses.

During the trip we shared our concerns with each other to know where to go, as I know the map as it was one of my initial wishes I said we could go to Creek Country.

"As you know the name of neighboring countries, we never told you" asked my father

"I I I heard people commenting in the village, it's not like I made it all up on the spot" I said stuttering a little

'I can't say that a god reincarnated me in this world and I wished the map had this world' I think

"hmmmm, this story is poorly told, but as we are in a hurry and as I thought your idea was pretty good so let's follow it, the journey will be very long and probably dangerous I know a road that can take us there" says my dad

"And how soon will we get there by this road?" Akemi asks

"It will take us 5 days because we will have to cross the country and then head towards the bridge that is controlled by the Hanako clan. The Ryu clan wouldn't look for us anymore if we left their territory of influence, as they would be invading an enemy clan's territory and they don't have enough heads to go to war because of some dead subordinates" says my father.

"The idea is good but what really worries me is what the Hanako clan would do if they found out who we are" said Akemi with her suspicions

"Well at most we would be killed, but I believe they would use our strength to fight their wars or hand us over as a political exchange" replies my father which terrifies Akemi

'I'm not going to tell them that I killed the son of someone in the main family so God bless us' I think

* Time Skip 5 days *

We are currently approaching the bridge controlled by the Hanako clan, on our trip my father had already healed his wounds but had not yet fully recovered from his internal injuries and as he needed to rest my mother drove the wagon most of the time asking for instructions on a few occasions, I just continued hunting the animals in the vicinity on our eating breaks, fighting Chakra beasts that lurked when we were sleeping. Training my new technique the Rasengan as I don't have elementary techniques and I don't know the theory behind the hand seals so I left it for another time.

When we get to the bridge, a guard in battle clothes sees us and waits for our wagon to approach, my father gets up and gets out of the wagon to talk to the guard.

"What are you taking in the wagon?" ask the guard

"Nothing, we carry clothes and food, we are travelers and we are going to the country of the Creeks" replies my father

"I will inspect the wagon I ask everyone to leave while I inspect" says the guard as we get out and await his verdict

The guard looks in all our bundles for something suspicious throwing everything on the floor and soiling our clothes and some food is also lost in the process, my mother looks furious and was ready to pounce when my father stops her with a look, which leaves me relieved and we wouldn't be offending another clan in their territory

"Everything is ok, however to use the two bridges you have to pay a fee that is 300 Ryo, Following the road you will find a village that is managed by my clan and from there you can spend the night in a rented house " says the guard

My dad notices my mom was about to explode again when he stops her again.

"Here it is, let's get our things and let's go" says my dad handing over the money

We continued our journey towards a village, my parents argued a lot during the trip due to the previous event because we were running out of money, we spent more than 3 hours traveling to get close to the village and it was almost lunch time.

Arriving at the village gates we were greeted by its guards who protected the village walls from attacks by Chakra beasts and supervised who went in and out of the village.

We went through another inspection and asked about places to spend the night, they pointed us to places to spend the night and where the shops were to replenish our supplies.

"As we are close to the border we will try to stay unnoticed as much as possible we will buy supplies and tomorrow morning we will head towards the country of creeks" says my father when we just nod and follow him

We spent the whole day getting ready for tomorrow when we rented a room to spend the night, the inn was very small and covered in wood when everyone was getting ready to go to sleep I called my mother.

"mom what does the moon look like tonight" i ask

'I've been very careful lately for fear of unintentionally turning into a crazy giant ape' I think

"Why do you keep asking me these things? don't you have eyes?"

"You don't want me to turn into a giant ape here, do you?"

"So all this time you were worried about us, you can just cut your tail off so you don't have to be so worried I can call Akemi now you won't feel pain she's very good with it HAHAHAHA"

"And if something happens during the trip that could endanger us as I protect you, I will need to use that power"

"You can use your own strength without having to rely on a transformation that can kill us too" she said approaching the window

"It's not a full moon" she says again going back to the room to sleep

I pretend to go to sleep like everyone else when they sleep and start snoring due to the fatigue of the trip I go out the window and walk along the walls until I reach the top of the roof to watch the night and see how the moon is, these last few days I was watching the celestial body and I find out that the moon was waning and that tomorrow will be a full moon, either I'm lucky or God is helping me, if something goes wrong tomorrow I have a backup plan to kill our enemies if they attack us at night.

I need ideas for animals that produce fibers that can conduct Chakra, and ideas for Metals rarer than ChakraMetal, all ideas have to be a metal wicth conduct Chakra.

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