
Naruto: Bloodline Saiyan

A normal person, with a normal life, being normal. He always felt that he was born in the wrong world. What if he had the chance to live his life in the right world? What if he had a Saiyan bloodline? I am interWorld and I will send you to the hereafter. I'm new at this, I've never written anything. I am in the pure boredom of quarantine, English is not my first language, has no harem, I accept constructive criticism and I have nothing naruto, all from its respective owner.

BrazilNobAutor · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Sensei pt.1

"Come on, Kashi-ni, you can do it!" An energetic voice could be heard.

"Just a little more."

"Aaaaaaaaah" Kakashi groaned as he fell to the ground.

"You're almost done, huh, Kashi-ni?"

"Yes, but I'm even worse than you," Kakashi was upset; his brother had already mastered the lightning element transformation, while he hadn't succeeded yet!

"Don't worry, you'll be able to finish this training in less than a week," Eiji said, trying to cheer Kakashi up. Kakashi's talent was abnormal. With his father still alive, Kakashi was no longer in depression, and his quality and talent had blossomed much faster.

"Hn," Kakashi no longer had the strength to argue with his brother; he had drained all his chakra, and it would take some time for him to recover.

In an instant, Eiji felt a chakra signature coming straight towards them and smiled cheerfully; it seemed like he didn't cause much damage, right?

"Why are you smiling, Eiji-ni? It looks awful... and unpleasant," Kakashi complained.

"How could I look awful? I'm handsome!" Eiji protested. "Don't think too much about my beauty, Dad is coming, let's go inside."

Kakashi had already learned that his brother was a sensor, so he didn't argue much. He calmly entered his house with his brother's help.

"You were training again? You should play a little like the other kids," Sakumo joked. He hadn't improved much in these months and was still mentally broken.

"Dad, you should find a woman, how can you be so cheesy?" Eiji complained.

"That-" Before Sakumo could defend himself, Eiji relentlessly attacked him. "We know you still love Mom, but she's gone now, she can see your current state, and I'm sure she would agree that you could be happy and meet another woman to love."

"But," Sakumo was about to protest but was interrupted by Kakashi this time. "We've talked about this, and we know you need someone besides us, Dad, so let's introduce you to several women." Kakashi loved his mother, missed her, but he wasn't a fool. He noticed his father's condition and wanted him to be happy. It wasn't about getting back at him...

"Okay, you decide," Sakumo sighed, knowing he should move on. 'Will you forgive me if I loved another woman?' The thought lingered within him, and an image of a beautiful woman smiling at him surfaced in his mind. All he could feel was longing and sadness. The void that Sakumo feels for her is never forgotten to this day.

"We'll have dinner and sleep; tomorrow, you kids have to meet your jōnin sensei."

"Haaaai" x2


"Get up, Eiji-ni, or we'll be late," Kakashi said as he tried to wake up his useless brother.

"Nmmmm... Just... a couple more hours."

A vein burst on Kakashi's forehead; he went to the bathroom, filled a bucket with cold water, and threw it at Eiji.

"Ouch, stop it, Kakashi, I'm already awake, it was just a couple more hours," Eiji complained as he shook to get rid of the excess water.

"Five minutes, and let's go," Kakashi didn't bother and left; over the years, he had learned to deal with his brother more efficiently.


"Do you at least know their address or where we're going to meet?" Kakashi asked.

"Of course, I know; it's on the outskirts of the city, a corner house with two floors, the Uzumaki residence," Eiji replied.

"Why do I have to go there too?" Kakashi complained; he didn't want to see that monstrous woman!

"You didn't know?" Eiji asked, surprised.

"Know what?" Kakashi tilted his head, confused.

"My sensei is dating your jōnin sensei," Eiji told him. Kakashi abruptly stopped walking at the same second.

He blinked once... twice... and then turned on his heel and started walking back home. Seeing this, Eiji quickly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"Let go of me," Kakashi demanded.

"No way," he didn't back down.

"I'm not going to that crazy woman's house."

"Watch your mouth, brother, or you might die young. Come on, or we'll be late."

Kakashi kept quiet after hearing his warning; he didn't want to suffer again because of his loose tongue.


"We're here," the two of us stopped in front of the door.

"Hn," Kakashi grumbled.

Sometimes, I wondered if he was an Uchiha with dyed hair. Maybe he was swapped as a child...


Then a beautiful woman with red hair appeared. Kushina was known for her beauty. She had a slender but feminine face, fair skin, blue eyes, long and vibrant red hair, a common characteristic of the Uzumaki Clan, with strands framing both sides of her face and a black clip holding part of the hair to the left.

She usually wore a white dress with a high collar, long sleeves with a green apron over it, a dark blue bracelet on her left wrist, and normal Shinobi sandals. She had already become a housewife.

"Oh! You finally arrived, come in!" She said excitedly.

Then a man with blond hair appeared behind Kushina and said, "Kushina, I'm taking Kakashi with me to the training field to get to know each other better, take care, okay?"

"Go away, I want to spend time with my cute genin," Kushina said as she shooed Minato away. He started to feel embarrassed, but he didn't say anything. It was her way, and he loved her like that.

Kakashi didn't show it, but he was filled with happiness; he wouldn't have to spend time with that crazy woman!

Kushina just turned her gaze to Kakashi for a few seconds.

- 'Can she read minds?' Kakashi started to become even more afraid of this woman. He was in danger. His back began to feel cold.

"Let's go, Kakashi-kun," Minato didn't wait for Kakashi to respond as he disappeared in a swirl in a second.

"Come in, Eiji-chan," Kushina said, but she had already dragged him into the living room, where someone he didn't expect to see was. "Well, Eiji-chan, how about we talk for a few minutes before that?" The woman had a gentle smile on her face until she activated the Sharingan.

"What the hell did I do? This Sharingan is unnecessary..." He began to look for some reason to be in this.