
Naruto: Bloodline Saiyan

A normal person, with a normal life, being normal. He always felt that he was born in the wrong world. What if he had the chance to live his life in the right world? What if he had a Saiyan bloodline? I am interWorld and I will send you to the hereafter. I'm new at this, I've never written anything. I am in the pure boredom of quarantine, English is not my first language, has no harem, I accept constructive criticism and I have nothing naruto, all from its respective owner.

BrazilNobAutor · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

injured danzo

"I don't understand Sakumo, calm down and let's talk," Hiruzen didn't want to fight against Sakumo; no one would fare well in that fight, and they would probably end up destroying the village, which wasn't worth it. Unfortunately, Sakumo, devoid of any visible emotion, spoke in a monotone voice. "You know very well what he did, he chose my children to be members of ROOT!"

"Hand Danzo over to me."

- He's a dead man! Everyone understood what happened, and everyone understood the meaning behind that statement; he wasn't just talking, he was affirming it!

In the midst of the silence, footsteps could be heard in the corridor; from the pace of the sound, it seemed like someone was running. Soon, a voice was heard. "Who dares to attack the Hokage's office!" The voice echoed with authority.

Before the figure could appear, Sakumo turned the center of his body and reacted at the same moment he heard, running at high speed towards the door, before the figure could react. Sakumo struck with his tantō.

AAGGRRRRR!!!! There was a muffled scream.

Before he could strike Danzo again, Hiruzen managed to reach Sakumo and stop the movement of his sword with his war fan; in a short period, he summoned his summoning.

The man who had been cut was Shimura Danzo, and the cut was deep in his chest, extending from his abdomen to his right chest. Sakumo obviously used wind chakra; he intended to split him in half.

Even though Danzo was retired, he was neither untrained nor defenseless. He was always on guard, which allowed him to escape with his life.

"What do you think you were doing?!" Danzo shouted, demanding an answer from the White Fang; if he had been a second slower and Hiruzen hadn't stopped his second strike, he would have been a dead man.

He was afraid! And that deeply irritated him.

"Shut up now, Danzo!" He shouted back, focusing on the man in front of him; he felt that if he hesitated for a second, he would kill Danzo. The situation was extremely delicate.

"Lower your sword, Sakumo. Things can still be resolved; don't push things beyond this point; it may become irreversible. You don't want your children to grow up alone, do you?" Hiruzen knew it was low to use his children as bargaining chips, but it was the only thing he could think of at the moment.

A small reason entered Sakumo's mind, and he lowered his tantō while releasing the chakra from his weapon. He looked emotionless at Danzo and spoke, "Get out of here before I decide to split you in half, even if I have to die fighting against every ninja in this village!"

Danzo gritted his teeth in anger and humiliation, but he was no longer the young man driven by anger and emotion; he had calmed down and stood up. Hiruzen gestured for the ANBU to take him away quickly. Before Sakumo decided otherwise, no one could stop him.

There was a reason why he was feared by all ninja nations and prevented wars from happening.

Hiruzen dispelled his summoning and asked Sakumo seriously, "Are you ready to talk now?"

Sakumo thought for a few seconds and finally made up his mind. "I've seen a lot in my life, and I've lived a lot too. Always on the right side and the wrong side. You know very well what Danzo is doing behind your back, there's no use denying it to me."

Hiruzen didn't respond, or perhaps he couldn't; he believed that the village needed that dark side and that everything Danzo did was for the good of the village, despite his means.

"Today I won't kill him, but if he dares to do anything against my children, no matter what means he uses, be it communication, missions, information, concealment, friends, ninja, ANBU, falsifying information, I will hunt him down and kill him!"

"Is that a threat?" Hiruzen narrowed his eyes; his statement made it seem like he would kill anyone who got in his way.

"It's a promise!" Sakumo replied with complete confidence. No one in this village could stop him if he desired Danzo's head. But he didn't do it because of his children. No one wants their children to be hunted while they are still kids.

"And I'm resigning from my position as commander of the ninja forces; I wish to be demoted to a standard jōnin," Sakumo declared his intentions. There was no reason to work with such a Hokage.

"Are you serious?" Hiruzen responded surprised; the damage his friend caused him today was immense! He lost an extremely valuable asset in the war! It could erupt within 5 years!

"Yes, and it's not open to negotiations. Not after what you did as well," Sakumo replied and turned to leave; he might not have killed Danzo today, and he knew he couldn't, at least not now.


Hiruzen didn't stop him and didn't seek problems with this man; anyone would realize that his mental state was not the best, many ninjas break mentally after a long time as ninja, some can't handle the pressure and quit, others develop strange hobbies, others join the ANBU, those are the most dangerous.

Which one was Sakumo? He didn't want to be the man to find that out.

"What to do now... and how to resolve this with Danzo..." murmured Hiruzen.

Thank you, I am suspicious of having the corona virus so I delayed the delivery of the chapters, I am in forty. In addition to this I already have another chapter practically ready, so if nothing goes wrong I'll go back today with 2 chapters a day. If you think the quality has dropped a little please let me know, I will review the next chapter to improve it, and also who would you like sakumo's new love interest to be? he is around 30-33 years old!

Good evening everyone!

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