
Naruto: Bloodline Saiyan

A normal person, with a normal life, being normal. He always felt that he was born in the wrong world. What if he had the chance to live his life in the right world? What if he had a Saiyan bloodline? I am interWorld and I will send you to the hereafter. I'm new at this, I've never written anything. I am in the pure boredom of quarantine, English is not my first language, has no harem, I accept constructive criticism and I have nothing naruto, all from its respective owner.

BrazilNobAutor · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Graduation pt. 2

And what if my hidden technique goes unnoticed? How would the enemy defend against something they can't see? Like Boruto's Vanishing Rasengan?

'Natural chakra with a touch of lightning element, huh?'

Eiji's smile grew wider and wider with his thoughts, eventually turning into one of pure malice and mischief.

"Dad, Eiji-ni is making that creepy smile again."

"Shut up, Kashi-ni. My smile is beautiful," Eiji retorted.

"Hmph." Kakashi didn't bother responding to his narcissistic brother and went to admire his own weapon.

"Dad, Kashi-ni doesn't date a girl, but he can date a sword," Eiji pointed out, laughing humorously.

"You little brat!"

"QUIET! Both of you, I swear I'll go crazy one day," Sakumo rubbed his temples in frustration from the sibling rivalry.


Two months after their birthday, the duo finally learned all the content that was supposed to be taught in the ninja academy.

"The class is over today, see you next week, dismissed!" The Jonin smiled with immense joy. 'Finally, I'll get rid of these brats for 2 days, the weekend is the best!' She began to hum until she noticed there were two children in front of her.

"Teacher, we want to take the graduation test. There's nothing else left to learn here in the academy."

"Kakashi and Eiji, both from the Hatake clan, aren't you? You've missed almost every class, and now you're just one month away from graduation. Come with me to the Hokage's office then." The Jonin stood up and gathered her belongings.

"Why do we have to go to the Hokage if you're the teacher?" Kakashi questioned, not fully understanding how the system worked.

"That's true, under normal circumstances, you would just move on to the next class, but the graduating class starts next month, and their teams have already been formed by you, Lord Third, so with new additions like these, only the Hokage has the power to decide things," she explained patiently.

She never really expected these two to stay in her class for much longer; she realized that from the moment they arrived. They were geniuses. There was no comparing them to the rest of the students, even the Uchiha and Hyuga were far behind these two.

The ninja academy was located beneath the Hokage's tower, so it didn't take long to reach the Hokage's room, but right in the middle of the way, someone appeared, blocking their path.

He appeared as a frail old man with a cane. He had dark and unkempt hair, and his eye was kept bandaged, hiding a Sharingan underneath. Danzo had an X-shaped scar on his chin from his youth. He wore a white shirt, with a brown tunic over it covering his body down to his feet, and bandages covered his right arm, but his cloak hid his right arm.

The Jonin stopped, and the pair stopped as well. Eiji looked up and recognized the man; it was none other than Danzo Shimura.

'So he finally made his move, huh.'

"Who are you two?" Danzo spoke expressionlessly with a monotonous voice, as if he didn't care about the occasion.

The Jonin quickly spoke, "They are Eiji Hatake and Kakashi Hatake. They are asking to graduate early, and their skills are already at the level of a genin." She didn't like this man; every time he was around, it gave her shivers down her spine.

"You are so talented... Would you like to be under my protection?" Danzo asked, 'if I could get my hands on these two kids... Sakumo would be in my hands too.' Danzo thought internally.

"Under your protection, huh? Are you a creepy old man? Come on, Kashi-ni, you have to stay away from old people like him; he might turn you into a girl," Eiji said with a frightened voice, taking a step back with Kakashi behind him.

"If you come any closer, I'll scream, old man," Eiji threatened, his acting was so good that he could have starred in a movie!

"INSOLENT!" Danzo roared; he had never been so disrespected in his life. "I am Danzo Shimura, an elder and personal advisor to the Hokage!" He declared his identity. His expression was no longer as stoic as before.

"As if I'd believe a stranger like you. Strangers always tend to deceive little kids, my dad taught me that! You'll never take us, you pedophile! HELP, HOKAGE, HELP!" Eiji began to shout and make a ruckus.

Hiruzen heard the screams and quickly ran into the hallway, thinking it was an enemy attack. When he opened the door and saw his old friend, a Jonin, and two little kids, one of them shouting as if trying to protect his brother, he was extremely puzzled by the situation at hand. "What the hell is going on here?" He demanded with authority.

"This creepy old man was trying to drag us to his house!" Eiji quickly spoke. He was going to mess up this man's life.

'Nani...' Then Hiruzen realized, and he pieced together what had happened. Danzo was trying to recruit them into the ROOT!

Danzo wouldn't stoop so low as to argue with a child; his face seemed calm and serene, but inside, he was boiling with anger.

Bang! He struck the ground with his cane and left slowly. But, he heard a voice that made him pause for a moment. "So we can talk, Danzo."

"You're here to see me, okay? Let's talk in the office." Hiruzen gestured, and an ANBU appeared.

"Rat, bring Namikaze Minato here quickly," Hiruzen ordered. It didn't take more than 3 minutes for the ANBU to return with a young blond man in standard Jonin attire.

"What do you wish, Hokage-sama?" The blond looked around the room until he saw the children, and his eyes sparkled with recognition. He understood what was going on.

"There will be a change in your team, Anko Mitarashi will be replaced by Hatake Kakashi in Team 7," Hiruzen said as he flipped through the list of this year's graduates.

"Now, about you, Eiji Hatake," Hiruzen paused as he looked at all the other teams. "If things were in the natural order, we would have a problem here; with both of you joining, we'd have 31 students, more than allowed."

"So I won't have a Jonin-Sensei?" Eiji asked, a little surprised by the story.

"If things were in the natural order, yes... Or we could squeeze you into a team with 4 members, but it's not in our best intentions to do that." Hiruzen said, then looked at Minato. The young man also looked at Hiruzen with a sympathetic look.

"In fact, you will be trained by my fellow ninja, Kushina Uzumaki, you should have met her already," Minato approached the children and spoke with a bright smile.

"That crazy redhead?" Kakashi asked as he recalled his memories. The room immediately cooled down by about 40 degrees.

"If you don't want to die, never say those words in front of her!" Eiji said, looking into Kakashi's eyes with great sympathy.


"WHO DID YOU CALL CRAZY, DATTEBANE?" The door was instantly blasted open by a redhead with her hair floating in nine tails.

"Goodbye, Kakashi Hatake" x1

"Goodbye, Kakashi Hatake" x2

"Goodbye, Kakashi Hatake" x3

"Goodbye, Kashi-ni" x4


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