
Naruto: Bloodline Saiyan

A normal person, with a normal life, being normal. He always felt that he was born in the wrong world. What if he had the chance to live his life in the right world? What if he had a Saiyan bloodline? I am interWorld and I will send you to the hereafter. I'm new at this, I've never written anything. I am in the pure boredom of quarantine, English is not my first language, has no harem, I accept constructive criticism and I have nothing naruto, all from its respective owner.

BrazilNobAutor · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Finally graduated

"What do I owe the honor of the prodigious Hatake siblings in my office today?" The Third asked while smoking his pipe. His fingers tapped the table in a smooth and calm rhythm.

"You tricked me, old man! You said we were going to graduate in one month, and now we have to wait for 8 months? Are you kidding with us?" Eiji complained immediately, he didn't want to stay in school anymore.

The old man already knew why they were here on the first day, but he didn't anticipate that both of them would find out on the very first day of school! Blowing some smoke, he looked at the clearly irritated young man and tried to mediate the situation.

"Well... did you notice who your classmates were?" The Third didn't answer immediately.

"I didn't pay much attention, but there were some noble clans in the class, but what does that have to do with anything?" Eiji asked, narrowing his eyes, in case the old man started spouting that Will of Fire nonsense...

"In this class, there are some noble clans, and most of them are some of the most talented we've had in a few years, even if they are not from noble clans, do you know who they are?" The Hokage asked calmly.

"I don't?"

"I'm not interested."

The Hokage sighed; almost all geniuses were like that. But he had the experience of dealing with people like them.

"Some of them are Kiyomi Uchiha, the top kunoichi of the year, Anko Mitarashi, the second-best, Asuma Sarutobi, Genma Shiranui, Ebisu, Kurenai Yuuhi, Yugao Uzuki..." The Hokage mentioned some other names and finally spoke.

"Do you know why they are all in the same class, even though some are younger and others are older?" Finally getting to the main point.

"To make the young ones create their own connections with the future Shinobi geniuses of the Leaf?" Kakashi concluded.

"Correct. You can be strong alone, but connections and friendships will be very useful and valued in the future," the Hokage replied.

Eiji was already deaf to everything when he heard a certain name. "Kiyome Uchiha? She shouldn't be an existing Naruto character! How could there be someone so good?... Unless she died in the war!" Eiji's mind was processing so fast it could fry!

After all, in the anime canon, the top kunoichi of this year should be Anko.

"Some will become masters of their clans, others will be experts in kenjutsu and genjutsu, a force that cannot be ignored, both in military and political matters, that's why we gathered everyone, so they can get to know each other," the Hokage explained.

"We don't care about any of that. We want to graduate as soon as possible, and I hope you won't bother us again, with all due respect," Eiji asked and bowed slightly.

"Alright, forcing you to stay in the academy would also be detrimental to your growth, but I ask that you stay at least two weeks before taking the graduation test." The Third advised. He knew he couldn't keep insisting, not after what happened with Sakumo.

"Okay," the two agreed reluctantly.


"Hey, Baka-Kakashi, I challenge you!"

"You're a waste of time and you're late every day, you fool!"

"Damn you!!!"

"Are you Kiyomi-Chan?"

"Yes, I am! And who are you?"

"Eiji, call me Eiji"... 'Your future husband,' Eiji said with a lovesick face.

"Okay, Eiji-kun," she smiled brightly.

'I've fallen in love.'


Two weeks later.

"Teacher, we want to take the graduation test!"

"Yes, I'm already aware of your early graduation, the Hokage informed me... looks like you'll be taking the written test."

"Okay, you have 60 minutes to finish all the tests."

15 minutes later.


The instructor was a bit surprised, but he nodded. He couldn't compare prodigies with regular people; the standard was different.

"Now all you have to do is perform these jutsus. I'm aware of your Taijutsu, so there's no need to spar with a genin; it would only make them bitterly defeated," he said with an ironic smile.

"Perform all the following jutsus to graduate:

[Substitution Jutsu]

[Clone Jutsu]

[Transformation Jutsu]

[Invisibility Cloak Technique]

[Rope Escape Technique]

[Tree Walking]"


"All the test questions are correct, Eiji-Kun, you missed one answer, Kakashi-Kun, but you both passed all the tests, becoming the youngest boys in Leaf history to become genin." The teacher didn't train them, but he was still excited and happy to graduate these two prodigies.

"Thank you for everything, sensei," Kakashi thanked and bowed slightly. Eiji did the same, but in his mind, he said, "Thanks for nothing."

"Here are your headbands, as you requested. The black one is for Eiji, and the

dark blue one is for Kakashi." He handed over the two headbands to the newly minted Leaf genin.

Soon, the two left the academy and were surrounded by their friends.

"Yoooshhh! My eternal rival! If I can't catch up to you in two months, then I'll run 10 laps around the village!" Some guy said with great enthusiasm.

"I'm happy for you, Eiji!" A beautiful and cute girl came to congratulate the newly graduated.

"Kiyomi!! Thank you," said Eiji, blushing a bit. He thanked the heavens for wearing a scarf that covered his face.

'Why does he get so weird around this girl? That dreadful Kakashi narrowed his eyes at the pair.

Then a fair-skinned girl with dark brown eyes, long straight violet hair, and a slight blush came up to Kakashi and said, "Congratulations on graduating, Kakashi-Kun."

Kakashi started squirming when he heard her voice and also blushed a bit. "Hn" was all he managed to say.

For those who don't know "Kiyome Uchiha, search on google, there will be plenty of photos and websites explaining who she is I loved her art!

Review, comment, share and add the library this gives me enthusiasm to continue writing. .

And for my Brazilian readers if you speak up and have a decent staff I will publish the novel in PT-BR too.

BrazilNobAutorcreators' thoughts