
Naruto: Before the War

He was reborn normal in the Naruto Universe and wants to do his best to make the future better. He has no system, no bloodline, no gold finger. All he has is small bits of knowledge of the future to try and make it better. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The artwork on the front cover is not mine and all and full rights belong to the artist. I simply chose it because it looks amazing and it fits what I had in mind. If you are the artist message me if you feel like it and il change it. Thanks!

OvercookedChicken · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


" " Talking out loud


(Today is the day that I can finally and legally unlock my chakra), thinks Jin as he is led into the school. The pathways are littered with doors on both sides with classrooms designed that look a lot like university lecture halls. With the teacher being in the lowest point in the classroom with the tables rising from the bottom on what looks like giant stairs. Jin follows the teacher into one of the classrooms and decides to sit at the very back overlooking the rest of the classroom. He decides to choose the table closest to the window displaying his cautious personality.

(From what I remember you need to have your chakra unlocked by a certified teacher if you're from a civilian family for obvious reasons but you can also rely on your clan or family to unlock your chakra if you come from a shinobi lineage giving them a huge advantage over non-shinobi families. As well as giving them access to a repertoire of ninjutsu, taijutsu, shurikenjutsu and bukijtusu increasing the distance between civilian and shinobi families.)

(After this is done I must buy a chakra nature paper to know what chakra affinity I have as fast as possible to plan as far as I can. Considering how weak I am I can only rely on cautiousness and planning ahead in order to not just survive but thrive as well to achieve my plans) Ponders Jin.

"Today is the day that you start on your path to becoming a Shinobi, today is the day that you must understand the legacy of the Will of Fire, today is the day that you truly become part of the Hidden Leaf Village!" says the teacher almost yelling at the end.

"In order to do that we will start by slowly unlocking your chakra, what chakra is and what it can do is best explained afterwards so that you can feel and sense the chakra the teacher uses in a particular Jutsu" the teacher continues.

"We will start by unlocking the chakra of the closest person to me and work our way from there, afterwards we will head outside and gather together and listen so that everyone understands the weight of the Will of Fire that the Great 1st Hokage left us."

One by one, students head down and get their chakra unlocked, some students chakra creates small wind currents while others are just a small breeze before quickly calming down. When its finally Jins turn he slowly stands up and starts to head down, as he is walking he starts to shake and squirm. Partially from excitement and partially from nervousness. When he reaches the teacher he slowly starts to breathe in and out until he calms himself enough to unlock his chakra.

"Remember, relax, leave the rest to us and by the end, you will be a splendid shinobi!" exclaims the teacher noticing the nervous Jin.

Jin nods and faces his back towards the teacher while closing his eyes, as the teacher places his hand on Jins back he starts to feel something. It feels like a small warm current is slowly being guided through his chakra points slowly unlocking them one by one. When the final chakra node is unlocked the chakra starts to spew out of his body and Jin feels like he is immersed in lukewarm water. Thanks to his rigorous training and stretching that he has subjected himself to in the 2 years that he has lived so far, his chakra volume is similar to the higher end of the student brackets this year which starts to bring a smile to his face.

When his chakra starts to calm down he bows to the teacher and thanks him. As Jin was the last student to get his chakra unlocked the teacher brings everyone outside to join the rest of the classes to listen to the Will of fire speech that he tunes out and instead ponders on what actions he will take.

(Now that my chakra is unlocked it feels amazing, I feel stronger, faster and I can hear and see things that I couldn't before. I have to say chakra is really amazing and it's even more amazing that I can use it, never in my wildest dream did I ever think that I would actually able to use chakra.)

He shakes his head when he notices that his emotions are getting out of control and starts to slowly breathe in and out to calm himself once more.

(Now that my chakra is unlocked I can finally start to seriously act on my plans, the first and most important being finding out my chakra nature affinity. Only after that can I plan out how to train myself to optimize using my chakra affinity.)

When the Will of Fire speech was finally over the teacher brought everyone back in and gave the most basic introduction to chakra and how it works and how to use it. When it was finally over and school ended Jin decided to immediately head to a store that sells chakra nature affinity paper. He eventually found a store that sells them yet when he found out the price his eyes almost popped out of his eye sockets.

(2500 Ryo? That's pretty much all the savings I have, il be left with less than 500 Ryo afterwards. Sigh, it's one of the most important pieces of my plans, it's better not to be stingy.)

After Jin bought 1 piece of chakra nature affinity paper which is made from a special rare tree which explains its high price, he starts to head home to keep his chakra affinity secret for now as he doesn't have any access to any elemental Justus for now showing his cautious nature yet again.

When he reaches his home notices that his mother is currently talking with a customer while his father is still working, seeing that he decides to immediately head to his room and breath in and out once more to calm himself. Once he feels ready he starts to infuse his chakra onto the paper. At first, nothing happened but after a few moments, he finally feels the paper move. When he finally removes his hand he notices the paper and mutters:


What do you think his nature affinity will be? If you have any guesses leave them down below. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

OvercookedChickencreators' thoughts