
Naruto: becoming a Tsuchikage

Reincarnation is a technical job, and if you're not born in Konoha, Iwa Ninja Village will do. Since you don't have the chance to be Hokage, let's aim to become a Tsuchikage.

LordLho · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Yin Attribute Chakra

Even though Masumi had successfully cultivated chakra, it didn't change his routine.

Because just a trace of chakra is of no use. When used in actual combat, it can be said that it doesn't cause as much damage to the opponent as throwing wooden shurikens.

My physique is so poor that I can't refine enough chakra and can't even use it to increase my attack power.

Masumi never learned to control chakra, and controlling chakra requires continuous practice through consumption. And just a bit of Masumi's refinement simply isn't enough.

Masumi followed the method taught by Mr. Ishikawa, using both hands to form the "wei" seal, and then tried to mobilize the chakra.

The seal is indeed a very magical method. With the cooperation of the "wei" seal, the chakra obviously moved, and it was seen moving slowly in a direction.

Of course, it is not known if the direction it moved was the direction controlled by Masumi, but it moved nonetheless.

Then, it stopped.

That's right, the chakra was consumed.

Although he had expected this, Masumi couldn't help but feel disappointed.

Although controlling the movement of chakra in the body causes consumption, this consumption is actually very small. For a qualified ninja, this consumption can be ignored.

But Masumi had refined so little that he couldn't even withstand this most basic consumption.

After calming down, Masumi returned to meditating and practicing.

Thanks to continuous efforts, Masumi's foundation is very solid, and his mental strength is sufficient, and he soon improved a bit.

This time, Masumi didn't rush to mobilize but calmed down and continued refining. He didn't know how long it took, but Masumi just felt that the refinement was getting easier and the amount of chakra was increasing until he felt discomfort in his body.

This is the body's spontaneous warning that if you continue to exercise, you will be overworked.

Overwork is a very serious matter for a ninja. In some cases, the body gets damaged and requires time to recover. In more severe cases, it directly affects future development and even causes physical deterioration.

When Masumi was studying theory before, he speculated that the cause of bloodline diseases could be related to this excess.

It turns out that the excess bloodline disease is passive. In the process of developing the bloodline limit, the body is used uncontrollably and without a self-protection mechanism, resulting in irreparable damage.

Masumi didn't dare to play with fire and quickly stopped practicing.

Carefully feeling the chakra in his body, he found that the amount was a hundred times greater than before. Fortunately, it was not too little.

This amount is the limit of Masumi's current body, and the total amount of various exercises in the future will be this. Once consumed, the body's consumption must be replenished, and the body must be fully rested before it can be improved again.

Taking a deep breath, Masumi formed the "wei" seal with his hands and mobilized the chakra again. With the help of the hand seal, the chakra began to flow slowly.

But the flow was very slow. Masumi concentrated and tried to control the flow speed.

A surprising scene appeared as the chakra began to become more lively. It started running under Masumi's control. Although its speed was still not fast, there was significant progress.

Inspired, Masumi continued trying to control the direction of the chakra flow.

But this time, the effect was obviously not as apparent. Although the chakra was changing with his mental power, it was not in line with Masumi's expectations.

It was like a novice playing a game who obviously wants to control the character to move forward but, not knowing how to operate the buttons, the character just moves randomly.

This is how Masumi controls the chakra at this moment. He has no idea and can only become familiar with the chakra flow through constant attempts.

After an unknown period of time, all the chakra he had trained was consumed, and Masumi opened his eyes with a tired expression on his face. This fatigue is both physical and mental.

It's easy to say physically, but it takes a lot of effort to improve chakra. In my heart, the feeling of not being able to control it is so bothersome. This discomfort deepens the sense of exhaustion.

In fact, if Masumi hadn't lost the strength of his soul to that of an adult, he wouldn't have been able to persist in consuming all the chakra.

This is the case with classmates. Most of them are the opposite of Masumi. They are limited by insufficient mental power. They are often mentally exhausted before their chakra is exhausted.

Therefore, many students practice chakra for a while and then start resting while repeating the familiar chakra extraction process they had been doing before.

Masumi felt completely exhausted now, so he decided to combine work and rest and lay down on the table for a nap.

As a result, he slept the whole day. Only at the end of the afternoon practical class was Masumi woken up by the teacher who came here specifically.

Situations like Masumi's are also relatively common in Ninja schools. They are caused by not knowing how to control chakra for the first time and being too exhausted after practicing control many times.

Teacher Ishikawa told everyone not to disturb Masumi, so Masumi slept the whole day and now woke up hungry.

After saying goodbye to the teacher, he went home while eating. He can't practice today. He will go home to rest for a while and then go to the cafeteria to eat.

The next day, Masumi tried chakra training and control exercises again in the theoretical class. This time was different from before. With some experience, Masumi began to look for control rules.

Firstly, accelerating the chakra flow is relatively simple. As long as you focus more mentally, like exerting force, the chakra flow will accelerate.

Secondly, the issue of direction is more problematic. Chakra might have weight, but this weight should be very small. If it is slightly displaced, the direction will be completely confused. Therefore, the focus of future exercises will be on this aspect.

Finally, when it comes to endurance, Masumi already knows he is special.

Because of my mental strength, my control practice time is much longer than others, and judging by the description, my progress is faster than others. These must be the benefits of strong mental strength.

It's just that my flaw is that the quantity is very small. If I want to make the most of my mental power, I must strengthen my physical conditioning. This cannot be done in a hurry. But there is another way to try.

In the memory of my past life, the Uchiha clan is naturally strong mentally but weak physically.

But they have a lot of chakra. If they had less chakra, they would not be able to use magical abilities like Susanoo.

In view of this, Masumi wondered if there was a way to adjust the ratio between mental power and physical power during chakra formation.

If you can increase the proportion of spiritual power to form chakra with a yin attribute, this should greatly alleviate the problem of chakra insufficiency.

But this method is difficult to master, at least Mr. Ishikawa said he doesn't know the key.

Masumi guessed that the Nara clan should have relevant methods, but in his current situation, he couldn't obtain them.

First, try it yourself. If it doesn't work, after becoming a ninja, find a way to capture a Nara clan ninja and torture him.

In the following days, Masumi meditated many times according to the method taught by Professor Ishikawa, but the results were the same and there was no change.

After trying this time, Masumi guessed that the problem was in the meditation method.

The meditation method is the same for everyone. It is a kind of self-adaptation of the body. The body itself will combine mental power with chakra.

If you want to alter the ratio between the two, you can only change the way you meditate.

If you want to increase the proportion of spiritual power in the chakra, you can try to deepen your investment in meditation and practice deep meditation.

But even if you can meditate more deeply, you will not have the clear awareness to control the chakra by then, let alone refine the chakra while fighting enemies in subsequent battles.

After thinking for a long time, Masumi suddenly thought: could he use illusion to make his spirit fall into a certain degree of sleep but control the illusion power to achieve the effect of being half asleep and half awake?

It's a bit extravagant to apply genjutsu on myself while half asleep and half awake, while improving chakra and fighting at the same time.

Ah! Masumi smiled to himself.

The Nara clan is indeed a long-standing family in Konoha, and their secrets cannot be deciphered by one or two people.

Masumi decided to give up disappointedly. It is better to go to bed first and increase the intensity of physical training tomorrow.

During sleep, Masumi seemed to feel that he had two selves, one sleeping and the other awake. The sleeping one began to merge with the body's power, and the awake one slowly collected the chakra produced by the fusion of the two.

This time the amount of chakra was significantly more than before. Masumi laughed in his dream.

When he woke up the next day, Masumi was about to wash up when he suddenly felt something was wrong!

This is... why is there so much chakra in the body?

Was last night not a dream? Did I meet my grandpa?

Masumi recalled carefully, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt there was something strange about the dream. Could it be because of the fusion of two souls? So, can I do two things at the same time?

It was still early, so Masumi hurriedly had breakfast and began meditating again, but he couldn't enter the same meditative state as the night before when he was awake.

I have no choice but to practice first and try again in class.

In the theoretical class, while the students were exercising and refining their chakra, Masumi began to try to enter the state he was in the night before.

But no matter how hard he tried, he still had no idea. In desperation, he had no choice but to find Mr. Ishikawa and ask him to help clarify the situation.

Professor Ishikawa was a little confused after hearing Masumi's description. He first found the ninja responsible for perception at the Ninja School and explored the chakra in Masumi's body.

The perceptive ninja discovered that indeed, as Masumi said, the amount of chakra was nothing like that of a student who had just learned how to improve.

Additionally, according to the Sensory Ninja, Masumi's chakra is different from that of ordinary people and tends to be dark. Perhaps it is really yin-type chakra.

Ishikawa did not dare to draw conclusions hastily, and after letting Masumi return to the classroom, he immediately went with the Sensory Ninja to request a meeting with the Third Tsuchikage Onoki.

At this moment, in the ninja world, the war had intensified, and all the major ninja villages had basically participated in the war. Even relatively large small ninja villages like the Village of Rain also participated in the war.

Who are the potential allies and who might stab them in the back? High-level officials from various countries still suspected each other and provoked each other.

As the military master of the Land of Earth, Onoki was still extremely busy, although he was at his peak.

At this critical moment, if Ishikawa did not belong to a special institution called the Ninja School, ordinary Chuunin would not have been able to see Onoki that day.

When Ishikawa and the two saw Onoki, he was immersed in documents that were taller than him.

Seeing the two coming in, he first signaled them to wait a moment. After finishing processing the documents in his hands, he looked at them with a tired look and signaled them to speak.

After listening to Ishikawa's description, Onoki was a little surprised. Looking at the Sensory Ninja, he saw the other person nodding in confirmation and then solemnly said: "It is difficult to say whether it is yin-type chakra or not. Mr. Ishikawa, please do your best and bring the child here after school. I will personally arrange for someone to verify this."

After Ishikawa and the others left, Onoki showed a relieved smile: "Are the geniuses of the Land of Earth beginning to emerge?"

(End of this chapter)