
Naruto: becoming a Tsuchikage

Reincarnation is a technical job, and if you're not born in Konoha, Iwa Ninja Village will do. Since you don't have the chance to be Hokage, let's aim to become a Tsuchikage.

LordLho · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


The following days became routine and dull. The ninja school curriculum originally included theory and practical combat.

Due to Masumi's early enrollment this year, cultural classes were added.

Literacy classes still teach everyone to read, regardless of individual geniuses, but this class is actually the subject that the students in Masumi's class struggle with the most.

Firstly, I am still young and mentally unstable. Secondly, compared to ninja battles, this course is very boring, and I feel conflicted inside.

In fact, real combat class is not popular because, as a group of beginners, there won't be any battles in the real combat class.

If they fought at this age, they would just be two brats grabbing each other's hair and spitting, which would have no effect at all.

Therefore, the practical classes are all kinds of physical training to lay the foundation and improve physical fitness.

The most popular is actually the ninja theory class, where Mr. Ishikawa teaches many ninja-related knowledge.

Occasionally, he also talks about some wars he personally experienced, which can be considered very interesting.

Masumi also likes theoretical classes. The only regret is that Masumi didn't learn the chakra training methods taught in theoretical classes.

Not just Masumi, actually, many students have not refined any trace of chakra. According to Mr. Ishikawa, it is because their bodies are too weak to extract energy.

As a time traveler, Masumi naturally knows that chakra is extracted from the 130 trillion cells of the human body and must be produced by the combination of physical energy and spiritual energy.

But I don't know exactly how to practice it.

Mr. Ishikawa carefully analyzed the chakra development process and various theoretical principles in one class.

Roughly speaking, you use a method similar to meditation to sense your body. During the detection process, as your attention is focused on your body, your mind and body will form a resonance sensation, and then chakra will be generated.

Through this method, Masumi barely managed to focus on his body but couldn't resonate.

Every time, at this moment, Masumi felt as if his body could not bear continuing.

This feeling is the body's protest, and the body's self-defense ability reminds the owner that the body is not strong enough to form chakra.

Masumi privately asked Mr. Ishikawa if he had any solutions.

Mr. Ishikawa said that there are many methods in the ninja world that can enhance chakra when physical strength is insufficient, but the side effects are very great and can cause irreparable damage to the body.

So, let Masumi be patient and train well.

Masumi had no other choice. Firstly, he had no means, and secondly, he did not dare to take risks.

He could only increase the intensity of training quietly, but as the intensity of training increased, he inevitably needed to replenish energy.

Although everyone now goes to school earlier, the village boarding has not yet been paid, so Masumi can only use the little money his parents left at home for emergencies.

Fortunately, this is the initial stage of practice. Masumi only needs to practice according to the method taught by the teacher in the practical class. The only thing that costs money is food.

Ninja training requires a lot of food to replenish energy. Masumi estimates that he only has enough money to last about half a year.

If he still couldn't reach the chakra refinement level within half a year, Masumi would have no choice but to think of other ways.

Now, Masumi does not want to be distracted by making money. If he wants to make money, he has to follow the ninja path.

As a result, Masumi's life was like a machine without emotions, strictly following a schedule.

He wakes up early at 6 AM every day, first refueling on food, then practices at home for an hour, and then goes to the cafeteria for his second meal.

Then he heads to the ninja school. Before classes start, Masumi spends his time studying various theoretical knowledge borrowed from the school library.

There are two classes in the morning. The first class is a cultural lesson, which has nothing to do with Masumi. He scores full marks on each day's test, so he chooses to read on his own.

The second class is a theoretical class. Masumi listens to this class attentively.

Especially the details about which Mr. Ishikawa spoke when various ninjas carry out tasks. These things can cost lives if ignored in the future.

In the theoretical class, Mr. Ishikawa also reserves half the time for chakra training.

That's right, even Masumi and others who can't yet extract chakra still need to improve it.

According to Mr. Ishikawa, only by allowing the body and mind to fully adapt to this process, and being able to refine chakra anytime and anywhere, or even refine chakra during a fight, can you move freely in this class.

Then lunchtime arrived, and Masumi had lunch in the cafeteria as usual.

What is different from the past is that Masumi forces himself to eat some food to quickly replenish his energy after the meal.

During lunchtime, thanks to his strong mental strength, Masumi chose not to sleep in the classroom but practiced the seals in the playground of the practical class.

Masumi was trained by Mr. Ishikawa in the hand seals of these jutsus. Thanks to his excellent grades in cultural and theoretical classes, Mr. Ishikawa set aside time to give Masumi a small start.

Masumi shuffled the order of the twelve seals, organized them in various sequences in advance, and then began to make the seals one by one.

By the start of the practical class in the afternoon, teachers and students went to the playground one after another.

In the beginning, like Masumi, some students went to the playground to practice before class, but as a result, they became apathetic in the afternoon.

After a few times, there were no more students with Masumi at this time.

In the real combat class, after Masumi completed several basic training items according to the professor's requirements, he would concentrate his time on some training that required equipment, such as throwing kunai and shuriken.

Although this project currently uses wooden props, it is not something Masumi can afford due to his economic conditions.

It is also a good option to take wool from the school.

Although the real combat class is longer than the morning class, after all, there is only one class, and the ninja school finishes very early.

It would still take some time until the usual dinner time. After the others dispersed, Masumi returned to the classroom and practiced chakra training again in the classroom to recover his physical strength.

After the meal, it is better to eat first in the cafeteria, then go out to eat some energy-replenishing food and pack two portions for tomorrow.

After returning home after a leisurely walk, he sits by the window and reflects on what he learned today.

Check if there is anything he didn't understand in the theoretical class or the borrowed books, take notes, and clear doubts in the next day's theoretical class.

After doing this, he almost digests his dinner and starts exercising again.

The intensity of the exercise this time was greater than during the day. Only after his body was exhausted did he wash up and rest.

Being so tired before, Masumi would fall asleep quickly every day. It can be said that after entering the ninja school, Masumi never stayed awake at night or suffered from insomnia.

Of course, this day had plenty of fun. Most of the students in the class met so many peers for the first time, and all kinds of jokes and conflicts arose one after another.

For example, Kibuki, Taniya, and Fujino dislike each other because of who shouted first about becoming Tsuchikage. The three are also the ones who fight the most in class.

I don't know what they were thinking. There were so many people who wanted to be Tsuchikage, but why weren't the three dealing with each other?

Moreover, Masumi himself wasn't very happy. That classmate Shinohara, who looked exactly like Deidara, had problems with Masumi for some reason.

Shinohara's talent is really good, and his training must be extraordinary. He had already practiced chakra before entering the school, but his grades in cultural and theoretical classes are at the bottom of the class; he looks around and feels frequently named and criticized.

And he was sitting in front and to the left of Masumi, unable to help but turn his head to look at Masumi, who had privileges.

Since Masumi always got perfect scores, he could read the book alone without having to attend lectures, but Shinohara couldn't understand even after listening.

Perhaps it seemed to him that the two of them didn't need to attend classes. Every time there was a cultural class, he always wanted to harass Masumi so that he couldn't read freely.

Originally, Masumi thought of switching seats, but when he thought about it, how could he be a ninja if he didn't have that kind of concentration?

Besides, I also need to adjust my life when I'm very tired and busy.

Therefore, Shinohara's harassment couldn't attract Masumi's attention or the attention of Mr. Ishikawa under Masumi's guidance.

So the outcome can be imagined, Shinohara hates Masumi a lot.

Every time after class, Shinohara expressed his intention to duel with Masumi, but at this moment, Eri, who was sitting next to Shinohara and in front of Masumi, would step out to stop him and act as the peacemaker between the two.

This little loli is a good child with good talents. Born into a big ninja clan, she sympathizes with ordinary people like Masumi (Note: Chuunin children like Masumi should be considered ordinary people in the eyes of others).

What is surprising is that Shinohara, a nearly cowardly man, unexpectedly obeys Eri's words.

Every time he was stopped, Shinohara would shout at Masumi that he would duel with Masumi in the practical class, but unfortunately, there is no duel in the practical class now.

Masumi estimated that this should be unrequited love. Shinohara, an intriguing man, didn't know if he was deliberately trying to talk to Tana this way.

There are more boys in Masumi's class, but it's not as exaggerated as the boy-to-girl ratio. It's about 1.5 to 1.

Most of the girls were like the ones in Naruto's class. They were all obsessed with beauty and had a crush on a young shota from the class.

The name of the young shota is Ikura, and he looks a bit cool, but not like Sasuke.

Ikura was a gentler person with good training, and Masumi had a deeper impression. He and Masumi were selected in the same group that day, and he was the one who had the best results in the first two rounds.

Eri also likes Ikura, but due to reserve, she doesn't get too close to him, but daily attention is inevitable.

To irritate Shinohara, an intriguing man, Masumi sometimes taught Eri how to start a conversation with Ikura in front of him without leaving traces.

Shinohara would feel uncomfortable every time he saw Eri acting a little excited, but at this moment Masumi could have a lot of fun with it. It relieved the boredom and fatigue of practice.

Anyway, listening to the three almost Tsuchikage fighting among themselves, observing a group of lolitas chasing stars, and occasionally getting angry at Shinohara, these are the few moments of relaxation Masumi has in his life now.

It can be said that the original Masumi came to school just to learn to become a ninja.

But now, unknowingly, he had a slight connection and a shackle with this world.

This kind of day lasted for a whole month.

One day, a month later, in the theoretical class, when everyone was practicing chakra extraction as usual, Masumi had a different feeling for the first time.

In the past, whenever resonance occurred, the body produced a kind of resistance, making it impossible to obtain resonance. With practice, day by day, this resistance became smaller and smaller.

Until today, Masumi found that this resistance had disappeared. Then, naturally, the mental power and physical power merged, and the first ray of chakra was generated.

There was no wonderful feeling, nor much excitement. Masumi just felt a little tired and then returned from the focused training.

Looking up, he saw Mr. Ishikawa giving a look of admiration.

Masumi is one of the last in the class to master chakra. After all, his physique is there. The other students who can enter the upper class have much better physiques than Masumi.

Through continuous daily efforts and strong mental strength, Masumi was able to become more familiar with the advantages of the meditative state and finally completed the first stage of practice a month later.

Through daily conversations, Masumi knew that there were only three or four people in the class who hadn't developed chakra, and those people felt the same as Masumi a few days ago.

Therefore, in the initial stage, when Masumi still couldn't exert his mental advantage, he was obviously at the bottom of the class.

(The end of the chapter)