
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

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Chapter 94: Pirate Lesson Three! The Assassination Operation of the Kirigakure Ninja

Tomonori Aomizu spilled everything he knew.

He knew that in front of a ninja, it's best not to hide anything.

Especially when the other party is one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Kirigakure Village.

In the entire Land of Water, they are well-known to the Daimyo.

And the more Kurosuki Raiga listened, the more he frowned.

The interested look on his face gradually became serious, the more he listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

Because he always felt that the "giant" described by Tomonori Aomizu had a faintly familiar feeling.

As if he had seen it somewhere.

"Is that giant with a very distinctive crescent beard? Does he look like a burly old man?" Kurosuki Raiga asked, "Does he have a very large naginata in his hand?"

These three consecutive questions...

Made Tomonori Aomizu stunned.

"Kurosuki-sama, you also know that giant?" Tomonori Aomizu hadn't had time to say these characteristics about Whitebeard.

He didn't expect that Kurosuki Raiga would actually say these characteristics.

"Hmph! I don't exactly know him, I just know there is such a person through some special channels." Kurosuki Raiga stood up, his murderous eyes flashed a few gloomy colors.

"I didn't expect that this man would come to the Land of Water!"

He looked at the bewildered Tomonori Aomizu and continued, "This 'business' is worth more than 400 million."

"Huh?" Tomonori Aomizu was confused.

He always felt that one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen in front of him was like a riddle, giving him a feeling of being very "pretentious".

It made him a little unhappy.

But thinking that the other party is a powerful ninja.

Tomonori Aomizu endured it.

"Kurosuki-sama" At this time, a Kirigakure chunin said, "This guy's description reminds me of that man. Kurosuki-sama, you should also think of that man, right?"

"Yes!" Kurosuki Raiga murmured, "A man who single-handedly destroyed the Kusagakure Village, killed the Daimyo of the Land of Grass, and was offered a bounty of 100 million Ryo by the entire ninja world! Edward Newgate!"

He paused, and continued, "Nickname... Whitebeard!"

A Kirigakure chunin licked his lips and said, "Kurosuki,-sama a full bounty of 100 million, plus more than 400 million in treasure, adds up to more than 500 million. This money is not small, maybe it can let us carry out that plan ahead of schedule."

"Fool!" A Kirigakure ninja with bloodshot eyes glared at him, "Don't mention this matter in front of outsiders! If someone knows about it, we can only kill this guy."

"Kurosuki-sama, we are all loyal to you!" Another Kirigakure ninja said, "No matter what orders you give, no matter what you want to do, we will follow you."

If what they said is true, then I will die

Listening to the conversation of the ninjas in the room, Tomonori Aomizu realized that the situation seemed a bit different from what he had imagined.

That extremely tall giant...

Is not a nameless person!

Especially what these ninjas said, it made Tomonori Aomizu feel, did his ears have some problems?

Destroy the Kusagakure Village, kill the Daimyo of the Land of Grass, bounty of 100 million. Any one of these three alone is enough to be shocking!

The person who did these three things is actually the same person?

Is it the giant who broke into the shipyard?

And, what is the plan mentioned by these Kirigakure ninjas? Did he hear something he shouldn't have heard?


He won't be silenced, will he?

Tomonori Aomizu swallowed secretly.

Cold sweat was pouring out!

His hands and feet were cold!

"Hey," Kurosuki Raiga suddenly asked Tomonori Aomizu, "Besides that 'Whitebeard', who else is there?"

"Besides that..."

"There are... there are two children, one injured man, one woman... oh yes! There is also a Konohagakure Ninja!"

Tomonori Aomizu told the truth.

"A Konohagakure Ninja?" Whether it was the two children, the woman, or the injured man, they were all ignored by Kurosuki Raiga.

"But the words 'Konohagakure Ninja' made his pupils tremble slightly.

Memories from a few years ago surged in his heart.

In his memory, that red chakra was like a beast from hell, which brutally reduced the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Kirigakure Village to just three. He, Kurosuki Raiga, was one of the three who luckily survived.

Until now, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Kirigakure Village have not been fully assembled.

It's easy to imagine how much psychological shadow it left him.


Kurosuki Raiga let out a deep breath.


That terrifying guy is dead.

Not everyone in the Konohagakure Village can be that terrifying. If he face the bushy-browed guy from the Konohagakure Village, he would be dead.

"I know about this! Get out!"

Kurosuki Raiga said coldly.

"Ah? Kurosuki-sama....You haven't given a definite answer...." Just as Tomonori Aomizu wanted to say something, a sharp ninja sword was already on his neck.

"Hey! Kurosuki-sama told you to get lost! Are you deaf?"

A Kirigakure Chunin said with murderous intent, "Or do you want me to 'help' you get lost?"

"Spare, spare my life!"

Tomonori Aomizu's legs were about to give out, he retreated in a panic: "I'll go, I'll go!"

He was a bit regretful in his heart.

Who knew that these Kirigakure ninjas were so hard to talk to, he felt that if he didn't obey them..

He might really lose his life!

"Heh, a businessman as timid as a mouse." The Kirigakure Chunin withdrew his ninja sword and sneered, "I didn't expect that a large part of the wealth of this world is actually held by such people."

Then, he looked at Kurosuki Raiga and worriedly said, "Kurosuki-sama, should we make a move on that Whitebeard? He seems to be very powerful."

"Whitebeard is strong." Kurosuki Raiga said after a moment of silence, "But don't forget, we are all Kirigakure Blood ninjas! Kirigakure Blood ninjas are the ninjas who are best at assassination in the entire ninja world!"

"I don't want to miss this oportunity."

Kurosuki Raiga continued, "The money from killing Whitebeard is enough for us to leave the Kirigakure Village and establish a new base in the ninja world. With more than 500 Million Ryo it's no problem to establish a small ninja village."

Leaving the Kirigakure Village... is the thing that Kurosuki Raiga and a group of ninjas currently want to do the most.

But for them ninjas...

This is equivalent to betraying the village.

If they leave the village without any resources in their hands, these rebel ninjas will not be able to gain a foothold anywhere in the ninja world, and they may only be able to be a group of ninja mercenaries living in the gutter.

Now they are still Kirigakure ninjas, and they can still be arrogant towards businessmen like Tomonori Aomizu by virtue of their self-proclaimed superior status. The main thing is that when they are Kirigakure ninjas, they are not short of money, although the Kirigakure Village is poor, but there is still a lot of funding from the village.

To do anything, to carry out any task, they just need to let the village allocate funds, and then they go to work hard.

But once they become wandering ninjas, become a rebel of a ninja village...

They lose their honor

And lose the protection of the village.

Maybe, by then, they want to do something, but there is no money in their pockets. They will need the help of this businessman's money, and will be forced to bow their heads to this businessman and do things for the businessman.

This is hard to accept.

But... if they, as rebel ninjas, have a lot of money themselves, they don't need to lower their proud heads.

"I've decided!" Kurosuki Raiga's eyes flashed with a fierce color, and the unique killing intent of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen erupted, causing the four Kirigakure Chunin present to tremble with fear.

Kurosuki Raiga grabbed the ninja sword "Thunder Sword, Kiba" placed next to him, which is a pair of very uniquely shaped twin swords.

He continued, "Hide from the village, assassinate Whitebeard! Don't confront that man head-on.

"Play to our Kirigakure characteristics!"


The body of the "Thunder Sword, Kiba" in his hand was flashing with conspicuous electric arcs, Kurosuki Raiga said, "As long as we take his head, we will directly defect from the Kirigakure Village! Before defecting from the Kirigakure Village, kill all the people in the entire shipyard, and don't let anyone know where we are going!

"Yes, Kurosuki-sama!" x4

The four Kirigakure Chunin bowed their heads and said in unison.

If they are willing to follow Kurosuki Raiga.

Even if it means giving up their lives for it.


"Delicious! Delicious!" Naruto, who had arrived at the shipyard's reception hall, looked at the array of delicacies gradually being served. Starving, he could no longer resist the temptation.

Naruto didn't even take off the weights on his body.

He directly pounced on the long table, sat down on a chair, and the heavy weights almost collapsed the chair.

But he didn't care.

If he couldn't sit on the chair, he would stand up and eat.

Naruto had a chicken leg in each hand.

He stuffed it into his mouth frantically.

Naruto had also gone through a whole day of masochistic special training today, during which he almost couldn't hold on several times. In the end, it was the big fox inside his body that lent him some strength to hold on.

Naruto was already dizzy with hunger.

He wanted to eat!

"Dong dong dong dong dong" In the blink of an eye, Naruto, who had eaten several chicken legs, picked up a large bottle of juice and poured it into his mouth. He finished a liter of juice in one go.

Then he started to grab all kinds of meat again.

Occasionally, he would grab a piece of vegetable and stuff it into his mouth.

"Woo woo woo, it's been a long time since I've eaten such delicious meat." Naruto remembered the days when he was drifting on the sea, he turned his head and said to his father, "Pops, I think our pirate group is still missing a powerful chef!"

"Gurarararara!" Fortunately, this reception hall was high enough that even Whitebeard, who was over six meters tall, could walk in

Whitebeard laughed heartily, "That also depends on fate to have a chef son!"

Looking at the pair of "father and son" who were talking

Uchiha Shisui put his crutch aside, sat on a chair himself, but he didn't touch the food on the table.

Instead, he whispered to Kakashi next to him, "Senior Kakashi, that businessman called 'Tomonori Aomizu' is not trustworthy. Especially since Whitebeard has revealed his money and wealth, if the other party harbors evil intentions..."

"We have never trusted that person." Kakashi pointed to Naruto, "Except for this hot-blooded fool who has no scheming, don't you see that only Naruto is eating?"

Shisui was taken aback.


Among their group of people, whether it was him, Uchiha Shisui, or Kakashi, or Whitebeard, and a pair of Uzumaki mother and daughter, none of them touched any food on the table.

Even though it looked delicious.

Even though they were all hungry.

Kakashi pinched a piece of tempura, put it under his mask and sniffed lightly, he said, "It's been drugged with a sleeping powder, a very despicable method. Usually only lewd wolves would use this kind of drug, secretly put it in the drinks given to girls.

At this time, Naruto, who had his mouth full of all kinds of things, made a somewhat vague sound, "Pops, Karin, big sister, why aren't you eating?"

"...Pops, I seem to be a little sleepy."

Naruto suddenly felt something was wrong, he felt that his strength was as if half of it had been drained.

His body could no longer support the weight on him.

His legs softened and he collapsed directly.

"Naruto, I'm sorry" Uzumaki Fuushi apologized to Naruto, "Pops didn't let me remind you."

"Huh?" Naruto was stunned.

"Foolish son!" Whitebeard didn't hesitate to give Naruto a flick, which hurt Naruto so much that he screamed, but Naruto no longer had the strength to cover his head.

Whitebeard looked at Naruto and said, "This is the third lesson I will teach you about being a pirate, always be careful of despicable people! Although the men of the sea are always full of pride, there will always be rats in the gutter who will do some despicable things."

When he said this, it seemed to stir up Whitebeard's bad memories, making Whitebeard's eyes flash a trace of gloom.

"Don't worry, the poison won't kill you."

Whitebeard grinned, this is the way pirates bring up children.

As long as they don't die.

Just push them to the limit.

"It's amazing, Naruto ate so much food with sleeping powder, he actually hasn't fainted yet?" Shisui was surprised, "Is it the monster inside his body that is helping him neutralize the drug?"

"No... it's Naruto's strong body that he has been training hard for several months." Kakashi shook his head, he said, "You can't treat Naruto as a five-year-old child."

"Oh no..." Kakashi said, "In a few days, he will be six years old, it's his birthday."

Naruto has been away from the Konohagakure Village for several months now.

In these few months.

Kakashi is very clear about how terrifying Naruto's growth is.

He knows that the weight on Naruto's body has reached more than 800 Kg.

Naruto, who is carrying such a weight, can actually walk normally.

It's simply unbelievable!

Kakashi knows even more that Naruto's "Observation Haki" training is progressing day by day.

Now for Naruto, even if he covers his eyes and plugs his ears, he can avoid most of the stones thrown at him by Whitebeard.

Out of a hundred stones thrown by Whitebeard.

Naruto can avoid more than seventy.

It's simply unbelievable!

Using such a brutal training method, it can actually improve a person's perception ability to an incredible level. It has to be said that Whitebeard's special training method does have some substance, but it seems that only Jinchuriki can practice like this.

If it's any normal person.

They would have been tormented to death by Whitebeard long ago.

"Naruto's physical fitness is comparable to that of a Chunin." Kakashi said, "He eats more than fifty Kg of meat every day. It is his astonishing physical fitness that makes him resistant to sleeping powder."

Uchiha Shisui was amazed.

Almost six years old, isn't he still five years old? A five-year-old child, whose physical fitness is comparable to that of an adult Chunin?

Is this a Jinchuriki?

If Naruto were put in the war era, he would definitely shine and make the Konohagakure Village have another genius, right?

"It seems that the 100 Million bounty reward for Whitebeard's head really makes many people unable to resist the temptation, especially for the desperate." Kakashi put the little prince back in his pocket, he sighed.

As soon as Kakashi's voice fell!

An anomaly occurred!

Dense white fog poured in through the door and windows of the reception hall, and in less than three seconds, everything that could be seen in front of them was covered by the dense fog.

Originally, the visibility was considered normal.

Now it's less than one meter.

"Hold your breath!" Kakashi's face changed, "This is not ordinary fog, there must be toxins mixed in this fog!"

"Damn." Suddenly, Kakashi heard Shisui's voice.

Looking back, he found that Shisui's face was even paler.

Shisui gave a bitter smile, "The dense fog itself is a mass of water vapor, and the special toxins mixed in it can penetrate into the body through wounds. I... seem to be unable to operate chakra in my body."

Uchiha Shisui was originally injured.

These days he has just recovered a bit and thought that he could barely cope with the enemy if he encountered one.

But he didn't expect that he was poisoned again.

Now he can't even use chakra.

"This should be a special toxin that interferes with the operation of chakra. This kind of toxin must be very precious, and it is actually used on us." Shisui analyzed weakly, "A businessman from a shipyard can't possibly have this kind of toxin, this must be the work of a ninja.

"We..... We seem to have been targeted not only by that businessman, but also by the ninjas of the Kirigakure Village. The Kirigakure Blood ninjas of the Kirigakure Village are the ninjas who are best at assassination!"


Meanwhile, outside the reception hall.

It was also shrouded in a large cloud of dense fog.

The nearby workers who were in the way had been quietly dispersed.

Within a radius of 800 meters centered on the reception hall, there were only Whitebeard's group and five Kirigakure ninjas!

"A special poisonous gas that affects the operation of chakra, coupled with the Kirigakure Mist technique, plus poisoned food." Kurosuki Raiga sneered, "This is the method I wanted to use to assassinate the Mizukage. Today, let's test whether this method is useful or not!"

"Under the influence of double toxins, even a village shadow has to lie down on the table. But... after all, it's a man with a bounty of 100 million, he's definitely not a simple character."

As he said this, Kurosuki Raiga looked at the ceiling

Although he couldn't see anything, he knew that today's weather was very gloomy, and there were rolling black clouds above the sky.

Occasionally, there would be thunder.

"This is really a good time that couldn't be better! Let's do it together! While they're still, let's solve them all at once!"

Kurosuki Raiga ordered sternly.

"Yes, Kurosuki-sama!" The four Kirigakure chunin are Kurosuki Raiga's most loyal subordinates. They were stationed at four corners outside the reception hall.

Upon receiving the order at the first time.

They quickly formed seals.

If they want to deal the assassination target with one blow, they would not be stingy with the chakra in their bodies, but directly drained the chakra in their bodies, and took a total of seventeen seals.

"Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique!!!"

The abundant water vapor in the air of the Land of Water was utilized, and the four Kirigakure chunin took a deep breath. They inhaled until their own lungs were about to burst, and then they spat out fiercely with their eyes full of bloodshot!

The amazing water flow flew out in a fast rotating posture. Although it was smaller than the Great Waterfall Technique released by a jonin.

But the Water Release Ninjutsu released by four chunin from different angles was not much inferior in power.

The walls of the reception hall were instantly washed away.

The surging water rushed in!

"Hahaha! Come on!" Kurosuki Raiga held the ninja sword above his head, and the ninja sword immediately shone with thunder, and the chakra was surging!

"Lightning Release: Lightning Fang!!"

He swung the double swords fiercely towards the front.

A large amount of lightning was shot out!

The lightning and the Ninjutsu released by the four Kirigakure chunin merged into one.

The Great Waterfall Technique wrapped in amazing electric arcs is unstoppable!

Want to destroy everything like a dragon!



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