
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

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Chapter 93: The Seven Ninja Swordsmen! Gato Shipbuilding Factory

"Stop.... It's stopped...." The fisherman, whose foot was pierced by a fishhook, had a look of terror on his face.

At this moment, he also had a lingering fear of being lucky to survive.

"Who... who is he?" The fisherman swallowed a mouthful of saliva in secret, staring blankly at Whitebeard's back.

Suddenly, he found that the giant in front of him turned around.

A height that does not conform to human evolution, a burly figure that is full of oppression, and an outrageously large naginata, these three are perfectly integrated.

Even if Whitebeard didn't use Conqueror's Haki.

It makes the fishermen who are close at hand tremble!

And at this time, Whitebeard also slightly lowered his eyes and looked at this fisherman.

"Little fishing brat! Is this the Land of Water?" Whitebeard asked with a hollow gaze.

He... he... he spoke!!

The giant can speak!

"Yes, yes..." Even the fisherman himself didn't know how he mustered the courage to answer.

"Gurarrararara!" Whitebeard's smile on his face became even thicker: "It seems that the Moby Dick is about to be reborn in the ninja world."

"Little brat, who is the best shipyard in your country?" Whitebeard asked, "Do you know where it is?"

The fisherman didn't expect Whitebeard to ask such a question.

In his horror, he completely forgot the pain in his foot, and he answered tremblingly: "Ship... shipyard?"

"The best shipyard in the Land of Water is the Gato Shipyard." He tried to recall what he knew as a civilian.

"That is a shipyard opened by the very wealthy Gato-sama in collaboration with the Kirigakure Village in the Land of Water. Even the fishing boat I use to go out to sea was bought from there."

"Gato" Whitebeard almost heard it as Kaido.

The pronunciation of these two names is too similar.

"Gato, I remember he seems to be a very famous tycoon." Suddenly Kakashi's voice sounded from the side of Whitebeard.

He had already come down from the broken merchant ship.

Kakashi had one hand in his pocket, and the other was supporting Uchiha Shisui, whose dead fish eyes still had no motivation, and the whole person looked extremely decadent.

Kakashi recalled: "He has industries in various countries in the ninja world, and also has some connections with the Daimyo and various nobles of many countries, but this person's reputation is not very good."

"It is said that in addition to some legitimate businesses, he also does some, rather shameful businesses. Such as human trafficking, powder trading, arms business, etc."

"Pops, I also heard about this guy in the Kusagakure Village." Uzumaki Fuushi, helping Shisui, got off the ship.

She said: "He seems to be doing business in cooperation with the Kusagakure Village."

Of course, looking at the devastated Kusagakure Village.


Even the biggest business has been turned into ashes.

"Little fishing brat, you haven't said where it is yet!" Whitebeard looked at the shivering fisherman.

"It, it's in the south.

The fisherman said weakly: "Follow this coastline, about a hundred kilometers, you can find the Kado Shipyard."

"South." Whitebeard laughed heartily: "Gurarararara! Foolish son! Let's make the new Moby Dick!"

"Okay! Pops!" Thinking of their Whitebeard Pirate Group having a ship of their own.

Naruto is full of energy.

Finally going to have...

Looking at the backs of Whitebeard, Naruto, Fuushi, and Shisui leaving, Kakashi sighed helplessly: "I just hope they don't cause any trouble in the Land of Water! This country is not a small country like the Land of Grass."

"Kakashi-senpai, Whitebeard-sama, who has a bounty of 100 million Ryo on his head, He seems to have become a hot cake in many people's eyes." Uchiha Shisui quietly inserted a few words.

"A huge bounty of 100 million Ryo, even a ninja village, would be very coveted for this money, right?"

Uchiha Shisui's words....

Left Kakashi a bit speechless.


The Gato Shipyard, located at a larger dock in the south of the Land of Water. Due to the Land of Water's somewhat "closed-door" policy, there aren't many merchant ships at such a large dock.

Most of the merchant ships transport goods within the coastal routes of the Land of Water and do not leave its territorial waters.

This is the largest building complex in this dock.

This dock was built by Gato and Kirigakure Village . 

"Hurry up! Press the stuff to the bottom of the cabin, don't let the ninjas find out, or we'll have to spend a lot of money to smooth things over."

"What? Some of the powder got damp?! Damn it! Quickly take them out to dry! A bag of powder is worth 500,000 Ryols, your lives can't make up for the loss of one bag!"

"Hide the weapons too! Be careful! If these explosives explode together, the whole ship will be done for! Who knows why these damn papers will explode? Ninjas are really freaks."

"Is the new ship ready? Hurry up and hide the goods in it, then transport the ship and goods to Choshu Town in the north of the Land of Water!"

"Stuff these kids into the cabin quickly, transport them to the Land of Rice, don't keep the big customer waiting!"


A businessman in a suit and leather shoes was pointing and directing in the shipyard. He is Gato's highest person in charge here.

The large-scale shipyard is not just doing legitimate business.

Gato's people also use the shipyard to cover up some dark trades.

Powder, weapons, People...

The technology tree of the ninja world are so strange.

"Hmph! These workers are so lazy!" The businessman tugged at his tie that made him a little breathless, and yelled at a group of shipyard coolies who were sweating profusely.

"Gato-sama allows you poor guys in the Land of Water to at least have enough to eat! You guys don't even appreciate Gato-sama, and dare to slack off here!"

"Hurry up! If you don't finish all the work today, All of you will work until tomorrow morning!"

The poverty of the Land of Water is comparable to that of the Land of Wind, and they can be considered as difficult brothers in the five major ninja villages.

The workers in Gato's shipyard are very clear...

This shipyard hides some dark things.

Occasionally, even corpses are hidden in a sack and then thrown into the sea by the management staff of Kado's shipyard.

But in order to be able to eat enough...

They can only turn a blind eye. Moreover.

They are not ninjas, and if they oppose the Gato Group, nine lives are not enough to put in!


They heard that Gato's shipyard colluded with the ninjas of Kirigakure Village, so they had no intention of resisting under this circumstance.

"Mr. Aomizu! Mr. Aomizu!"

Suddenly, a thug raised by Gato's shipyard ran over in a hurry. The expression on his face was a bit frightened and embarrassed. He hurriedly shouted and yelled: "Mr. Aomizu! Outside the shipyard... there is a giant coming!"

"What? Giant? Where did the giant come from?" The person in charge of Gato's shipyard, called "Tomonori Aomizu"

Just as he was quite astonished.



There was a loud noise not far away, and a shadow flew over and landed behind Tomonori Aomizu.

The movement scared him into a shudder.

He hurriedly looked back.

His eyes gradually widened.

Because he saw a half-broken gate like a blade inserted into tofu, deeply inserted into the ground not far behind him, the broken surface of the gate was very smooth and neat.

And the thug who came to notify him was trembling all over.

"Giant....giant.....is coming!!"

His voice was trembling as he spoke.

"Gurarararararara.... What a big shipyard! If the entire shipyard is mobilized to build a Moby Dick, it should be able to build it within three years!"

The strange voice came from afar.

The sudden movement here also made the nearby shipyard workers stop their work and look curiously.

One pair of eyes after another...

They are all getting bigger and bigger.

Tomonori Aomizu, the person in charge of the shipyard, who looked at the sound, had an expression on his face that was almost identical to that of others. He looked incredulously at the figure emerging from the faint mist.

His gaze went from looking straight ahead to looking up at the end, and his emotions went from astonishment to shock.


There really is a giant!!

"Who... who are you?!" Most of the people who know about Whitebeard's astonishing bounty of 100 million are ninjas, and non-ninjas basically don't pay attention to this kind of bounty.

Tomonori Aomizu doesn't know who the "giant" in front of him is.

He only knows that this visitor is not good.

"We are pirates!" Before Whitebeard could speak, Naruto suddenly interjected: "Whitebeard Pirate Group!"

"Pirates? Whitebeard Pirate Group?!?"

Tomonori Aomizu, who is in charge of the shipbuilding business in the Land of Water and the business of transporting contraband at sea, how could he not be familiar with pirates

People like him often have to deal with pirates at sea.

There are many pirates in the waters near the Land of Water.

There are even ninja defectors who become pirates.


He prides himself on knowing the pirates in the nearby waters like the back of his hand, but he has never seen such a group of pirates, and he has no impression of them in his memory.

This so-called Whitebeard Pirate Group.

Why is it so strange?!

At this time, he also saw Naruto, Shisui, Uzumaki Fuushi, Kakashi, and Uchiha Shisui standing next to Whitebeard.

In his eyes, these are two little devils, a very thin woman, a man with a mask who seems to be very weak, and a person who is very weak with bandages all over his body.

Oh yes

And this giant!

However, why does that blond kid look so bloated, as if he is hiding a lot of things in his clothes?

"Don't worry, we're not here to rob the shipyard." Naruto showed a brilliant smile: "We are here to build a ship! A very, very, very big pirate ship!"

"Build a ship?" Tomonori Aomizu tried to suppress the shock in his heart, and a glimmer of a businessman's unique light flashed in his eyes.

"We want to build ashil like this!"

Naruto rummaged through his body and found a blueprint, which roughly depicted the appearance of the Moby Dick.

Including the different function cabins inside the ship.

The blueprint is also very detailed.

This blueprint is the joint effort of Kakashi and Uzumaki Fuushi. They drew the rough blueprint of the Moby Dick based on Whitebeard's description of the Moby Dick.

Naruto spread out the blueprint.

Let Tomonori Aomizu see it.

"Such a big ship!" When Tomonori Aomizu took a look, he was dumbfounded: "It's several tens of meters high, several hundred meters long, and can accommodate 1600 people's living quarters?"

"That's right!" Naruto asked expectantly: "We have prepared more than 400 million Ryo for this, is this money enough?"

"We've prepared for this."

"More than 400 million Ryo?" Tomonori Aomizu's eyes were about to pop out, how much money is this?

With the full firepower of the shipyard in the Land of Water and the double income from the crazy sale of contraband...

It wouldn't....

It wouldn't make that much money in a year, right?

It would take two or three years to earn it, right?

"You have so much money?" He was a bit dazed, with so much money, why become a pirate? Why not find a small country's Daimyo and buy a noble title, becoming an esteemed person?

"Yes!" Naruto took off the weights he had been wearing since he arrived in the Land of Water. 

He had never taken them off.

With a "ding-dong" sound,

 bricks of gold fell to the ground,

shining brightly.

"This is just part of it." Naruto continued, "Can you build the Moby Dick here?"

"Yes! Definitely!" At this moment, Tomonori Aomizu, the person in charge of Gato here, couldn't take his eyes off the glittering gold bricks on the ground.

In his eyes, a look of greed gradually emerged.

As the person in charge of Gato here, 

he is naturally not a good person.

In this short moment, various ideas flashed through his mind... The gold bricks on the ground are probably worth tens of millions of Ryo. If the Whitebeard Pirates really have 400 million in cash and gold and silver jewelry.

He must not miss it!

But, to get these 400 Million from them by building a ridiculously large pirate ship?

Actually, it's not impossible.

The problem is that it's too much of a loss!

The various materials and labor required to build such a large ship would probably cost at least 400 Million, and the rest would only make a profit of one or two million. In that case, why not just squeeze all these 400 Million into your hands?

The idea of "Taking Advantage of Others" emerged from Tomonori Aomizu's mind. After all, they are just a group of pirates who have never heard of it.

Although, this giant does look quite intimidating.

The masked man wearing the ninja forehead protector seems to be not a good kind either.

He recognized the Konohagakure Village forehead protector that Kakashi was wearing.

But, this is not the Konohagakure Village!

This is not the Land of Fire!

This is the Land of Water!

"Cough cough!" Tomonori Aomizu suppressed the greed in his eyes, took out a pair of glasses and put them on. He took a set of drawings from Naruto's hand and looked at it carefully.

"This ship, the Moby Dick, will take a long time to build, and we will need to discuss the plan with the shipbuilding engineers. We need to let some designers detail the drawings."

"After all, such a crude drawing can't build a ship, why not let the distinguished guests rest in the shipyard first?"

Tomonori Aomizu put on a warm smile.

As if all kinds of dark thoughts in his heart did not exist.

He continued, "You are our big customers at Gato Shipyard, we must treat you well. Whether it's fine wine, food, or even beauties. As long as you want, we can give them to you.

"You take these distinguished guests to the reception hall, I will take this pirate ship drawing, to find the most outstanding 'ship designer' in our Gato Shipyard."

Tomonori Aomizu gave a look to the thug next to him.

The thug was startled and hurriedly replied, "Okay, okay!"


Whitebeard looked at Tomonori Aomizu with a smile but not a smile.

But he didn't say much.

"Foolish son, pick up the gold!" Instead, he said to Naruto, "Don't be lazy!"

"Okay! Pops!"


Watching the gradually departing figures of Whitebeard and the others.

Tomonori Aomizu's eyes narrowed.

"More than 400 million Ryo!" His disguise was taken off, and the greed in his eyes couldn't be suppressed. He paced back and forth impatiently: "Does a group of foreign pirates really have more than 400 million? And there's actually a Konohagakure Ninja among them?"

"Looking at them, they don't seem to be lying. Just the gold bricks on that little devil are worth tens of millions. Those gold bricks are actually used by a little devil as some kind of weight training."

"No, I can't swallow them alone. A giant and a Konohagakure Ninja are not easy to deal with."

"I have to find a ninja!!"

The shipyard that Gato opened in the Land of Water was originally a collaboration with the Kirigakure Village, and both parties contributed capital and effort.

In fact, there are several Mist ninjas in the shipyard.

One of them is even one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Usually, these ninjas have to be treated like elders, after all, once something happens, these Kirigakure ninjas have to take the lead.

"Spending all day in the shipyard eating and drinking....."

"It's time for you to contribute."

Tomonori Aomizu decided to cooperate with the Kirigakure Ninja!

Cooperating with ninjas, he definitely can't get all the money, but at least he can split it fifty-fifty, getting more than 200 million Ryo.

And, he didn't put in any effort.

It's like picking up money for nothing!

With this in mind,

He hurriedly moved his body that was about to be hollowed out by wine and sex, and ran all the way to a three-story small building inside the shipyard.

He ran nearly a kilometer, ran until he was panting, and almost didn't catch his breath.




He knocked on the door.

"Kurosuki-sama! Kurosuki-sama!" Tomonori Aomizu knocked on the door and said cautiously: "It's me! Tomonori Aomizu! Kurosuki-sama! I have a big business to talk to you about!"


The door did not open inward, but outward.

The door hit Tomonori Aomizu's face directly.

The glasses he was wearing shattered on the spot, and his nose was hit and bleeding, and he covered his nose and screamed in pain.

He looked up in extreme annoyance.

His anger suddenly stagnated.

Because he saw, several ninjas with Kirigakure headbands in the room were staring at him with unfriendly eyes. The Kirigakure ninjas who had killed countless people gave him a great sense of oppression.

"Hey, don't disturb Kurosuki-sama's nap!"

A Kirigakure chunin warned with a murderous look on his face, "Otherwise, I'll hang your head on the door as a lantern!"

"Sorry, sorry...."

Tomonori Aomizu wilted instantly.

His anger disappeared without a trace.

He hurriedly said: "But I really have a big business, a big business worth more than 400 million!"


Inside, a lazy voice came from someone who had just woken up.

"400 Million?"

One of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, who has not yet defected, Kurosuki Raiga, opened his eyes with interest and sat up from the sofa.

His gaze glanced at Tomonori Aomizu outside the door.

That look made Tomonori Aomizu feel like he had fallen into an ice cave.

How many people did this guy kill to have such terrifying eyes?

Tomonori Aomizu swallowed secretly.

He hurriedly smiled and said, "Kurokusuki-sama, as long as you are willing to take action, we can split this 400 Million seven to three! I take three, you take seven! The enemy is just a group of foreign pirates, as long as we solve them, we can have a lot of money.

Before, he had said in his heart that he would split the account with the Kirigakure Village fifty-fifty.

Now, he found that he might have been a bit arrogant before.

Tomonori Aomizu found that if he cooperated with the ninjas...

How much he can share in it.

It all depends on the ninja.

"Tsk, pirates?" Kurokusuki Raiga said, "Let's hear it?"



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