
Naruto: Alternative Sasuke Is Way Too Overpowered!

During the Chūnin Exam, a live broadcast showcased the contrasting lives of two Uchiha Sasukes to the ninja world. Sasuke from the original world: Tricked by Uchiha Itachi, deceived by Uchiha Obito, manipulated by successive Hokages, and kept in ignorance. His strength enhanced by the paths laid out by Uchiha Itachi and the Sage of Six Paths. Saved the ninja world by sealing Kaguya, only to leave Konoha in solitude. With just one daughter, the Uchiha lineage teeters on the brink of extinction. Sasuke from the Parallel World: Engaged in critical thinking and investigation to uncover the truth, resolving to defeat all adversaries. Independently increased his power, acquiring the Sage Mode, Rinnegan and Tailed Beast Power by himself. United the ninja world through unmatched strength, vanquished the Ōtsutsuki, ushered in true peace.

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Chapter 60

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Chapter 60: Breaking Lee's Leg, He Still Has to Thank Us!

The golden frame on the screen continued playing.

Lee's brain gradually returned to normal and stopped spinning. The stamina from the Eight Inner Gates had increased, and now Lee only felt weakness, muscle soreness, and an inability to move. Lying on the ground in his own vomit, his green tights were also covered in it, and a disgusting smell emanated from his whole body.

At that moment, Lee felt like he was going to spit out all the food from the previous month.

"Let me ask again, are you convinced now?" Sasuke, with his hands in his pockets, asked Lee, who was lying on the ground.

"...I'm taken... I'm taken," Lee said weakly. Though originally somewhat unconvinced, he had reluctantly conceded due to Neji's request. But now, he had no strength left, and his mentality of striving for strength had weakened significantly.

"Do you know you are wrong?" Sasuke asked.

"...I knew."

"What's wrong?"

"I... I shouldn't have provoked you..."

"Heh! I don't have any objections to your provoking me. It's a bit annoying, sure, but I can't stop it. However, you always staring at little Sakura is something I'm not okay with," Sasuke stated.

"Me..." Lee began.

Seeing Lee still reluctant to give up, Sasuke stared at him. "What? Haven't you learned your lesson? Do you want to continue?"

"I know... I will never stare at Miss Sakura again..." Lee's voice was full of tears.

How miserable! He was ruthlessly beaten and then forced to give up thinking about his sweetheart.

"It serves you right! You miss a girl who has a boyfriend. Getting beaten up is your own fault," Tenten complained from the side.

Sasuke looked at Neji and Tenten and said, "Now it's your turn. Hand over your scrolls."

Neji sighed and, without resisting any further, took out his scroll and threw it over.

"Scroll of the Sky, it happens to be what we need, so I accept it. Do you have any objections?" Sasuke said while putting the scroll into his ninja bag.

"No objection!" Tenten rolled her eyes and replied angrily.

Sasuke continued, "Next item, we need a scout ninja here. We have recruited Hyuga Neji. Do you have any comments?"

His tone implied he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"No comment!" Neji agreed through gritted teeth.

"That Sasuke has such a bad personality! He completely treats Neji like a detective tool!" Tenten exclaimed.

"Neji, you don't have to say it..." Hyuga Neji responded.

"If I remember correctly, Sasuke seems to want to use scout ninjas to lead them to Gaara?" Nara Shikamaru chimed in.

"Haha, the next victim has appeared!" Inuzuka Tooth laughed.

"You guys underestimate Gaara too! He's not so easy to manipulate!" Temari added.

Gaara, however, didn't feel confident enough. To deal with Uchiha Sasuke in another world, he might need to rely on Shuzuru's power.

"Then, the third thing," Sasuke suddenly turned to Tenten and asked, "Do you know medical ninjutsu?"

"Huh? Medical ninjutsu? I don't know much about that..." Tenten answered, confused as to why Sasuke would ask this.

"Just some simple bandaging is all you need. For example, if your leg were broken, you should be able to do some emergency treatment, right?" Sasuke continued to ask.

"...If it's just temporary treatment, that's fine," Tenten said, growing more confused.

"That's good," Sasuke nodded, very satisfied.

He walked up to Lee, lightly touched his leg with his foot, and said, "Although he said he gave up on little Sakura, this guy seems to be extremely persistent. I think it's necessary to improve his memory."

With that said, he kicked Rock Lee's leg with sudden force.


"Ahhhh!!!" Lee's body arched suddenly, and he couldn't help but hug his legs, which were now broken.

"What are you doing?!" Tenten cried out, stepping in front of Lee, while Neji became vigilant again.

"It's just an ordinary lesson, but it will probably take him three months to recover. Well, you just said you can do emergency treatment? Get to it," Sasuke said flatly.

Tenten felt stuck in her thoughts. Had he asked about her bandaging skills just for this?

Neji sighed and said, "Tenten, hurry up and bandage Lee. He probably won't be able to continue in the Chūnin exam."

Even if they managed to help Lee pass the second test, he wouldn't be able to fight in the third test due to the injury.

"Damn it, no, Neji, I can still take the exam! Even if I can only stand on one leg, I must take the Chūnin exam!" Lee said firmly.

Seeing this, Sasuke nodded in approval. "Yes, I didn't misjudge you. You are indeed persistent. But I feel like breaking just one leg isn't enough to dispel your thoughts about little Sakura. Do you want me to break the other one?" Sasuke raised his foot toward Lee's other leg.

"No... no need, I give up on the Chūnin exam..." Lee said, aggrieved.

"Wuuuuuuuuu! Teacher Guy, I'm going to let you down..."

"You bastard, are you a devil?" Tenten couldn't help but complain to Sasuke.

She now saw that Sasuke didn't harbor much malice toward them. He just wanted to teach Lee a lesson for staring at his girlfriend. As for the other actions, such as using Lee to attack Neji and stealing their scrolls, it was all part of his plan.

Although it looked very bad, it actually didn't cause them much loss. Even when kicking and breaking Lee's leg, he had asked himself in advance if he would deal with it urgently. In fact, it wouldn't cause irreversible effects on Lee.

Rock Lee said, "Huh? It seems to be true. The worst thing is that I need to lie down for a few months."

Hyuga Neji remarked, "Although the result isn't serious, what this guy did is still too nasty!" He couldn't forget the previous scene where Uchiha Sasuke slammed Lee, who had opened the Eight Inner Gates, wildly at him, forcing him to dodge. He in another world might feel depressed and want to vomit blood!

Tenten admitted, "It's true that my personality is too bad."

Hatake Kakashi reflected, "After all, Sasuke over there knows that your teacher and I are friends. He can't really hit you hard. At most, it's insulting."

Tenten began to bandage Lee with a face full of reluctance. Just now Lee had been dizzy and rolling around, covered in vomit, and now his whole body exuded an unpleasant smell.

"Lee, you really stink!" said Tenten with a bitter face, quickly treating Lee's injured leg.

"Okay, now I need to borrow your supercilious eyes to help us search for a target," Sasuke said to Neji.

Neji had no intention of resisting. However, when he was about to act, he looked at Lee and fell silent. Lee was now in the exhaustion period after the end of the Eight Inner Gates, and had also broken a leg. It was impossible for them to leave Lee alone. And since Tenten was still a girl, Neji could only take charge of Lee and move on.

"Woohoo! Neji! We really are partners who can entrust our lives to each other!" Lee exclaimed, lying on Neji's back, very touched.

", please stop talking. I'm about to be smoked to death by you," Neji complained, pinching his nose. "I want to lose my sense of smell right now!"

"Whoa, Neji, why did you say that too!" Lee felt very hurt.

Might Guy exclaimed, "Ah, Lee's leg is broken; that's great!"

Rock Lee was confused. "Mr. Guy??? What are you talking about!"

Tenten wondered, "Teacher, has your brain finally broken?"

"No, listen to me," Might Guy clarified. "Since Lee in another world has broken his leg now, he can't continue to take the next exam!"

"What does that mean?" someone asked.

It meant that Lee in the parallel world would never encounter the battle with Gaara again. In the previous battle, Lee's arm and leg were almost pulverized, and it was uncertain if they could be cured. He might have to walk with a cane, unsure if he could continue to be a ninja. Without that battle in another world, then Lee wouldn't end up like the one in this world now.

Hatake Kakashi acknowledged, "It is indeed a good thing. Although a fantastic battle is missing, it's more important that Lee's body remains normal and intact. With his previous injuries, even if he can be healed in the future, it's hard to say if there will be any sequelae. This is too terrible for Lee at his age. It's a time of rapid growth, and any serious sequelae due to a battle could mean the loss outweighs the gain."

Rock Lee deduced, "In other words, although my leg is broken in another world, it's actually a good thing!"

"Great thing! Thank you, Sasuke from another world, for helping Lee escape disaster," Might Guy praised.

"Thank you, Sasuke!" Rock Lee echoed.

Hyuga Neji commented dryly, "...Is there something wrong with the brain circuits of you two?"

Tenten muttered, "It feels weird. Sasuke kicks and breaks Lee's leg, but the result is a good thing."

Nara Shikamaru observed, "It's a blessing in disguise, although no one in the other world realizes it."

"I need you to help me search for a target. The other party is three Sand Shinobi ninja. I don't know if you have an impression," Sasuke described to the others.

"Three of them? I noticed them yesterday," Neji confirmed.

"Those three people should be the most powerful in this Chunin exam," Sasuke said with satisfaction. "The red-haired gourd child among them is probably the Sand Shinobi's One Tail Doublechuriki. If he appears in your Byakugan, it should be easy to notice."

Hyuga Neji was perplexed. "Did he hear that right? One Tail Doublechuriki? Did Sunagakure really send a Doublechuriki?"

"Damn! Is Uchiha Sasuke crazy? How dare he target such a dangerous person!" Neji thought to himself but voiced his concern, "You should think about it again."

Tenten, feeling ever-increasing fear, thought, "That's not how you look for death! And you have to drag them into it with you!"

"I don't quite understand. What is a Doublechuriki?" Lee felt out of the loop.

Naruto wanted to show off his knowledge to Lee, but suddenly remembered his identity, touched his belly, and the showing-off urge disappeared.

"I advise you to give up. Your strength is indeed very strong, but it's not enough compared to a strategic weapon like a Doublechuriki," Neji suggested sincerely.

"I just need you to help me find him. You don't have to worry about the rest. When you find him in your field of vision, just tell me. Then you can leave directly; I will not implicate you," Sasuke pondered and said.

He didn't know the strength of the Sand Shinobi's One Tail Doublechuriki. The only reference he had was Naruto, the Nine Tails Doublechuriki. Sasuke was confident he had no rivals among his peers if not considering the power of the tailed beast. If the opponent uses the power of the tailed beast, escaping might still be an option. He'd just take Sakura and Naruto and run away. Furthermore, with the Nine Tails inside Naruto, what a smash!