
Naruto: Alternative Sasuke Is Way Too Overpowered!

During the Chūnin Exam, a live broadcast showcased the contrasting lives of two Uchiha Sasukes to the ninja world. Sasuke from the original world: Tricked by Uchiha Itachi, deceived by Uchiha Obito, manipulated by successive Hokages, and kept in ignorance. His strength enhanced by the paths laid out by Uchiha Itachi and the Sage of Six Paths. Saved the ninja world by sealing Kaguya, only to leave Konoha in solitude. With just one daughter, the Uchiha lineage teeters on the brink of extinction. Sasuke from the Parallel World: Engaged in critical thinking and investigation to uncover the truth, resolving to defeat all adversaries. Independently increased his power, acquiring the Sage Mode, Rinnegan and Tailed Beast Power by himself. United the ninja world through unmatched strength, vanquished the Ōtsutsuki, ushered in true peace.

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Chapter 59

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Chapter 59: Geniuses Are Also Different From Geniuses

"Lee! How are you doing? Do you want my help?" Neji asked from the side. Although he thought Lee had brought this on himself by picking a fight, he was still his teammate.

"No... No need!" Lee, though thrown to the ground, firmly refused help. He had to defeat Uchiha Sasuke on his own. This was his moment to burn with youth and showcase his endurance.

"Eight Inner Gates, the first gate, open!" Lee suddenly shouted. However...

Boom! Boom! Boom! The sound of flesh hitting the ground followed.

"Eight Inner Gates, right! I'm still not convinced! I haven't fallen enough, have I?" Despite Sasuke remaining unaffected and continuing to toss Lee around effortlessly, Lee refused to give in.

"...Second Gate, open!" he persisted, opening another gate. Then...

Boom! Boom! Boom! The situation remained unchanged.

"Third Gate, life gate, open!" Boom! Boom! Boom!

Lee began to doubt. He had opened three gates, yet why was there no change? Why couldn't he resist? Was a genius really this powerful?

"Stop! We won't fight anymore, put Lee down!" Neji finally stepped in as he could no longer just watch.

Sasuke's strength was unbelievable. Lee, having opened three Inner Gates, should have been a significant threat, but before Sasuke, he seemed no stronger than an ordinary person.

"You want to be the next target?!" Sasuke swung Lee toward Neji, using him like a weapon.

Boom! Puff!

Lee and Neji collided, and Neji was sent flying by the impact of Lee's body.

"...Ahem, damn it, you actually used me as a weapon... Ahhh!!!" Lee couldn't finish his sentence before losing control of his body.

Sasuke grabbed him by the ankle, spinning him around in the air like a windmill. Lee felt dizzy and close to vomiting.

Meanwhile, Neji rose after being knocked down. He could have defended himself, but hesitated. To defend meant to strike his teammate, who was being used as a weapon, and in that surprise, he was thrown away.

"You put Lee down, we won't fight anymore, and we can ask Lee to apologize to you," Neji said more kindly.

"...Neji... don't... I... I can do it!" Lee struggled to speak, spinning around.

With arms crossed in front of his forehead, he suddenly swung down. "Eight Inner Gates, Fourth Gate, Injury Gate, open!" His skin turned red, his body shone with a green glow, and his aura increased significantly.

"Yes, at least your willpower is worthy of respect," Sasuke said with slight approval. "But you are still not convinced, are you?"


Sasuke's figure leapt up, picking up Lee and smashing him toward Neji again.

Neji was almost ready to curse in frustration!

He has also been on many missions, but he has never encountered such a bizarre situation. Is Lee so foolish that he cannot grasp the gravity of the situation? Uchiha Sasuke's power has greatly exceeded theirs; even the Eight Inner Gates appear ineffective.

Tenten lamented, "It's so tragic. Lee and Neji got beaten up so badly."

Might Guy exclaimed, "This is just bullying! Kakashi, why did you let Sasuke take the Chūnin exam? He should be promoted directly to Jōnin!"

I worry that my two disciples will suffer lasting psychological damage!

Hatake Kakashi replied, "That's from a different world; it's pointless telling me about it..."

Nara Shikamaru observed, "While Lee's never-give-up spirit is admirable, we still need to be realistic about the situation..."

Orochimaru sneered, "Hehe, that Hyuga Neji thinks he's on the same level as Sasuke, as both are considered geniuses in the ninja school, but there's a vast difference between one genius and another!"

Hyuga Neji was getting beaten so badly he could only dodge in desperation, nearly spitting blood from frustration.

He didn't dare to attack, nor did he dare to defend too forcefully, fearing he might injure Lee.

However, after Lee opened the Fourth Gate, his power surged, making him a more potent weapon...

Yet, Uchiha Sasuke easily dominated even more!

"I've never felt so humiliated in a fight; it's like Uchiha Sasuke is just toying with us!"

"Don't fight anymore!"

Tenten, who was watching from the sidelines, felt helpless as he saw his teammates being overpowered. He wanted to help...

But he was proficient in ninja tools... If he threw one and Uchiha Sasuke used Lee as a shield, what then? Tenten suspected that Sasuke might do something like that.

Sasuke, stopping the pursuit of Neji, continued to wield Lee, swinging him like a windmill, and asked, "Are you convinced now?"

"I... I do not..." Lee began but was cut off by Neji.

"Lee! Think about it, please. Let's stop this fight, okay?!" Neji's voice trembled, almost on the verge of tears.

Lee was not ready to concede, but in truth, he had no fight left in him.

If he continued, he felt he might lose his mind.

"I... I admit... I concede..."

Lee finally capitulated.

Thrown to the ground by Sasuke, Lee immediately felt dizzy, as if the world was spinning. His stomach churned, and he vomited...

As he vomited, he spun uncontrollably, the mess covering his body...

Tenten grimaced, "Ugh! How disgusting! Lee, you really got yourself into trouble!"

Hyuga Neji chided, "Why would you blindly challenge Uchiha Sasuke... You've dragged yourself into such a mess!"

Rock Lee cursed, "Damn! I reached the Fourth Gate of the Eight Inner Gates, and it's still useless!"

Might Guy sighed, "The gap in your foundational strength is too wide... Even if you reached the Fifth Gate, Lee, in Sasuke's grasp, you would be at best as strong as an ordinary Jōnin."

Hatake Kakashi explained, "Lee challenged Sasuke, thinking it was a test of genius against genius, but the Sasuke from that world is already considered a rising power in his own right."