
Naruto: Aizen Template System (rewrite soon)

Uehara Naraku, traveled to the world of Naruto as a member of the Uchiha clan. With the Uchiha incident near, he awakened the Template System. [Template System activated, Character: Aizen Sōsuke] Naruku must navigate the complexities of the Naruto universe, facing challenges, forming alliances, and ultimately reshaping his destiny amidst the chaos of ninja warfare.

EvilBlueCrystal · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 8

The team of Jonin rushed to the location, only resting a bit.

Their mission weighed heavy on their minds, driving them forward.

Each member of the team remained vigilant, their movements synchronized as they navigated the terrain with practiced ease.

Leading the group was Kakashi, with a reputation for both skill and wisdom.

His sharp eyes scanned their surroundings, assessing potential threats with a keen instinct honed through years of experience.

With a nod from Kakashi, they pressed forward, their footsteps muffled by the soft earth beneath their feet.

After two days and one night of relentless travel, they arrived in a small town on the southwestern border of the country of Fire.

The village, nestled amidst rolling hills and lush forests, exuded an air of tranquility that belied the turmoil brewing within its borders.

As they approached the town's outskirts, Kakashi signaled for his team to halt.

"Here is very close to the country of the river, do you think it is possible that he has left the country of Fire and went to the country of the river or other countries?" Kurenai asked, her voice laced with worry.

Asuma, took a moment to consider Kurenai's question before responding.

"It is not so easy for him to go abroad. To avoid the eyes of the border guard ninja, you need a Hokage or Daimyo-approved pass, or special ninjutsu such as flying."

Raido then said, "He is a member of the Uchiha clan. He has Sharingan and deceived the eyes of the border guard ninja. It shouldn't be difficult for him."

Kurenai frowned at Kakashi's assessment. "It's unlikely." she retorted, "But we can't rule out the possibility entirely. We need to be prepared for anything."

Kakashi, interjected with a calm tone, "Lord Hokage has dispatched ANBU to investigate this area, even before us. Even if Uehara Naraku can deceive the guard's eyes, it is impossible to go without a trace, at least if he leaves the Fire Country. We know it."

His words carried the weight of experience and wisdom, instilling a sense of reassurance in the team. 

Kakashi continued earnestly, "Don't underestimate Konoha's intelligence network."

Kurenai nodded in agreement, her respect for Kakashi evident in her expression. "Kakashi is right," she affirmed, her voice steady with conviction. "Even if only Hiruzen was left, the Uchiha did not dare to fight Konoha."

As they entered the village proper, they were met with an eerie silence that hung heavy in the air.

The normally bustling streets were deserted, the buildings shuttered and dark.

"We need to find the exchange point," Kakashi declared, her voice firm with determination.

"We'll split up and search the village. Asuma, Kurenai, you two take the eastern sector. Yamato and I will cover the western side. Stay alert and be prepared for anything."

Without hesitation, the team sprang into action, fanning out across the village in search of their quarry. 

As they moved through the shadows, Kakashi's senses remained on high alert, the village seemed eerily quiet now, the only sound the soft rustle of leaves in the night breeze.

Soon, the six arrived at the bounty exchange on the black market, its facade disguised as an antique shop to conceal its activities.

According to ANBU's investigation, Uehara Naraku, had been here waiting to exchange Shinnosuke's first-tier bounty.

As they stepped inside, the air grew thick with tension, the dimly lit interior casting eerie shadows across the cluttered shelves lined with artifacts of questionable origin.

"What do you want to buy or exchange for?" a middle-aged man wearing a straw hat inquired, his face partially obscured by the brim as he emerged from the counter.

Kakashi exchanged a knowing glance with his team, and with a steely resolve, he stepped forward.

After laying eyes on the unexpected guests, the boss spoke up, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity tinged with caution. "Konoha Shinobi? Are you here for Uchiha Itachi, or Uehara Naraku?"

His gaze flickered over the forehead protectors adorning the team's foreheads, silently assessing their allegiance before speaking again in a calm tone.

Kakashi's movements froze momentarily, his visible eye narrowing in surprise. "You know?" he interjected, his tone betraying a mixture of suspicion.

The owner nodded sagely, his expression unreadable behind the brim of his hat.

"After all, with such a high bounty, nearby bounty hunters are looking for them," he explained matter-of-factly, his voice carrying the weight of experience.

"We're here for Uehara Naraku." Kakashi he declared.

The owner paused for a moment.

"And what makes you think I know where he is?" he countered, his tone laced with thinly veiled menace.

Kakashi's tone remained firm as she addressed the owner. "That's easy to say. We know he's been sighted in this area, and we want to know his whereabouts. You are the person who collected the 'goods' from him. At least you know which direction he is heading in?"

Kakashi, ever perceptive, added, "I also know that people in your business are unforthcoming and can't afford to pay early. How much are you going to be paid?"

The shop owner shook his head, "I don't know where he is."

Just then, a man seated at a nearby table glanced up from his drink, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the group of shinobi before him.

"Are you looking for the man who exchanged the bounty?" he inquired, his voice low and guarded.

Kakashi exchanged a wary glance with the man before responding, "Yes, we are. Do you know where we can find him?"

Kakashi's impatience simmered as he locked eyes with the man, his gaze piercing with urgency. "So where is he? Tell us quickly," he demanded with a sharp tone.

The man's demeanor shifted suddenly, his voice taking on a cold edge as he spoke.

"Uehara Naraku? He, he is right here!" he declared, his words dripping with malice as he revealed his true form, a surge of killing intent radiated from the man, filling the air with an oppressive heaviness.

Kakashi's instincts kicked into overdrive as he recognized the imminent danger, his face contorting with alarm.

"No, get away!" he shouted, his voice ringing with urgency as he wanted the others to back off.

Before they could react, Naraku had already formed a series of hand seals, his movements fluid and practiced.

With a whisper of incantation, he unleashed his jutsu upon them.

"Wind Release: Great Hurricane," Naraku murmured, his voice barely audible above the roar of the gathering storm.

A surge of chakra surged from Naraku's body, coalescing into a massive tornado that swept across the root with devastating force. 

Kakashi and his team barely had time to brace themselves before they were engulfed by the swirling winds, their senses overwhelmed by the sheer power of the jutsu.

The antique shop shook violently as the winds tore through its fragile structure, sending debris flying in all directions.

Then the building collapsed in on itself, reduced to rubble in the wake of Naraku's destructive fury.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, the force of the Great Hurricane extended beyond the confines of the black market, impacting several nearby buildings on the opposite side of the street.

The sound of crashing debris echoed through the vicinity as the winds wreaked havoc on everything in their path.

As the dust settled and the winds subsided, Kakashi and his team emerged from the ruins of the antique shop, their faces grim as they regrouped on the road, their eyes locking with Naraku's in a tense standoff.

"So strong, no wonder Mr. Shinnosuke will lose," one of them muttered, their voice trembling with fear.

"He is... Uehara Naraku..." Kurenai whispered, her own composure faltering in the face of Naraku's overwhelming power.

Amidst the swirling smoke and dust, Naraku emerged from the chaos, his true face revealed as he smiled wickedly at the assembled shinobi. "I knew that you Konoha shinobi would come here, so I stayed waiting," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "But I didn't expect to catch such a big fish for the second time..."

The implication of his words hung heavy in the air, chilling the hearts of Kakashi and her team.

"You," Asuma growled, his fury boiling over as he drew his weapon, with lethal intent.

Kakashi's gaze hardened, his mind racing to formulate a plan to defeat their formidable foe.

Kakashi, Kurenai, Yamato, and Asuma stood shoulder to shoulder, their eyes locked on Naraku.

Despite the danger they faced, their unity remained unbroken, each one ready to lay down their life to protect each other.