
Naruto: Aizen Template System (rewrite soon)

Uehara Naraku, traveled to the world of Naruto as a member of the Uchiha clan. With the Uchiha incident near, he awakened the Template System. [Template System activated, Character: Aizen Sōsuke] Naruku must navigate the complexities of the Naruto universe, facing challenges, forming alliances, and ultimately reshaping his destiny amidst the chaos of ninja warfare.

EvilBlueCrystal · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 7

The day dawned with a brilliance that flooded the village of Konoha, the sun's fiery embrace cascading over its familiar streets and rooftops.

As its burning rays painted the landscape, the terrain beneath was full with life, lush greenery and vibrant blooms adorning the earth.

Six Konoha shinobi approached the public training ground just outside the village.

Awaiting their arrival, Asuma's gaze met theirs with a knowing intensity.

These six shinobi weren't just renowned jōnin within Konoha; they were comrades, sharing a past as classmates.

Kakashi's single visible eye narrowed slightly as he glanced sideways at the two other arrivals, his voice tinged with a hint of concern. "Where's Guy, didn't you call him?"

Asuma's response was nonchalant, his demeanor betraying no sense of urgency.

"He's probably scared, and doesn't want to show up." he replied with a shrug, his tone indifferent to the absence of their fellow comrade.

Though Kakashi's expression remained impassive, a flicker of disappointment flashed in his eye at the news of Guy's absence.

However, with their mission at hand, there was little time to dwell on his absence as they focused on the task ahead.

Kurenai's voice carried a note of concern as she addressed Asuma,

"Asuma, are you being too impulsive? Surely the Hokage advised against your participation in this mission."

Asuma's response brimmed with indignation,"My brother and sister-in-law were murdered," he declared, his voice trembling with pent-up anger. "How can I stay back and do nothing?"

Turning to Kakashi, he issued a plea tinged with desperation.

"If you truly wish to help me, then let me take part," he implored, his resolve unwavering. "Even if I go alone, I will not rest until justice is served."

Kakashi's gaze softened, understanding the depth of Asuma's pain and the urgency of his quest for vengeance.

With a solemn nod, he acknowledged Asuma's resolve. "We're in this together," Kakashi affirmed, his voice steady with determination. "You won't be alone."

Raidō Namiashi let out a resigned sigh, acknowledging the weight of their collective resolve.

"Seems there's nothing more to be said," he conceded, his tone tinged with a sense of resignation.

Genma's confidence in their abilities brought a faint smile to Kakashi's lips as he nodded in agreement.

"Kakashi's words alone are enough to embolden us for battle," Genma remarked, casting a glance towards their captain.

"With the six of us, and the addition of Guy and Asuma, that makes eight. I doubt can be easily defeated by anyone."

Observing the unwavering determination in each of their expressions, Kakashi's gaze swept over his comrades before nodding in acquiescence.

"Alright," he conceded, his voice firm yet measured. "But if something happens, we must prioritize our safety and retreat immediately. Our mission's success depends on our unity and discretion."

Kurenai was caught in a web of conflicting emotions for a moment.

Asuma has returned to Konoha sooner than expected.

Her mind wandered back to her childhood days, reminiscing about the time when she first met Asuma Sarutobi during the Academy entrance ceremony, their friendship had blossomed swiftly.

Despite their shared history and deep camaraderie as classmates, the relationship between Asuma and Kurenai remained firmly rooted in friendship, far from anything romantic.

Though Kurenai still harbored reservations, she couldn't ignore the fire burning within Asuma's eyes, nor the weight of his grief.

With a resigned sigh, she conceded, her worry tempered by a sense of loyalty to her friend and fellow shinobi.

In the end, guided by the bonds forged through years of shared experiences, the jonin reached a unanimous decision.

With their agreement sealed, the individuals who bore the weight of Konoha's youth set out from the training ground, on their mission.

With Kakashi leading the way, they navigated the intricate barrier structure of the village, ensuring their departure went unnoticed by the residents.

As they ventured beyond the safety of Konoha's walls, their senses sharpened, attuned to the subtlest of threats.

It wasn't until dawn, that word reached Hiruzen of Asuma's absence. 

Hiruzen, who was dealing with a series of events related to the aftermath of the destruction of the Uchiha clan, was shocked.

The brush in his hand slipped from his grasp, falling heavily to the ground.

Though anger simmered beneath the surface, he was not worried, knowing that the shinobi were elite jōnin, capable of handling themselves in most situations.

With Kakashi at the front, who was renowned on the battlefield, and his mastery of the Sharingan.

Even Uehara Naraku, despite any hidden strengths he may possess, seemed unlikely to surpass Kakashi's seasoned experience.

Nevertheless, Hiruzen erred on the side of caution, recognizing the need for swift action.

With a decisive nod, he called upon Might Guy, a fellow classmate of the shinobi, tasking him with leading a pursuit team consisting of two chūnin.

Together, they would track down their comrades and ensure their safe return, sparing no effort to uphold the village's safety and honor.

With a sense of urgency driving his actions, Might Guy swiftly assembled his team.

Meanwhile, back in Konoha, Hiruzen remained vigilant, his mind consumed with thoughts of the unfolding events.

Aware of the delicate political climate surrounding Konoha in the aftermath of the Uchiha clan tragedy, Hiruzen exercised caution in his decision-making.

With news of the genocide slowly permeating outside Koniha and into the Shinobi world, the risk of outside interference or retaliation against Konoha loomed ever-present.

Understanding the need to maintain a formidable defense against potential threats, Hiruzen hesitated to dispatch too many jōnin on pursuit missions.

While the safety of their missing comrades remained a priority, safeguarding the village against potential attacks took precedence.

In times of uncertainty, it was imperative to preserve Konoha's core combat forces, ensuring they stood ready to defend their home against any external threats that may arise. 

By maintaining a vigilant watch over the village, the jōnin could deter any attempts to exploit their weaknesses, safeguarding Konoha's stability and security in the face of any attacks from other villages.

With tensions already heightened in the wake of the Uchiha tragedy, any misstep could escalate into further conflict, jeopardizing the fragile peace within the Shinobi world.

Sending too many jōnin on pursuit missions could be interpreted as a sign of weakness or instability, inviting opportunistic aggression from rival Shinobi villages.

Instead, he opted to deploy a more measured response, allocating resources to fortify Konoha's defenses.

Hiruzen, remained resolute in his commitment to safeguarding Konoha, trusting in the strength and unity of its people.

Meanwhile the jōnin wasted no time in preparing their gear and weapons, ensuring that every blade was sharp, every seal secure.

As they gathered their gear and finalized their preparations.

With a silent understanding, they shared a moment of quiet determination before setting off.