
Naruto: Aizen`s Ascension

Juha Bach faced defeat while trying to create a new world order. Some time passed, Soul society`s tranquility didn’t last for long - it evaporated as soon as the notorious mastermind, Aizen Sosuke, decided to enter the stage again! Surprisingly, this very man, when Juha Bach`s power was paralyzed by Ishida Uryu`s silver arrow, managed to acquire certain esoteric knowledge about how some hidden aspects of reality truly operated. This was not just a mere coincidence, as one might expect it at first glance, but the indirect influence of the otherworldly being, who with zest was ready to accept Aizen Sosuke as his fellow conspirator. Being reincarnated in the Naruto world during the warring states period, Aizen Sosuke together with his partner in crime are ready to make their grand plan come into being, which is not as trivial as - become the strongest, achieve immortality or simply conquer the world to prove self-existences right and worth. “Grasping power of destiny in one’s own hands … forging unique path by making first steps on the road of uncertainty … eating wings of inevitability, granting oneself the power to vaporize the blinding arrogance… ready to be emptied, only unknown creativity to be granted, shall journey of consciousness be experienced to the deepest joy intensity.”-Dante to Aizen before reincarnation. **Disclaimers** All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

Zero8master · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Sealing the deal.

" ou, don`t give me that look. shall I say, I am 'a little bit 'capable of observing and gathering information and making deductions!" -presented an explanation creature in the blatant form of confidence. 'even though I am just a soul fragment of my former self, spiritual calculation and sensory are still in my arsenal '.

Aizen`s eyes narrowed and reflected a deeply questioning state.

"It goes without saying, sentences like "gathering knowledge" and "making deductions" are too nebulous for my curiously to be satisfied!"

"For now, this is not important. An essential part is, both you and I have a little time left till your 'precious' comrades arrive! The very fact that you are here means, mustache guy`s portion of power was refined by you. your curiosity is caught, if my assumption is correct, you are fed up with this world … and before you attempt negotiations with me, let's cut to the chase, I can give you information about outer worlds, how to get to them, make infiltration smooth and much more than that, while, in turn, not only will you free me but later on cooperate with me on infiltrating world and help me accomplish a certain goal, which, I reckon, certainly will be quite attractive enough. "Offered creature in subtly tempting tone.

'This creature sure has a high degree of sapience.'- a thought flashed in Aizen`s mind and he quickly came to terms with the reality that probing in this way would be ineffective and proceeded with asking the next question.

"It is quite amusing but how are you so sure we won`t end up betraying each other? it is certainly a 'little' surprise for me that you could point my little boredom out about this world`s system, it is true that there are some unexplored areas here but compared to outer worlds it is 'a little' lackluster "-sarcastically commented Aizen and then added another question " Also, I just wanted to remind you, that you seem to forgot to provide some proof that information revealed by you to Juha is not some farce "

"We shall sign a cooperation contract, according to which neither of us will suffer if one of us dies during partnership but we will be prohibited from directly or indirectly harming each other. As for the way to prove information, I will just add this knowledge in the contract and write-I acknowledge that what I said was the truth - should I lie I will suffer fatal soul damage. Soul contract will be valid till I go back to the higher-dimensional universe."

A little wave of force blinked in space; knowledge appeared in Aizen's mind after he carefully examined it to avoid some soul-energy trap.

A giggle echoed in the dungeon "so, while I was imprisoned here for quite some time, I, obviously, managed to adapt to this world`s natural power system, so here is my technique – soul restriction contract-. I reckon, someone like you, who is proficient deep enough in soul-techniques structures analyses, will testify that my skill has no problem! "

Aizen's reiatsu strongly fluctuated in his brain area, his eyes glowed a little as a grand researcher during his experimentations! ' there really is no problem with technique structure! another thing that is worth paying attention to, some very strong power infused with the contract's base but the only function, that I see, is just to make soul-binding empowerment ... just in case I shall triple check! '

After analyzing the structure of the technique and making sure that there was nothing fishy Aizen spoke slowly: "hmm, truly fascinating, not only you are praiseworthy for information gathering ability but to adapt to such an extent that you are capable of creating a technique that corresponds to soul society`s power system while, at the same time, being confined by some soul chains, that are very slowly draining your soul force essence "

"Flatter can be postponed! while I would certainly like to play a price negotiation little game here, time is of the essence. I will directly say, Profit split will be… mine 80% yours 20 % and no more out of it …"

"50 /50! I thought you didn't intend to play…Dante of heavenly honey badger race "- Aizen narrowed his eyes, his gaze was sharp.

Dante chortled " ou I forgot to introduce myself, how rude of me …"

A chuckle echoed in the dungeon; the content of the contract changed "ok. you 'got me there'…. are contract details up to snuff now? -." creature with dark red eyes grinned.

Silence took place.

Aizen was perfectly aware that this rather engrossing creature splendidly took the situation into consideration. 'As a matter of fact, I can read it in his eyes and vibe that he is giving me … he is not afraid of death at all, meaning if I really try to force my way out, he very likely may perform some suicidal attack thus leading to knowledge lose, threatening that I can just give him up to captains will also not work and it is not welcomed. As far as the situation has shown me, coupled with my insight into the hogyoku, I, as it seems, have hogyoku`s shackles or heavenly will`s supervision, therefore, to a certain extent, I am prone to be influenced by external factors and some bothersome variables that can hinder my plans in this world. In a nutshell, taking this offer is quite appealing, but …'

Aizen stared very intently at the honey badger`s glowing red eyes, after thinking for a moment, he calmly made his thoughts known. "you know, this eye-appealing contract of yours definitely works well in this world, but is there any guaranty that it will not change some of its qualities and still be as foolproof as it is right now? It will be very wrong on my part to exclude the possibility that the outer world's environments won't have an influence right?"

Dante clapped his paws together and sniggered." Good point! Precisely, different worlds have different heavenly Laws, thus different power systems, hence, this world`s techniques won`t necessarily work well in other worlds and universes, in spite of this, this contract`s binding power level, that utilizes this world`s power system principles, will still be the same in other universes. Needless to say, I won't specify the means as to how this contract's universal validity is achieved until we sign a contract. I will just add this statement in the contract that it is true and may this world`s power principles testify to me!

(Autor note: say hello to the heterogeneity of time and space (multiverse - heterogeneous))

Aizen just calmy observed Dante`s response.

'Hmm, my intellectual intuition is assuring me that this way, things can, indeed, work out…'

"It is more apparent now as to why Juha bach rejected your cooperation suggestion-you didn't have a way to provide any assurance about your words at that time"-Aizen with blatant confidence expressed himself.

Resolutely uttered Dante: " Even if I had this technique at that time, it is unlikely, that mustache guy would agree! you know, you are more pleasing to an eye, Aizen! After trying some methods and making sure that none worked at his current power level he just threatened me with cocksure words that he will take over this world and refine me but sadly he made a miscalculation, that should he achieve his desired goal and attempt that, I would just shatter my soul, unlike him, we, heavenly honey badger race, have fear of death in check or should I say there are some who do not fear death much, for they are much more afraid of not really living "

"Alright, i am ready to grasp the new opportunity with you! "

gracefully smiled Aizen, while extending his right hand and performing contract symbol with reiatsu.

"It is worth mentioning, his main objective was to fuse all realms for eliminating the fear of death "suddenly added Aizen.

Contract symbol appeared on Dante`s right paw "fear of fear that`s the key problem, not the fear itself. As for Yhwach, he was just world spirit`s experiment for exploring new evolutionary ways but it did not play out well for the world"

Prison cell brightened and white mystical symbols enveloped both of them.

"splendid, it is settled successfully "

p.s it is very much recommended to google {Stoffel, the honey badger}