
Naruto: Aizen`s Ascension

Juha Bach faced defeat while trying to create a new world order. Some time passed, Soul society`s tranquility didn’t last for long - it evaporated as soon as the notorious mastermind, Aizen Sosuke, decided to enter the stage again! Surprisingly, this very man, when Juha Bach`s power was paralyzed by Ishida Uryu`s silver arrow, managed to acquire certain esoteric knowledge about how some hidden aspects of reality truly operated. This was not just a mere coincidence, as one might expect it at first glance, but the indirect influence of the otherworldly being, who with zest was ready to accept Aizen Sosuke as his fellow conspirator. Being reincarnated in the Naruto world during the warring states period, Aizen Sosuke together with his partner in crime are ready to make their grand plan come into being, which is not as trivial as - become the strongest, achieve immortality or simply conquer the world to prove self-existences right and worth. “Grasping power of destiny in one’s own hands … forging unique path by making first steps on the road of uncertainty … eating wings of inevitability, granting oneself the power to vaporize the blinding arrogance… ready to be emptied, only unknown creativity to be granted, shall journey of consciousness be experienced to the deepest joy intensity.”-Dante to Aizen before reincarnation. **Disclaimers** All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

Zero8master · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Creation - the wellspring of destiny!

Dante made a grabbing motion and hogyoku appeared in his hand.

A little spark of curiosity was dancing in his eyes.

"Hogyoku - it has the power to materialize desires -it really is a type of destiny device. Despite the fact, that inspiration came from the world`s will itself, I will give you my complement for being partly responsible for its creation.

Technology involving the creation of item that can to some extent directly influence destiny is not completely unheard of in a higher-dimensional universe but, for certain, it is not that common either ." Danter marveled about the current situation, a hint of novelty, enthusiasm was evident in his red eyes " you know, should I call this a lucky encounter for both of us ?! cause, I had done my own research about this luck path stuff in my original world, sadly my memories are not complete so I can only do basic framework – it will be up to you to improve it in the future ."- words with enthusiastic vigor escaped his mouth.

"Hmm. let's see … a rather sexy, cool, marvellous tool that will be quite nifty for your acclimatization in outer worlds…"

Dante`s eyes twinkled with star lights and with every moment intensity of flickering speed increased, the deduction was in full power while the structure of hogyoku appeared in his mental mind followed by heavenly essence crystal and a different soul and magical diagrams. With each thought collision, mental simulations were changing and adjusting. very illusory but still noticeable space-time ripples danced around honey badger`s head.

heavenly honey badger`s race, excel in mental capabilities: calculations, simulations, deductions. After sufficient data is gathered from the world, their subconsciousness is used as a base to create a mental virtual laboratory, and just relying on the power of thought they can simulate experiments, experiments that exist in the realm where illusory and real meet.

Dante was firmly holding hogyoku, while heavenly essence crystal was shrinking at speed visible to the naked eye. Dark purple energy enveloping hogyoku was slowly changing its structure, strange mystical symbols were appearing from time to time and moving forward hogyoku`s center, just like moths to a flame. Dense dark purple vibrational waves were spreading in all directions inside the dungeon.

after a while.

"fuuuu…..good grief, I really did expend even a little bit of my soul essence, I am investing in you a lot you know ?! before you start questioning yourself -what`s the catch here and so on - I, most likely, gladly should do educational statement "Dante evilly grinned-," the first rule of business, protect your investment!"

Aizen just smirked at that.

" So by refining it with heavenly essence crystal I have removed heavenly will`s fragments from it, and even though it has lost a significant amount of its original power, from now on, if we exclude special cases, it will be completely yours and be usable in any universe. To put it in other words, by using hogyoku as a base and remodeling it with the power of heavenly essence crystal, I assess, it should be now something like your personal luck management system. "

Dante yawned a little lazily - "I am going to read a little lecture so bear with it for a while "

Aizen gave a somewhat nonchalant reply- "it's not like I am going to run away, not to mention every word coming from your mouth makes my flame of curiosity even stronger to the point that it is ready to materialize in physical form!"

Honey badger just devilishly smirked at that.

"Every being possesses innate luck, that can be generated and spent.

Luck in essence is a power that helps to materialize things through space-time river .it is a concept that merges space and time and gives direction to different scenarios, it makes fragmented events connect together through coincidences.!

As a matter has it, a person`s luck is usually used instinctively / subconsciously, mostly to help one survive, and less so for other purposes. With this, you not only will be able to see other being`s luck conditions but manage/redistribute consciously your very own luck.

There are two types of luck capacity. The first type – primary, also known as innate. luck regenerates in it naturally after spending and storage limit cannot be increased and the second one, which is possible thanks to this creation of ours, artificial or let's call it accumulative/extendable. This one is built upon natural capacity and the storage limit can be increased only after innate luck`s storage is filled to full state. Luck in this artificial storage is not regenerated naturally it has to be accumulated. It is certainly easier to just gather luck in this artificial storage than to increase its capacity limit, for it involves more energy cost.

Conditions to accumulate the force of fortune in extendable capacity: first, surviving life and death situations, the stronger the pressure the better, of course, if you win and not just survive then that just increases your gains. second, it is slower and less profitable but, in turn, is more peaceful - find destiny/heaven`s 'children' and be close by when they battle. The longer the battle lasts and the bigger its scale is the more 'collisional luck' is formed. I repeat, only heaven`s 'chosen ones', for they are blessed with different luck characteristics.

so, let`s wrap things up, if there are no special restrictions, with this tool you are capable in any universes, reading luck characteristics as well as, redistributing, managing, and collecting it. There are limitations and drawbacks too, in essence, it is a self-centered luck method – you cannot directly influence another person`s luck.

There is a limit to how much you can indirectly influence others through your luck power by utilizing it on yourself.

Reading creature`s luck conditions is possible but there is also a limit. backlash may be experienced if you stare too much or deep in other being`s luck, especially if the heavenly will is governing them.

Alright, enough has been said, other aspects will be for you to uncover. But don't be too full of yourself or get any funny idea that this will make you too op, yes, it is a very good adaptability device and can make some 'coincidences 'happen but it is not all that powerful either, not to mention there is -fortune manifestation feasibility index- just because you focus your luck power on something does not mean it will surely happen. it also has a failure percentage, which can be distinguished by the image`s intensity.

it can only manifest the desires if you have the strength to carry them out - it just cannot make something too unrealistic happen. meaning your wish has to be still grounded in reality.

Desire manifestation power is certainly weaker compared to the original hogyoku. well, it is to be expected, latter, after all, was backed by the very heavenly will itself!"

"what will be fortune energy cost If I decided to reincarnation with some favorable conditions "- asked Aizen with interest.

"The bigger the intrinsic potential body has and the more favorable the situation is for it to actualize that very potential - the higher the expenses." -commented Dante while rubbing the thumb against the two fingers.

"Truly intriguing! let`s see … "Aizen with grabbing motion placed altered hogyoku at solar plexus position and by enveloping it with his reiatsu at special frequency started merging process.

A dark purple little whirlpool took place in the Yhwach`s prison cell for a little while.

"hmm… what a peculiar enigmatic feeling am I experiencing now … "-muttered Aizen.

"Good that you are finished already! Alright, now let's discuss some details of our plan…"-Dante smiled; his eyes emitted a mysteriously red glow.

Meanwhile in soul society.

"this phenomenon in the sky is so bizarre, the change is too sudden"-muttered Rukia Kuchiki, while gazing with her ever-beautiful dark purple eyes at the dark sky.

"it is definitely connected to Aizen in some way or another "-stated Byakuya Kuchiki while calmly approaching his sister.

"We got an approximate location where Aizen ought to be "talked Urahara with his ever-relaxed manner "seems like Aizen is performing some sort of 'blasphemy against this world' ".

Suddenly, a strong wind blew as if confirming Urahara's statement.

"Aizen`s Shikai ability has been exposed for too long.

thanks to mine and Mayuri`s intense research results, counter to Kyoka Suigetsu`s ability has been found- we will need some captains to set up a huge – illusion extraction sealing barrier - around Aizen's location.

in that particular area, the power of his illusion will be invalid, this barrier has a very specific illusion resonance ability with his zanpakto, despite the fact, he has fused with his sword. in layman's terms - it will be like indirectly touching his zanpakto through -"barrier`s reiatsu chain resonance. Even if he tries to use his hidden Bankai, we would still be able to block, at least temporalty, Kyoka Suigetsu`s amplified illusory capabilities ". – stated Urahara.

"Alright let`s head to the intended location, setting this barrier up and sustaining it, is definitely going to be a pain in the ass "- a little bit annoyingly commented Shinji Hirako, while having both of his hands placed behind his head.