
Naruto: Aizen`s Ascension

Juha Bach faced defeat while trying to create a new world order. Some time passed, Soul society`s tranquility didn’t last for long - it evaporated as soon as the notorious mastermind, Aizen Sosuke, decided to enter the stage again! Surprisingly, this very man, when Juha Bach`s power was paralyzed by Ishida Uryu`s silver arrow, managed to acquire certain esoteric knowledge about how some hidden aspects of reality truly operated. This was not just a mere coincidence, as one might expect it at first glance, but the indirect influence of the otherworldly being, who with zest was ready to accept Aizen Sosuke as his fellow conspirator. Being reincarnated in the Naruto world during the warring states period, Aizen Sosuke together with his partner in crime are ready to make their grand plan come into being, which is not as trivial as - become the strongest, achieve immortality or simply conquer the world to prove self-existences right and worth. “Grasping power of destiny in one’s own hands … forging unique path by making first steps on the road of uncertainty … eating wings of inevitability, granting oneself the power to vaporize the blinding arrogance… ready to be emptied, only unknown creativity to be granted, shall journey of consciousness be experienced to the deepest joy intensity.”-Dante to Aizen before reincarnation. **Disclaimers** All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

Zero8master · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Aizen Sosuke vs Kenpachi Zaraki!

(Autor note: may you use the following song while enjoying this chapter:

A Perfect Circle - Outsider (Apocalypse Remix))

After a moment dust was blown away by Zaraki`s ever-increasing pressure.

"Aizen! you cannot even begin to fathom just how bored I was and just how exhilarating I am feeling now! I always wanted to cross blades with you! I have long heard of your notorious reputation, frankly, It really had a huge impact on me, to the point that I even had a dream of life and death battle! Come, let's fight"-yelled Zaraki preparing to launch another devastating strike but in the blink of an eye, Aizen's sword strike was already on top of his head, stirring the air as if there was a storm.

A whistling wind blew over the place.



Zaraki was blown 100 meters away yet his feet never left the very ground itself. At the very last moment, he managed to block this attack!

A deep joy flashed in Zaraki`s eyes.

The next moment both Zaraki and Aizen charged at each other at an insane speed!

Swords connected, and the intense sword battle broke out!

Eye-blinding bright Sparks flew in almost all directions, the reiatsu seemed to compress itself, and the sound of explosion and tearing could be heard.

Aizen deftly used shunpo at extreme speeds, his every strike left afterimages surrounding Zaraki from almost every troublesome direction. Kenpachi on the other hand, relied on his sharp battle instincts to sense attacks and parry them.

The sound of explosions rocked the air in a never-ending stream and the clashing of metal against metal sent shockwaves through the void.

Abruptly, Aizen swiftly pointed his second empty hand to the Zaraki's head.

'Hado 88: Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho(Dragon Strike Heaven-Shaking Lightning Cannon)' - thought flashed in Aizen`s mind and an explosive, powerful cannon of thunder exploded in the proximity of Kenpachi, enveloping his entire presence!

At this moment, there was an explosion that was too loud to come!

Intense dark purple lights flashed in the surroundings!

And just as Kenpachi successfully managed to crush this destructive decoy attack, Aizen Sosuke's shadow nimbly appeared behind him, and assaulted him with another, more powerful, deadly Hado!

'Hado 91: Senju Kōten Taihō(Thousand-Hand Bright Heaven Cannon) – mental command flashed at extreme speed in Aizen`s consciousness!

Kenpachi just grinned maniacally, like a gambling addict on a high in a casino with a full case of bloody money.

High density, long semi-spheroid reiatsu arrows menacingly have assaulted Kenpachi from different deadly angles, trying to obliterate his very existence!

Boom!Boom! Boom! Boom !....

There was a flash of pink-red lights, followed by explosions in the air. The loud ringing sounds emanated from the ferocious impact!

"fusshh!"- the aftermath of explosions dissipated and what greeted an eye was Kenpachi, clad in a shimmering transparent-greenish reiatsu samurai armor, this armor surrounded his hands, legs, chest area, torso, and forehead in a very exquisite way!

Aizen narrowed his eyes " Quite an interesting way to utilize reiatsu for a defensive purpose, especially for someone like you, to whom the attack is the best defense!"

Kenpachi just laughed energetically " I have just created this armor technique out of sheer boredom, Aizen! And it would be boring to not give it a play… ha, ha!"

Aizen just glanced at the surroundings and calmy assessed increased reiatsu density in the environment which was accumulated thanks to their collisions.

' hmm, this reiatsu density level should be enough!'- a sudden thought flashed in Aizen`s mind and he swiftly launch another attack!

Suddenly, immense reiatsu oppression rapidly started materializing.

"Wuuuuuuuu"-the sound of a brutal accumulating in a rapid fashion reiatsu resounded!

"Hado #99. Goryutenmetsu (Five Swirling Dragons of Destruction)"-calmly pointed Aizen with his ever-confident manner.


5 earth-shattering purple dragons started to form very fast. With each moment they danced, their power increased tremendously. Surrounding dense reiatsu was delicious nourishment for their empowerment!

One dragon followed another in an orderly fashion and assaulted Zaraki's position.


Five consecutive horrifyingly powerful strikes were launched in succession by Kenpachi.

A chilling roar resounded! The booming sound was like a clap of majestic thunder!


The aftershock had crushed the ground and split the hills.

Enormous amounts of crushed stones splattered in all directions. Most of the stones had already turned into a fine powder. There were dust and smoke everywhere.

Three of the five dragons were simply destroyed, and the last two survived, as they, in the blink of an eye, simply managed to absorb the destruction energy produced from the collision of the first three dragons and Zaraki's sword`s shockwave strikes.

"hmmm, not bad, come I will take it head-on"-devilishly grinned Kenpachi, ready to test his limits!

HOWL!-HOWL! – two already monstrously amplified purple dragons were creating such strong gales that Kenpachi even with his robust body could feel skin burning with pain. But this was just the beginning of the power demonstration of the highest-level offensive spell of all, that could draw upon the Reimyaku(Spiritual Power) of its surroundings to empower itself.

Two purple dragons started to merge together and the power increase was not just quantitative but qualitative!

ROAR!!! The tsunami-like dark Purple shockwave just swept surroundings in a devastating manner, Zaraki was being pushed back with his feet inserted in the ground.

A catastrophically horrifying Dark purple dragon`s head instantly appeared in front of Zaraki, the latter with boiling excitement attacked it with all his earth-shattering might!

The ringing explosion in the space traversed the entire soul society city!

The loud noise deafened everyone present and even made them a little dizzy for a split second!

Massive quantities of soil were blown up, and they shot out at the speed surpassing the speed of sound!


An explosion in the shape of a Purple-colored mushroom cloud occurred, it was ten times bigger than the first mushroom cloud, which was created after the dungeon's destruction by Kenpachi's attack.

"huff..." -panting Zaraki spat a large volume of blood from his mouth while his clothes and samurai armor were ruined. Visible bloody marks were formed on his body.

Rivulets of blood rained down on the ground, but he did not care!

"hahahahahah!....." Zaraki burst out in a peal of maniacal laughter! " yes, I can feel this long-forgotten sensation again … to be alive….truly marvelous, Aizen! This kido of yours is truly magnificent but I am sure you can show me something else even more brilliant, so why not just elevate this battle to the next level "

a savagely overwhelming pressure started to undulate from Zaraki's zanpakto, His surging vigor drove the trembling void into a greater magnitude! "BAN…" But before he could continue


Another more overwhelming pressure descended on Zaraki's body, to be frank, this was not just "more overwhelming", to use mere words and engage in accurately describing this pressure, it would be like: simply demonical to the point of suffocation; hellishly unbearable; just bone-pulverizing presence.

In Zaraki Kenpachi's mind projection: Devilish Red Eyes appeared above his head, which were mockingly, disdainfully, looking down on him. it was a feeling like his very own core existence was being questioned: 'be or not to be?'

Zaraki`s body was quivering, his very own, deeply and long-forgotten survival, self-perseverance instinct finally showed itself at this moment and was screaming – 'don't move or …-. ' I cannot believe it! my body is not listening to me! how is this mind-body reaction separation even possible?! TO think even my body had such a thing as self-perseverance instinct! Who is this apex predator that is lurking nearby? where is it?' as if have read his very thoughts small creature decided to show itself.

Next to Aizen, the Heavenly Honey Badger gracefully jumped out of the underground hole.