
Naruto : A Magic Warrior

After losing both of his parents and his powers, Naruto was trained by one of the four largest magic clans in the Kingdom of Konoha, the Hyuuga clan. And in order to uncover the truth about what happened to his family, he is determined to become someone who can hold the magical world in his hands.

The_Plagirist · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter no.4

Naruto looked carefully at what was in front of him. When it arrived, the fox's ghost turned into a giant-sized giant and became very powerful, even Naruto couldn't move a finger when he looked at the giant fox.

"What are you really!" His question was surprising.

Kurama turned again into a small red fox with nine tails like Naruto saw before.

"You might say that I'm the board of Magical Beast. I am one of the nine Tailed Beasts. My name is Kurama!" The answer.

"T-Tailed Beast..."







When the new spirit finished speaking, Naruto was still standing there with his mouth gaping open, and it appeared to take his brain about a second to process what it had just heard. It's possible that his run-in with the ghost will alter the course of his life in the years to come. This was the first time he had come across the spirit of a kind of magical beast, and the spirit was able to communicate with him. He wasn't entirely certain, but he believed it was the first time. If his brain is any indication, the order of events in this day is that he wakes up in the morning to meet Hinata, and then Hinata tells him that he is called by Hiashi-sama. If the event is concise according to his brain, then the order of events in this day is as follows: In the two weeks that follow his encounter with the five leaders of the Hyuuga clan, he will engage in a fight that will ultimately decide the course of his future. After that, he was given a skill roll that he was able to learn, and as a consequence, his magic circulation was restored. However, what he received after he had fully recovered was an encounter with the spirit of curiosity. At the very least, your mind is currently only capable of summarising the sequence of events in that order.

"Wait a moment... my brain must digest this from the beginning, this day a lot of unexpected events that I experienced, and your appearance was the most unlikely," Naruto said while holding his dizzy head with his left hand and extending his right hand towards the spirit with the palm of his hand facing the spirit. "This day a lot of unexpected events that I experienced and your appearance was the most unlikely."

The spirit of the fox stated that Naruto was somewhat surprised by the beginning of his appearance, particularly after the revelation of his true existence. He thanked Naruto for being brave enough to confront him as his original self just before. He was thankful that Naruto had not fled.

"Boy, you shouldn't be wasting your time." I said bored.

"Wait, wait, wait... Could you please make one request of me so that I don't become more confused?" Ask her while maintaining a bewildered expression.

I paid attention to what Naruto had to say. He wished that the request would not be an inconvenience to him because he himself did not have a lot of spare time. With that mindset, he had no chance of living for very long.

Kurama said to Naruto, "Tell me what you want, Naruto!"

"Could we start all over again from the beginning?" Ask Naruto, who is currently attempting to compose himself.

"I believe that it would be best to begin again, I believe." The plan that Naruto has suggested is sound.

According to the spirit's assessment, their plan to initiate a relationship from scratch would be a complete and utter waste of time. On the other hand, he thought it best to start from the beginning rather than risk the possibility that the person standing in front of him would not want to see him ever again. Particularly after he had revealed his true character to Naruto.

"Umm... You are a spirit, aren't you?" Inquire of Naruto while he has his right hand resting on his cheek.

The spirit that had taken the form of a tiny red fox with the name Kurama nodded. He wasn't even certain that he was a spirit, but because his present being was spirit, he could only knock in order to answer the question of the young man who was in front of him.

"Are you some kind of mythical creature?" Ask Naruto again.

Even though he had already provided an answer to that question, Kurama was compelled to introduce himself once more and reaffirm the fact that he is not a magical beast because Naruto had recently inquired about whether or not the two of them could resume their fleeting acquaintance.

I am not a fantastical beast of any kind. As I previously stated, I have the appearance of a magical beast; however, I am not a magical beast. Please respond to Relax.

After Naruto had finished digesting his spleen, his brain had to process what had just occurred. "If you're not a magical beast, then what are you?" "If you're not, then what are you?"

"You can say that I am the board of the Magical Beasts, or you can say that I am one of the nine Tailed Beasts," he said. "Either way, I am a part of the Magical Beasts." In response to Kurama:

Naruto remained silent while gazing in a direction that was incomprehensible. This viewpoint does not imply that he understands or even dislikes the statement "I have no idea what you're talking about." After a brief period of silence, he finally spoke.

The Mysterious Creature? I don't believe your words." Unbelievable, Naruto remarked as he turned his eyes to the side.

"I wanted to obey your request to restart our acquaintance, but that was wasting my time, boy!" "I wanted to obey your request to restart our acquaintance." I said upset.

This moment already indicates that it is late in the day because of his original colour, and Naruto is still entrapped with a ghost that has the ability to transform himself into a huge fox.

"If you buy me something to eat, I'll trust you!" When Naruto spoke, he did so with the gaze of a man, and his smile demonstrated his impudence.

"Where is the food, you idiot? I'm just a spirit, and I have no money!" "I have no money!" by Kurama.

Inside his head, he was giving off signs. It demonstrates that he is irate with you.

"How can I put my faith in you if you don't even bother to buy me something to eat?" Inquire of Naruto while maintaining a calm demeanour.

"Can friendship be purchased with a meal?" Inquire with the other travellers.

Naruto found it by accident. As a result of the circumstances, it is possible that Naruto is not the one who is imprisoned alongside a strange ghost; rather, it is the case that the strange ghost is the one who is confined alongside Naruto. It is extremely unfortunate that he has to deal with Naruto. Perhaps he is not stupid when it comes to making decisions or fighting, but his stubbornness and stupidity in situations that he does not understand himself makes it difficult for his opponent to understand the current state of his body.

"Let me assure you, once more, that my name is Tailed Beast!" Kurama stated this while pointing his fist in Naruto's direction.

What exactly does "Tailed Beast" mean? That is the question I have! Naruto was beginning to take things seriously.

At first, all that Naruto understood about Kurama was that he was a strange spirit in the shape of a fox that had emerged from within him and formed from an aura that emanated from his body. This, however, did not explain who Kurama was or why he was doing whatever he was doing inside Naruto's body.

Beast With a Tail We have no idea what kind of people we really are. Respond with an answer that is ambiguous.

When it comes to the issue of the spirit that claims to be the Tailed Beast but does not know what the Tailed Beast actually is, Naruto once again finds himself in a state of confusion. After getting some relief from his headache, he questioned Kurama once more, "So, Tailed Beast, where do you come from?"

"From where do we originate? " I am able to explain where we originated, but do you have any idea where I came from if I'm not the only one? Ask the possible suspects right now.

Naruto gave himself a shoulder shrug. It would appear that the spirit that boasted in front of him just a few minutes ago was not as intelligent as it seemed to be at the time.

"Didn't you say there were nine of you if you were a Tailed Beast?" Request some patience from Naruto.

Just now, Kurama recalled the time when he had said that to Naruto. "Oh, you're absolutely right..."

Naruto turned his head in the direction of Kurama with a look of confused amazement. Since this was the first time he had spoken to the ghost, he did not anticipate having another encounter with a ghost that took the form of a magical beast in the near future, or even at any time if he could avoid it.

"Could we please circle back around to my question?" Inquire concerning Naruto.

"What question?" Ask him back.

"I'm sure that just a few minutes ago you weren't trying to put on an air of superior intelligence and thinking that I was an idiot! "Is that not the case?" Ask Naruto angry.

"There's nothing wrong with it..."

Naruto was aggravated by the way in which this spirit dealt with him. If the spirit hadn't been stopped, he would have left the strange spirit alone there now and gone home to eat, take a shower, and rest, or meet up with Hinata and talk to him instead of having to talk to the strange spirit now because he is forced to do so.

"Let's get back to the main point. You questioned where I was born and raised. The word made a break in the action.

Naruto enthusiastically nodded his head. It would appear that he, himself, was incredibly enthusiastic about the spirit that could talk as well as what the Tailed Beast was.

"We are from heaven, or the place you call heaven," the aliens said.

"Are you a messenger from God? From Heaven?" Naruto reacted with a trace of surprise.

"Are you able to put your faith in me this time?" Inquire of me with an air of disinterest.

It also depends on the story that you tell. Allow me some time to make up my mind about whether or not I should believe your story because it seems to reveal more about you. This is what Naruto has said.
