
Naruto : A Magic Warrior

After losing both of his parents and his powers, Naruto was trained by one of the four largest magic clans in the Kingdom of Konoha, the Hyuuga clan. And in order to uncover the truth about what happened to his family, he is determined to become someone who can hold the magical world in his hands.

The_Plagirist · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter no.3

He made a beeline for the library of the Hyuuga clan, which was located in the far corner of the room, and there he discovered the remnants of the realms inhabited by the Uzumaki clan and the Namikaze clan.

"As it happens, it ends up being the case. These are all rolls that have been made by my clan. This is what Naruto has said.

Naruto examined a few of the reels he had selected, but he was unable to make up his mind about which one to examine first.

"Kira, which one should I utilise in the first place?" Inquire concerning Naruto.

His focus shifted to one of the reels that stood out from the others due to its obvious wear and age. Before it could be opened, he examined each individual reel after taking the reel in his hands.

"Therefore, I'll take three, and it seems like this old one can as well..." This is what Naruto said before he went off to fix the reel.

In the area of the forest where he typically did his training, he had not been to his usual training spot in a very long time because he had lost his spirit around the time that his vanishing genius had arrived.

"It's been a very long time since I've worked out in this location. From what I can tell, nothing has changed at all from this location." When Naruto used to train in this location, he would shadow cast while holding onto one of the tree trunks there.

Naruto placed all three reels that he had taken from the Hyuuga clan library on the ground before picking up the one that contained the most useful ari. I have no idea why he picked that roll, but I do know that he opened that skill roll without giving it much thought.

"Kira, can you tell me what kind of talent this is?" Inquire concerning Naruto.

When he opened the wheel, he discovered that the wheels that had been using it contained words that were completely incomprehensible.

"What on earth is this?" I'm not familiar with this type of writing. Did I see something like this?" This is what Naruto has said.

"Ah... Continue, I couldn't care less. Toh, you'll see what I mean later on," Naruto said, regardless of whether the audience understood the significance of skill.

I have no idea what he is thinking, but it doesn't seem to bother him because he immediately breaks the seal in order to learn how to roll the skill.

"Skill learning!"

There was a shift in the aura that surrounded him. This demonstrates that he has achieved a high level of proficiency in the skill.

Kira, could you please explain the nature of this ability? It's a receptive ability, huh? This is what Naruto has said.

After he had finished mastering the ability, the aura that had been around him returned. There is no provision for learning the skill that is written anywhere in the reel. As a result, he decided to go with the roll. If he decides to use a great skill reel, it is required that it has certain terms and conditions, such as the player's level having to be King or higher.

"Ukhh... Something in my body appears to be functioning appropriately." This is what Naruto has said.

Slowly, he is beginning to sense that the magical circulation in his body is beginning to recover in some way. Although it is possible that this is happening as a result of the magic reels he has been using recently, in reality, he is overjoyed because his magical circulation has finally returned to normal after a period of four years.

"Is that the case? Is it true that my magical circulation has returned to normal? In his heart, Naruto still does not believe the miracle that maintains him. Ask him about it.

He turned his attention towards the roll, and he embraced it with great fervour. Whether or not he was completely aware of what he was doing, the reel demonstrated very clearly that he has regained his ability.

"There must be some kind of magic in this turret!" Naruto's enthusiasm is palpable.

Almost immediately after that, in front of him, a mysterious red aura emanated from his body. He only just became aware that there was a red aura congregating in his vicinity.

"What kind of atmosphere is this...?" In case you are unsure, ask Naruto.

At first, he attributed it to the effect of the reel, but then he realised that it wasn't the same as it had been in the past. This aura takes the shape of a body, and once it has been consciously formed, the body of a red fox with nine tails appears in front of it.

"Now, at long last, we are able to communicate." The spirit is represented by the red rabbit.

"Wow! There are Magical Beasts to be Found! What purpose do magical beasts serve? "What is the purpose of these magical beasts being here?" When Naruto first saw the ghost of the little red fox, he let out a scream and immediately ran to hide behind a tree.

It appeared as though the fox with nine tails and the little red coat had no intention of attacking Naruto.

Why are you hiding? "I'm not a magical beast," she replied. "Why are you hiding?" The Ethereal Essence of the Rabbit

"Wow, that guy can really talk! Are you the spirit of the fantastic beast that once lived here but was killed, and do you seek vengeance? Ask Naruto for fear.

"Do not mistake me for a ghost!" And I have already stated that I am not the Enchanted Beast! Give an answer to the rabbit in red.

"And you are what exactly? The inquisitiveness? Inquire of Naruto about why, out of fear, he chose not to look at the red fox ghost.

Because of the timid demeanour of the person standing in front of him, the spirit of the fox took a deep breath.

You could not possibly be such a coward, seeing as how you are my boss. The Mind and Heart of the Shark

What do you do for a living? "Are you my pet?" After hearing what the boss had to say, you should ask Naruto to come out of hiding.

Not quite a domesticated animal. But it is written that you are to have my fortitude and my direction! Even though Naruto is finding it harder to make sense of the spirit of the red rabbit, even at this moment he can't help but be impressed by the sight of the animal spirits who are able to communicate with him.

There is no Hinata in this location. "I want to show this to him," Naruto said, shaking both of his hands in front of his chest and appearing dissatisfied in his expression.

"Listen and be silent!" The spirit was upset because he was aware that the person he had been invited to speak to did not care about him in any way.

After being provoked by the fox's spirit, Naruto was able to keep his mouth shut. The expression on his face, however, has changed to one of rage, and he does not want to look at the spirit.

"Hah... The red fox ghost said, "In any case, it doesn't make sense to show me to someone else and then you'll be considered crazy," so there's no point in doing that.

"Why? "Wouldn't it be great if I came across an animal that could communicate with me?" Inquire concerning Naruto.

"I am not an animal. "Stop making a fool of yourself!" The sprit of the little red rabbit with nine tails who had nine of their own.

Naruto cast his gaze upon the spirit. What exactly does this thing even look like if it's not a magical beast? Why is he a spirit being? Why can he talk? If he is a spirit being, why is he able to appear in front of Naruto? Why should Naruto be afraid of him?

You must have a lot of questions running through your head at the moment. But before we go any further, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kurama. "Flame God Kurama!" It is the answer.

"Hahah! Ahahahahahaha..." Naruto was laughing. He believed that the spirit was merely being humorous to himself and that it was all an elaborate joke.

Even the little red rabbit spirit wondered why Naruto laughed, and it was a very strange feeling when people around you were laughing for reasons that you were not aware of.

"What gives you the giggles? There is no humour in anything, right? Ask to Kurama.

"Of course, there must be something hilarious! Do you know anything about the God of Fire? You are! Are you crazy? It is abundantly clear that you are the ethereal being's spirit!" This is what Naruto has said.

When the Kurama starts with the appropriate word and the appropriate tone, the mood changes after a short while, and it becomes more serious.

"Take me seriously! I was given the name "Flame God." He said while maintaining a stern expression.

"Eh!" Naruto did not speak despite the fact that he was taken aback by the sight of the red fox.

"But your shape... you..." Naruto said broken up.

Kurama can make out his own form within the spirit that Naruto sees, and he will show it to Naruto if the latter believes that he is a magical beast.

Kurama said, "It's a simple form of me that you can see, but if you want to see my original form I'll show you in the form of a spirit." If you want to see Kurama in his original form, he will appear to you as a spirit.

Naruto focused his attention intently on the scene in front of him. When it arrived, the fox's ghost expanded to the size of a giant and gained a great deal of power; in fact, when Naruto looked at the giant fox, he was unable to move a muscle in his body.

"Who are you in all honesty!" It took me by surprise when he asked that.

Once more, Kurama transformed into a small red fox with nine tails, just like Naruto had seen him transform before.

"I suppose you could say that I serve as the board of directors for Magical Beast. I am one of the nine Tailed Beasts that exist in this world. My name is Kurama!" It is the answer.

"Behemoth with a T-Tail...!