
Naruto: A Broken Dream

Hiroshi was never someone who would rush into a fight, he was a happy person, someone who enjoyed getting everyone to laugh alongside him, Hiroshi was Mark Baker, a weeb who one day woke up in the world of Naruto and became Hiroshi Aburame... ---------------------------------------- I wanted to see what outside the scope of canon could do to the timeline, the story would probably go into massive AU in the future, with the whole world of Elemental nations going up and down because of Hiroshi's choices. If you want to read it, give it a try as the story won't be a linear worldbuilding, and everyone would be trying to screw one another... ---------------------------------------- This novel is my attempt at trying the Simulation system trope, I liked the idea behind the system, just the execution of many novels using this troupe was a blunder to navigate due to them being mostly MTL... So here's my attempt at a Simulation type novel. If you want to read ahead or read 9 Chapters ahead- https://www.patreon.com/DesMark

DesMark · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Tora!- part 2

{Somehwere in the Land of Fire}

{9:13 PM, 16 March 78 Yrs}


'''...the limiter seal corresponds to setting some blocks on how chakra flows, either to let it gain or lose affinity or to be used as small chakra storages, though the main use of the limiter seal is to let some chakra slowly fizzle throughout any seal circuit keeping the seal stable and extending the vitality of the seal...'''


As the once-forgotten memories stopped flowing through his mind, Hiroshi took a deep breath to calm down his thoughts.

'Okay so maybe it wasn't as garbage as I thought it was...'

After graduating from the academy and getting access to the genin library, Hiroshi spent a lot of time there reading various scrolls on specific jutsu modifications, seals, and chakra theory. While the main reason behind his motivation for that was the fact that his INT stat kept increasing as he kept on reading, but once INT crossed the 50-point threshold he noticed the gain kept decreasing before it stopped at 54 altogether where it had stayed until today.



[Name - Hiroshi Aburame]

[Simulation Cooldown - 01::13::58::34]

[Simulation Points - 100]

[Title - ~]


[Affiliation - Konoha]

[Chakra - 465/505]

[Str - 43]

[Vit - 39]

[Dex - 53]

[Agi - 37]

[Int - 62]


[Physical Stats] [+]

[Mental Stats] [+]

[Current Strength - High-Genin/ Low-chunin]



{[Intermediate Academy Taijutsu(Passive/Active) Lv- Max], [Intermediate Bukijutsu (Passive/Active) Lv-5], [Leaf Sticking(Passive/Active) Lv-Max], [Tree Walking (Passive/Active) Lv-Max], [Water Walking (Passive/Active) Lv-Max], [Transformation Technique(Active) Lv-Max], [Clone Technique(Active) Lv-Max], [Body Replacement Technique(Active) Lv-Max], [Solid Clone Jutsu (Active) Lv-3], [Beginner Vaccum Fist (Active) Lv-3], [Secret Skill: Blood-Bone Transformation Technique(Passive/Active)Lv-1], [Body Flicker Technique (Active)Lv-4]}



{[Night Vision(Green)]}

{[Poison Ivy (Blue)]}


'My INT increased to 62, that's a straight jump of 8 points, is it because I now remember all the theories I read after graduation, and my real INT if I had remembered every piece of information would be 62 or maybe even more than that as I don't remember everything that I have ever read...'

Hiroshi looked at the new window indicating that his memory stat had increased, it was starting to make some sense now, like in his previous life too, he had read so many books, whether it was for school or for entertainment, except for the highlights and slight impressions left behind, one doesn't remember a lot of stuff, or at least not the precise words.

It took him a while to go through all these fresh memories, most of them were just journal entries that most chunins wrote about their experiences during various types of missions and some filtered war stories. Nothing groundbreaking was ever placed in the Genin Archive but it was still quite profitable to read through, he mostly combed through the library in an effort to find any useful introduction to medical ninjutsu.

'Alright another stat that I have to improve, though it didn't help me like I thought it would, I need Ren to figure out if increasing INT helps me with chakra control because in the anime Sakura supposedly had almost a perfect memory and she also had a perfect chakra control without even learning the exercises, maybe it had something to do with her spiritual energy being greater than her physical energy?'

Anything else was just speculation on his part, it would take some experimentation to figure it out but he was a little more optimistic than before, it makes sense, as chakra is a combination of Physical and spiritual energy, if someone has a greater reserve of spiritual energy than it could be easier to guide their chakra.

"Hiroshi~!!" He heard a shout coming from a distance, Hiroshi put the scroll back that he was pulling out, and Ren landed a few feet from his face sweating a little as he spoke, "Tora called for an emergency team meeting, I saw a messenger bird arriving some time ago."

'Alright, the message has arrived, the replacement team should arrive in 2 days then I can safely go back to Konoha, and my simulation cooldown should also be ready before then so I can know if there's any immediate danger on the way back.'

"Yeah let's go..." Hiroshi and Ren both started tree-hopping back towards the village, it wasn't that far out and would probably take them just 5 minutes to reach back to the base. On the way as they were tree hopping Hiroshi asked, "Hey Ren, I was doing some chakra control exercises, could you check if there's any change?"

They both hopped 2-3 more times as a look of concentration took over Ren's face, "What exercise did you do?"

'It worked!'

Seeing Hiroshi's face lit up Ren gave him a glare as he repeated, "Come on dude, I thought you had already mastered all three exercises."

"Yeah it's an improvised one I created to further refine my chakra, you need to balance a senbon on your fingertips using chakra threads to maintain its balance."


Ren scoffed as he continued moving, Horishi looked at his face and rolled his eyes, "Alright I'll tell you but later, I still haven't figured out if the method is safe or not..." after a searching look Ren nodded as he went back to normal, "So what do you reckon this is all about, did something happen, you run into anyone today?"

"Nah, I finished my patrol then I began training, have been there ever since, you were the only one I saw today..."

They traveled for a few moments before arriving at the base, their squad was resting in the cafeteria, since there was just another jounin squad that stayed in Kōchiyo Village for a longer duration, it was mostly their squad that monopolized the common areas of the base.

Hiroshi sensed Tora's eyes scanning him, it wasn't anything malicious that he could feel but it was noticeable since it stayed on him longer than a normal amount.

Tora laughed lightly to lighten the atmosphere, normally an emergency meeting in a mission simply spelled trouble, "It's alright lighten up guys, we are just being recalled to the village, a squad will arrive a couple of days later and we are going to go back home."

Hiroshi and Ren exchanged a glance and it was Ren who stepped up and asked, "What happened Sempai, we have already accepted the mission and traveled so far?"

Tora hesitated before he shrugged, "It's nothing but apparently Hiroshi leaving the team with the administration earlier that day but then still coming with us got flagged and although I told them before leaving that I managed to get you for this mission, apparently I need to report to sort some things out..."


Hiroshi stared blankly at Tora as Mitsuru spoke with a concerned expression, "You're going to be alright right? I mean Hiroshi could vouch for you..."

'...so somehow he managed to gain sympathy despite plotting to kill me?'

Hiroshi had to suppress the anger on his face as he saw a tier-2 K-drama happen in front of him...



P.S- Advanced chapters at p.atreon.com/DesMark