
Naruto: A Broken Dream

Hiroshi was never someone who would rush into a fight, he was a happy person, someone who enjoyed getting everyone to laugh alongside him, Hiroshi was Mark Baker, a weeb who one day woke up in the world of Naruto and became Hiroshi Aburame... ---------------------------------------- I wanted to see what outside the scope of canon could do to the timeline, the story would probably go into massive AU in the future, with the whole world of Elemental nations going up and down because of Hiroshi's choices. If you want to read it, give it a try as the story won't be a linear worldbuilding, and everyone would be trying to screw one another... ---------------------------------------- This novel is my attempt at trying the Simulation system trope, I liked the idea behind the system, just the execution of many novels using this troupe was a blunder to navigate due to them being mostly MTL... So here's my attempt at a Simulation type novel. If you want to read ahead or read 9 Chapters ahead- https://www.patreon.com/DesMark

DesMark · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Escape! Part-2

{Training Ground 21, Konohagakure}

{6:35 PM, 27 March 78 Yrs}

[Secret Skill: Blood-Bone Transformation Technique(Passive/Active)Lv-1, Physique -1/use]

[An upgraded transformation technique based on the principles of the E-rank Transformation technique. A C-Rank Secret Skill that allows the user to change his/her appearance completely by manipulating their bone structure. The creator's comprehension stat was low while the secret technique was created leading to its low rank and massive drawback. Each use of this technique damages one's foundation and leaves a lasting mark on their body.

Manipulate Bone structure, skin tone, and muscle mass freely.

Physique drops by 1 for every use]

This was a skill that he got a long time ago in his third simulation, but since the end of the fifth simulation, everything has been going wrong for him, leading to the point where he had no choice but to use this jutsu.

'Is this what a main character feels like?'

Hiroshi pondered for a brief moment before he dismissed his vain thoughts, right now he had to ditch the one or two people tailing him somehow. Hiroshi was lying on the ground after finishing his basic physical conditioning routine and then he exhausted most of his chakra, as much as he could without dipping into the state of chakra exhaustion, his chakra was almost empty right now which was step 1 of his escape plan.

'Danzo would not have left me alone if he thought I was a threat or even an asset, that means even on the last three days when I couldn't sense anyone, someone was watching me, possibly a Hyuga or a higher-ranked ninja who was able to completely evade my senses. If it was a Hyuga, then with a single glance he would know that I am completely out of chakra thus reducing my threat, if it was someone else... well I guess I did use a lot of jutsus so it wasn't a stretch to assume that I am tired.'

Hiroshi was banking on the people responsible for tailing him not taking him seriously, at least he hoped, knowing that they were ROOT shinobi they would most likely follow protocols, he used the small amount of chakra that has regenerated to manipulate the seals on his feet, he set the weights to 0 and then stood up. It was time, he looked around... this training ground was one of the places where he had spent the most amount of time. Hiroshi hesitated, he felt a weird nostalgia as he looked at the abandoned training ground, maybe he wouldn't be here for a long time, maybe no one would ever train here again and it would end up being just a path that people take to get to one of the more popular spots.

'Alright, I need to stop being ridiculous, I don't have a lot of time, whoever was watching me must change shifts soon, it has been hours so their concentration should be low right now, this should be the only window that I could get today.'

The World of Elemental Nations was vast, although Hiroshi has stayed in Konoha for almost 14 years it didn't mean he had to be stuck here forever, it may be a little rough but being afraid to go out wasn't an option, especially not now. He walked out of the training ground before rushing towards Konoha, he was a little tired but since his weights were set to 0 he could easily maintain his normal speed. It took him almost 5 minutes to arrive near the outskirts of the residential area, he took this route every day so he kept on going before turning towards the commercial district.

One day every month he took a timeout to enjoy some of the more expensive food in Konoha's restaurants, today he just had an extra reason to go there. The Yakiniku Q, was the restaurant that Team 8 used most frequently, Choji loved the place and Hiroshi also had their barbeque one time, which was quite good but not the main point of today's agenda, it was one of the few restaurants that had a bathroom attached in the restaurant. He arrived at the place, and as soon as he used his hand to flap aside the cloth where the restaurant's name was written a whiff of delicious aroma hit him.

He scanned around for a target, the restaurant must have just opened as it still was a little too early, there were only a couple of people sitting at tables. Hiroshi quickly eliminated the lady, there was no way he would pretend to be a girl for an extended period of time, the male on the other hand looked like he was in his early thirties. Hiroshi walked towards the main desk and ordered a medium serving of pork to start before he sat down two tables away from the target.

'Alright, now we wait.'

This was the part where Hiroshi was expecting his luck to work some magic, he couldn't talk to the target without it being flagged as suspicious, it took 5 minutes for the food to arrive, 30 minutes for it to slowly sizzle on the grill and then another 30 for him to finish the meal. Hiroshi cursed lightly as nothing happened, no one entered to talk to his target, he looked like a merchant so Hiroshi was positive that someone would come soon enough so that he could do a light recon.

'Tch... What kind of merchant wastes time eating alone.'

Hiroshi stood up paid for the food and left, the second step of the plan was a bust, but it paved the way for his alternate plan, Hiroshi hesitated as he pondered if he could get away with trying again at lunch tomorrow before he decided against it and started walking towards the shopping district. Since Plan A was a bust he would have to make do with the alternate plan, at least he regenerated enough chakra to perform most of the techniques needed to escape and since he had been in the restaurant for a bit, the Hyuga who was supposed to watch over him should need a rest. The chunin exams were quite some days away but Hiroshi knows that the market of Konoha should be going through a restocking period. Every day hundreds of people walked through Konoha's gates carrying stocks for all the traders and merchants established in Konoha.

"...Come back here-"

"...ou want to go for something, I'm hungry as fuck-"

"...want to go tomorrow, come on you can-"

As Hiroshi walked through the crowded streets, he kept a steady flow of chakra to his ears to enhance his senses, right now was the prime time for people to roam through the streets, if he was sure that a Hyuga wasn't watching over him he would have tried to mix up within the crowd and tried to sneak away, but two things were working against him. First, it was easy to follow someone if whoever was watching him was looking from the rooftops, secondly, he was wearing his trench coat so unless he went into the Aburame clan compound, he would stick out like a sore thumb.

It took a few moments before he arrived at the shopping district, the place was buzzing and he quickly slipped into the shop to restock on fuinjutsu scrolls and ink, he looked around for a while before he left and walked into a different shop searching through rations for field trips. After walking into another two shops he came across an alley, there was a lot of commotion going on as two men barely out of their puberty were hauling containers of a merchant's cart. Hiroshi suppressed a smile he leaned against the shop and peered inside through the glass display as he listened.

"...you two, we need to go back for a return trip today, I need to get everything transferred here in the next two trips, it would take us 10 days-"

'Alright perfect, this will do-'

Hiroshi scanned the two people carrying containers from head to toe, they both looked young, barely around 18-19 years of age, Hiroshi didn't have any information on them so he stayed for a bit and listen to their conversation for a bit, he needed at least their names for his plan to work.

One of them was called Ryoko but he couldn't figure out the other one's name even after listening to their conversation for a couple of minutes, both of them seemed like silent types but one of them was currently apologizing to Ryoko about some bullshit about a whore they met during their stay in Hirabayashi Village. Having heard enough to at least get by Hiroshi waited as Ryoko once again went to the cart to carry out another crate. He started walking away from the alley and slowly walked to another shop, he browsed through a few more inventories before he came across another alley, he quickly dipped in and quickly went through a series of hand seals.

Ram → Boar → Ram → Dog

'Solid Clone Jutsu'

Bird → Tiger → Ram -> Snake

'Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique'

Hiroshi looked at his solid clone leaving the alley as it bumped into someone, the clone quickly apologized before it mirrored Hiroshi's previous actions as it bumbled its way through the shopping district. Hiroshi on the other hand slipped into the ground and rushed towards the alley next door, it was easy to sense the two guys from earlier working, Hiroshi would have liked to take the place of Ryoko but right now he didn't have a choice.

Dog → Snake→ Ram -> Bird -> Dog -> Ox -> Monkey -> Rat

'Secret Skill: Blood-Bone Transformation Technique'

Hiroshi envision how he wanted his body to look before, he felt pain radiating from his bones as it took a lot of effort for him to not scream so that he didn't lose concentration and pop the bubble of chakra that was keeping him safe right now. Hiroshi felt his facial features morph as his height increased, he focused his senses on the two and waited for Ryoko to once again leave to get another crate, he took out a kunai from his pouch before he used his 4th Ninjutsu in a short span of time.

Tiger -> Snake

'Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique'

He manipulated his rapidly dwindling chakra and in a swift motion grabbed the unnamed guy down underground, Hiroshi manipulated his chakra again dragging him around 40 m underground before he quickly stabbed his kunai from the bottom of the man's neck to his brain.

Dog → Boar → Ram

'Transformation Technique'

Hiroshi transformed his clothes to look like the guy he just killed and in the next instant he popped out of the ground right where the unnamed guy was standing, Ryoko came back with a crate which he placed on the ground next to the stack amid the slightly awkward silence, Hiroshi focused and then he sighed audibly.

"Are you seriously not going to talk to me?" Hiroshi asked, his voice perfectly mimicking the other one.

Ryoko glared before he started walking back toward the merchant caravan.


'...Now I just need to keep this disguise till I leave Konoha,' Hiroshi thought as he looked at the solid ground under him before he quickly picked up the crate and easily carried it into the warehouse.

'Now I just need to get his real clothes so that I won't be caught if my henge breaks... and the entry permit to leave...'


AN- No one guessed it right. Keep trying!

P.S.- Read Chapter 50 - Uzumaki Fuinjutsu! Part 3 at my P.atreon- p.atreon.com/DesMark.

Will be 11 chapters ahead before tomorrow! I am aiming for 20 chapters ahead before the end of the month and then I can relax and focus a little on the Omake!