
Naruto - The Shadow Kage

[Disclaimer: First time writting, english is my 2.language] A soul was floating through the infinite nothingness on its way to a new life. The soul itself experienced the journey as kind of a view throughout its past life. It knows of its past life and that it died but it wasn’t sad or anything; it felt nothing… maybe not nothing, if it had to describe the feeling, it would be excitement. Why excitement, you might ask? Because after living a life and returning a bit early the soul wants to live a full and enjoyable life in a world that truly excites it. Maybe that’s the reason why the soul didn’t go through the normal reincarnation circle and got reincarnated with its memory intact into a world that the soul loved the most in its past life. Into the world of Naruto... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is gonna be a slow story which will start just before the 2nd war. The mc is trying to became op but its not gonna be fast. Also he is gonna join Konoha later. I am not sure about the harem and don't expect the romance to be anything grand. Also english is my second language so correct me if my grammer is shit! Disclaimer: I own nothing here

SoraSoraha · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Baby steps

After his sleeping problem was resolved, time passed quickly. During that time he didn't try to mess around with Chakra, because he was still under constant surveillance. Also right after they solved his problem they had him under 24/7 watch, so that he doesn't take any more damage. His crib was moved right next to the chair where the nurses sit. Sota wasn't pleased by that.

(Sota thoughts): "It's so annoying. Now that I can't even hear what they say and I can't mess around with chakra, it is so boring."

After a while the nurses saw Sota eating and sleeping normally, they moved him back to where his crib was previously. And that's how he spent the next 3 months of his new life….


It was a normal day in his new life. It was just a boring day laying around as a baby. But that would change during the feeding session. Sota was getting fed currently, when he was looking towards the other cribs and saw a head popping up.

(Sota thoughts): "One of them is already able to stand, that's pretty much the most interesting thing that happened here in the last 3 months."

Sota tried to lift his hand to point to his roommate. The female nurse wasn't able to understand Sota firstly but then turned towards the direction that his arm turned.

(female nurse): "Oooohhhh, one is able to stand up already. That means that he is going to be moved into the next stage."

She put Sota onto the table and made sure that he wouldn't fall down. Afterwards she walked to the standing baby and looked at his datasheet on his crib.

(female nurse): "It is the second one in the group. 8 and half months old, one week younger than the first. Ah finally something happening with these, I can't wait to leave. After my shift I have to report that to the superiors."

After she satisfied her curiosity she walked back to Sota to finish his feeding and then put him back in his crib.

(Sota thoughts): "Let's see what is now going to happen to him."

In the next couple of days not a lot happened, both the nurses picked the Second up and put him on the ground and tried to make him walk. It took the Second 3 weeks until he was able walk without any support. During that time the First also stood up and the nurses made him join the Second in his walking exercise. After the Second was able to walk around freely, the nurses opened a room directly on the opposite site on the hallway. He was allowed to go over there and play. The First followed him shortly after.


Now it was Sotas time to leave his room. After he sees the Second moving around the rooms, he also decides that he should start to train his body so that he can start to walk. It took him one week to turn around on his own and another 2 weeks until his arms, legs and hands decided to listen to his command. One month after the Second start to run around, Sota tried to crawl the first time. It took him another 3 weeks until he was able to crawl around freely in his crib. He also learnt to sit up.

Turning his training he saw the First move around freely and the Third, Fourth and the Fifth starting the training. When he was first sitting up the Third was also allowed to join the other two and the Sixth joined the walking exercise. For the next two months Sota(7 months old) tried to stand up but his legs just couldn't support him. When he finally was able to stand up, only he, the Eleventh, Tenth and Ninth were still in their cribs in the room. During that time two more women joined the group. They stayed with the children in the other room, but they came back every night to sleep in the original room. Also they started to change the cribs to small beds because the cribs were too small. The Ninth was currently during the walking exercise. The other two weren't making any attempts on standing up which made the nurses a little bit nerversus. But then than male nurses saw Sota standing up and was really surprised.

(male nurse): "This one is really special. Standing up after 7 months. If he is able to walk around freely before the ninth month, I think that should be a record in here."

Sota the next day was moved out of his crib and put down on the floor to do the walking exercise. He was really excited to be finally out of his crib and was really trying to leave this room shortly. The nurses were really surprised by Sota's working spirit. None of the other children tried as long and hard as Sota. And so after only 2 weeks Sota was already running around the room.

(male nurse): "What a monster did these guys created, only two weeks to walk around without any wobble."

(Sota thoughts): "Finally I am able to get out here!"

And so the next day Sota was also allowed to join the kids in the other room.