
Naruto - The Shadow Kage

[Disclaimer: First time writting, english is my 2.language] A soul was floating through the infinite nothingness on its way to a new life. The soul itself experienced the journey as kind of a view throughout its past life. It knows of its past life and that it died but it wasn’t sad or anything; it felt nothing… maybe not nothing, if it had to describe the feeling, it would be excitement. Why excitement, you might ask? Because after living a life and returning a bit early the soul wants to live a full and enjoyable life in a world that truly excites it. Maybe that’s the reason why the soul didn’t go through the normal reincarnation circle and got reincarnated with its memory intact into a world that the soul loved the most in its past life. Into the world of Naruto... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is gonna be a slow story which will start just before the 2nd war. The mc is trying to became op but its not gonna be fast. Also he is gonna join Konoha later. I am not sure about the harem and don't expect the romance to be anything grand. Also english is my second language so correct me if my grammer is shit! Disclaimer: I own nothing here

SoraSoraha · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Arriving in his new home

Sota was led out the part of the hallway which he would cross between the two rooms. He left the room and looked back again.

(Sota thoughts): "Finally I get to leave this place!"

He walked for around 5 minutes until he reached a big metal door. The person who picked him up, yells to someone to open the door. The door opens and Sota is blinded from the sudden spike in light.

This is the first in his new life that Sota sees sunlight and the outside world.

(Sota thoughts): "Sunlight for the first time… aaaaaa…. it feels so nice on the skin"

The guard yells at Sota when he realizes that he was not moving.

(Guard): "Move you little shit, I am not getting paid to hold this door open for forever."

After he recovers from the shock, Sota starts to walk forward again. Still not accustomed to the light, he has his one hand over the sun while his eyes are narrowed. It took him a good minute to be able to see normally. He then starts to look around, but what he saw shocked him.

What he walked out of turned out to be a cave, and above the exit he came out of was a ginormous jungle. The way the exit faced was the sea. So he was right at the edge of a jungle towards the sea. Between both of them was a big bay, on which they built a port, which had two ships lying there, and multiple cylindrical big buildings, like you have seen them in Naruto. While following the men, he was also able to see a big fence surrounding the entire compound with multiple watchtowers on it. The fence was built right on the edge of the jungle. This was also the first time Sota saw one guy walking around with the typical headband.

(Sota thoughts): "Wow, what are they doing here actually? There is no way that they use all of this for like less than 50 kids and how was this never mentioned in the actual canon. This base has to have at least 1000 people here. How were they able to hide this kind of base? Wait… didn't one of the nurses say that they had to travel for 1 months by boat? Then that brings out why here, so far away from their home village? Also why inside that cave, also that cave system has to be massive. So many questions, it is bugging me so much but first see where they bring me!"

He was led towards one of the cylindrical buildings and before he even entered it he was able to hear children playing. The building was nothing special from the inside. Pretty much bare grey or white walls, floors and ceilings. Passing through multiple doors and two staircases, Sota and the men arrive in a room which had three doors in it.

(The men): "You will live here starting today. The left door is for girls and the right is for boys. Inside each of them is also a toilet and a bath. I am now responsible for your group, and if you have a problem come to me. I'm going to be in here, or in this room[points at the door that is left], did you understand me?"

Sota just nods and the men walked him into the boys room. Sota saw 5 beds, in which 4 were apparently already used.

(The men): "You are the last one to join your group. The others are outside and probably playing with the other group's children. From ur data I see that you are the youngest of all here so be careful. Every morning I teach you and in the afternoon you are allowed to do whatever as long as you stay in this compound. Also you have to be back not less than 5 mins after you hear a bell ring. Did you understand me?"

Sota again nods.

(The men): "The bell is going to ring in half an hour so you wait here"

(Sota thoughts): "This looks basically like an orphanage. Boys and Girls separated and one gathering room. There is a bookshelf over there, but I have to wait until they 'teach' me how to read, I don't want to raise any suspicion. I only read picture books or let the child cares read the book to me. Let's see, the oldest in my group should be 3 and a half years old. Also the children in the other groups should be older than us, so I should avoid them.

….aaaaaa I can't wait to read the books over there. Until then I'm just going to walk around and see if I can overhear some conversations of any adults to get more information about this place."

After finalizing his plan he walked around the boys room, then gathering room and then girls room. The only difference from the girls room to the boys room is that there are two more beds, so seven. Sota already knew that there were 5 boys and 7 girls in his group because they would bath them all together in the last place.

Shortly after he finishes his tour, the bell rings and he is able to hear children from the outside coming closer. Less than 5 minutes later all the children were here and sat down on the long table. This was the first time in around 6 months that they were together. Sota joined them. The men came in with a card and Sota was already able to smell the food.

After everyone finishes, the men introduced Sota back towards the group. He followed up with that they have one hour until lights go off.

The other children were still a bit indifferent about Sota. They didn't approach him, which for him was great, because he as an adult in the mind would find it weird to interact with them. So the hour passed and the men turned all the lights off, while everyone went to bed. Sota also laid down in his new bed and pretty much fell asleep one the spot because of all the walking and the new impressions.