
Naruto - fanfic

New writer, Mc is the same age of Itachi but Itachi is older by 2 months i think since mc is September 14(my birthday) so yeah do let me know where I can improve so that the next time i write a chapter i make it to a manageable story. I will post a chapter when I had an idea pop up in my head so no schedule, and I'm a new writer who only write for fun

Forgettable_Author · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

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A year has passed, many things happen in a year, Shinsei having his sibling being born with his father Shindo arrived just to see his family and his wife bring his second child to the world. The second sibling is a boy name Tsuyoshi it means Brave, valiant, and Shinsei feeling happy that he has a brother in arms now, he will teach him how to prank his mother and father, while the growth of our mc is fast, he can walk when he is 6 months old,(because of the training he got) and talk little words like "mama, eat" or "pee, toilet", and this caused him to suffocate from being hug by his mother who's super happy, he also surprised his father when he ran towards him, when he arrived 7 months (he arrive at June 10 while he stays 4 months for the birthday of his first son) later to see his second child to be born, while Shinsei also saying "dada", hearing his son talking he got so happy he cried while raising Shinsei like a proud father he is.

Shinsei and Itachi always play at the playground since the day they first met, while Sei with Tsuyoshi and Mikoto is talking about how their day's going, while Shindo got back to war 4 months later Tsuyoshi was born and to attend his first son birthday, the age of mc right now is 2 years old and Itachi is 2 years old and 4 months old, while Tsuyoshi being born June 10, Year 60, Ayame is born, the daughter? (is she?) of the Ichiraku ramen restaurant, Teuchi.

Shin: "Itachi san, let's play tag"

Itachi: "Okay, but who's the It"

Shin: "Why don't we decide by playing rock paper scissors"

Itachi: "Sure, Don't cry if you lose okay"

Shin: "heh, me, cry, that's for babies job"

Playing the rock paper scissors, Shin won of course since he has instant learning and this is a battle (for them), seeing that he lost, Itachi glared at Shinsei who win at the ro per sci(rock paper scissors).

Itachi: "Again!, you cheater"

Shin: "Me, cheater, heh, I there's no need to accuse of me being a cheater, do you see me cheat, no right?"

Itachi: "Ahhhh, let's play again if you cheat or not"

Shin won again, Seeing that Shin won again, he almost cry while his Eyes are moist (they are a toddler and Itachi is an Uchiha so they don't like losing).

Shin: "Heh, see I didn't cheat 'since it's my ability at work', Now you are the It, come and catch me Itachi"

Shin ran and Itachi follow to catch up to mc.

Somewhere around the kusagakure, the war of Konohagakure and iwagakure is still brewing, Shindo is walking to the camp where his teammates are.

Shindo: "So what's going on at the frontline right now"

Teammate 1: "The fights in the frontline are good, there are not many casualties, the war may end soon we'll just see to it"

Teammate 2: "Hm, So how's your family doing right now, Shindo"

Shindo: "they're doing good while my son is a genius, he can already talk, Sei told me when he was 6 months old he can walk around while he can talk at 7 months and my second son was born " having a proud smile in his face.

Teammate 3: "It means your son would be a great shinobi"

Shindo: "Only the future can tell if he becomes a shinobi or not, Katsu (means victorious)"

They keep talking about how the war is going while Shinsei and Itachi are currently soaking wet because of running around, while Itachi can't catch up to Shinsei.

(not the mc but he instant learn how to control his body to the maximum so he can control his sweat and it would be weird if he didn't since they been running around)

Itachi: "Why are you*Pant* so fast, Shin Kun"

Shin: "Cause I'm better" while sticking his tongue out.

Sei and Mikoto seeing the boys soaking wet from the sweat, bring a towel to wipe the sweat while changing their clothes on.

Sei: "look at yourself, sweating so much, come let me change your clothes, Tsuyoshi look at your Aniki sweating so much he smells bad right"

Tsuyoshi giggled while raising his hand towards his brother, who grab it and played with him.

Itachi seeing this think to himself if he can have a little brother, he looks at his mother who is wiping him. Mikoto looks at Itachi and then at Shinsei who is playing(tickling) with his brother then look at Itachi again and smile at him like she knows what he's thinking.

Mikoto: "I know what you're thinking, just ask your dad if he wants to have another one" while having a blush on her face (do you readers want some of Uchiha girl or not cause I do but I'll respect your choices if you don't want to)

Itachi:" *fidgeting*Can I?"

Mikoto:" Of course, you can but you need to ask your father first"

Itachi: "Uhm, I'll ask father to give me siblings"

Hearing the discussion of Mikoto and Itachi, Sei look at them while smiling, and Shinsei thinks that this might cause a butterfly effect if another character is born but who cares since he thinks that him being here is already causing a butterfly effect just by being friends to Itachi and he might cause more in the future.

Sei: "looks like your son wants a sibling, Mikoto"

Mikoto: "Hmm, Just why did you bring your second son look what you've done" playfully saying.

Sei: "Hey it's not my fault, if I left my Tsuyoshi at the house there's no one who will take care of him"

While Sei and Mikoto playfully argue, Shinsei and Itachi are currently playing(tickling) with Tsuyoshi who is giggling and laughing hysterically.

Night came and they give their goodbye to each other, while Sei is walking with her sons to their house, and Mikoto going to the clan of Uchiha, arriving at the Uchiha clan, Mikoto kept walking to their house till they arrive at the living room where Fugaku is, Seeing his Father, Itachi run and jump to him.

Itachi: "Father you're back, I want a sibling"

Hearing what his son is saying he was surprised inside while on the outside his stoic face remain not surprising. He looks at Mikoto who is having a blushed face while walking towards him.

Mikoto: "He sees his friend having a sibling so he asks me to have a sibling since he has none"

Fugaku looks at Mikoto then at Itachi who seems expecting him to say yes.

Fugaku: "Sure" while looking at Mikoto secretly who seems to be telling them to get ready tonight.

Itachi: "Yes!!, I will have a sibling"

Seeing the look of his Husband, Mikoto look away with a blushing face, while holding her cheeks while muttering "ah Itachi why did you ask him, this is Sei's fault for bringing her son to the playground",

While Sei who already arrived at the house with her son's sneeze, mutters "who's talking to me right this hour".

Fugaku: "We will eat, for now, I will cook since you're tired walking around"

Mikoto: "Thanks"

Mikoto walks towards the sofa and lay down to rest while Itachi is running around saying he will have a sibling.

( October,15, Year 60)