
Naruto - fanfic

New writer, Mc is the same age of Itachi but Itachi is older by 2 months i think since mc is September 14(my birthday) so yeah do let me know where I can improve so that the next time i write a chapter i make it to a manageable story. I will post a chapter when I had an idea pop up in my head so no schedule, and I'm a new writer who only write for fun

Forgettable_Author · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

C - 4

(Tell me if I should time skip the next chapter or not since I got nothing better to do today and this is the last chapter for today since it's 2:49 am here, do check the idea from chapter 2 comments)

Shinsei and Sei go inside the house since Shindo is gone and leave towards the kusagakure to help the Konohagakure against Iwagakure, Sei prepares to cook a portion of food for her so that she can breastfeed Shinsei, Feeling the mood of Shinsei, Sei sit to the sofa with Shinsei on her lap while she scratches his hair who has the same colour of his dad, while his eyes are the same as Sei's eye.

Sei looks gently at the relaxed expression of her son who seems to relax not holding any sad mood anymore from his dad leaving him while smiling gently at him and whispers that he can only hear.

Sei: "Shin, don't be sad I'm here for you and don't worry since your dad is super strong you know"

Shinsei look at Sei and thinks, why would he be sad, he should not think about the worst-case scenario that will put him a negative mind that will happen to his father, he should think about that his father will be back peacefully and continue their life like nothing happen at all while waiting for his newborn sibling to be born together with his family and name him/her.

Shinsei looks at his mother and say's that only he can understand.

Shin: "Hmm...Bhu Bhi ghu gha" (Hmm...I will wait for father and when he arrived I will. surprise him with my voice) ((I don't know how baby talk))

Sei: "Yes Shin, you will"(she won't know what Shinsei is talking but she just listen as she understood the words of our mc)

Shin and Sei then talk (not, one talk, one listen while nodding her head despite not knowing what he says) and Sei picks him up to the table so that she can cook her food, since it's morning she will have bread with some butter to put on the bread, while listening to her son talking, while mc know for a fact that she really can't understand him, he still kept talking for the vocal cords while taking a break time to time.

By the time Sei finish her breakfast, she stops Shinsei to talk since she will breastfeed her son now, seeing that it's her turn to have a breakfast he sucks through, to get the milk out since it can help him have a healthy body, minutes later he finished his meal, seeing how her son is finish drinking, she covers up her breast and say to Shinsei.

Sei: "Since you are finished, let's go walking so that you can see how beautiful Konoha is"

Sei then goes to the door, opening it from inside, pushing forward to see houses around, Sei close the door and walk outside of the house, the wind blows to Shinsei face making him feel the warmth of the air, he kept looking around curiously thinking how different houses are while looking around he saw the neighbour of the left side of their house an old lady who is probably a civilian, tending her flower and plants, looking around again he saw the right side of their house, an old man was reading a newspaper with a tea on the table sitting, who sees him and smile while waving his hands towards him and Sei while speaking.

Grandpa: "Oh, Sei how are you doing, looks like you have a son with Shindo"

While standing up the walk towards them, The old lady who hears the voice of the one speaking turns her head to see Sei and a boy in her arm, she walks up to her and says

Grandma: "Would you look at this cute baby, having his father's hair while having the brown eyes of her mother, so what is the name of this little angel here"

Grandpa: "Ey, why you stealing my question, I want to question her what's the name of the boy is"

Grandma: "Bahh, who steal who, you old geezer"

Grandpa: "Bahh, it's you of course, and calling me old, huh look yourself at the mirror you old hag"

Grandma: "Huuhhh, you wanna fight you old geezer Retsu"( means violent )

Grandpa Rio: "hah, as if you can beat me with those stick hands you old hag, Aimi" ( means love beauty )

Sei who sees this seems not affected by it or she is just used to seeing this by this two old grandma and grandpa, while Shinsei was stunned by the behaviour of these two since he thought that the older you get, the behaviour around the old would be mysterious or having this ethereal feeling where he is a hermit or sage, looks like he is wrong.

Sei: "Stop fighting, Grandpa Retsu, Grandma Aimi, the name of this little guy here is Shinsei my and Shindo's son"

Hearing Sei says the child's name they stop fighting and ask where Shindo is, which Sei answer "at war", hearing the word war they thought how they live through that word and they are 1 year older than hiruzen even so they are still Chūnin, till they decided to resign since they will only get killed, they through all wars and surviving.

Grandpa: "Hmm(grabbing his beard like a wise sage), war huh, a cruel place where you die anywhere and no one will even see your body or bring the bodies of deceased to the family who lost their family"

Grandma: "Hmm, it truly is a dark savage place where you will be killed"

Sei: "ok, ok, stop that there's a baby here and I don't hear you're experienced about war, so we will leave now, I still need to walk with my son here"

Shinsei: "Ghu"(let's go, mother)

Sei: "See, my son wants to go now bye grandpa, grandma"

Grandpa and ma: "Ok goodbye Sei, Shin"

Waving her hands, Sei kept walking to any place they could visit until they got to the playground where the kid's played, Sei kept walking towards the playground with her son in her arm, Until he pointed to the tree where A woman with black hair and black eyes, with the shirt having the Uchiha logo in it while having a baby in her arm around 6 to 7 months old.

Seeing who that person is, Sei looks at Shinsei who keep pointing towards them while turning towards her cutely tilting his head, while still pointing at the woman who's at the tree, seeing that his insisting to go to the woman she walked towards them while Shinsei is thinking.

Shin: 'It's Mikoto Uchiha and That should be Itachi Uchiha who's 4 months older than me'

Sei kept walking towards the woman while thinking what her son's up to since this is the first time he showed great interest in other people, while Sei kept thinking they finally arrive where Mikoto is.

Mikoto: "What can I help you with?" Mikoto is perplexed as, to why the woman is coming towards her.

Sei: "My keeps pointing in your direction, he seems to point at the baby you're holding and I don't why" Sei too was perplexed by his son's action.

Mikoto: "Ohh, I think he just wants to be friends to Itachi Kun here, since my baby boy is cute"

Sei: "Who knows, well I'm Sei by the way, and this is Shinsei my son, nice meeting you"

Mikoto: "Nice meeting you too, my is Mikoto, and this you already know him but his Itachi"

While the adults are talking our mc is staring down towards Itachi, Itachi too looks towards the mc, there seems to be a spark when suddenly Itachi pull the shirt of Mikoto while pointing towards Shinsei seems to be told to move forward towards Shinsei.

Shin: "Hoo, You're approaching me" while his arm is wide.

Shin: "Instead of running away. You're coming right to me!?"

Itachi: "I can't fist bump you if I don't get closer to you"

With their fist-bumping each other, the whole universe is destroyed, Just joking, they hysterically laugh, startling the adults, and just like that Shin and Itachi become friends.

Seeing the 2 laughings, they put them down to the tree where there are only shades of leaves, while the adults kept talking till lunch arrives which they had a bento since Shinsei's mom wants to walk around the village they might get late so they brought a bento and Diaper, while Mikoto is chilling at the playgrounds to cool off because of the clan elders kept having a meeting and since Fugaku is busy, Mikoto makes a bento for her and bringing some diapers for Itachi too.

Sei: "Looks like you bring some bento too"

Mikoto: "Yeah, since the clan head of the Uchiha or my husband is busy we just walk around this playground since it's nice here seeing the kids running around with their innocent faces"

Sei: "Hmm, So you're the wife of the clan head huh, oh well, Why don't we meet here every day, so we can talk about our husbands while it's also great to have our son to have friends"

Mikoto: "Yes I am the wife of the clan head and sure, I have many free times anyway"

Sei: "Great with this it will be interesting"

With that, they talked about their husband while Shin and Itachi are currently looking at each other, (then two Beyblades appear clashing at each other, It's just a joke), then to their mother then look back at each other, then shrugs while speaking with their baby language, This keeps till the sun is close to being gone while the moon is rising, Mikoto and Sei look at each other realizing how much time they talk, then they look at the two who is currently sleep being Shinsei sleeping at the shoulder of Itachi and Itachi has his head on top of the head of Shinsei, Seeing this they smile at each other and pick their child up not waking them, they say goodbye to each other going the opposite direction, many minutes later Sei arrived at the door of her house, unlocking them. Getting inside she put the bento in the kitchen while she put Shinsei to the Sofa who is sleeping peacefully, Sei goes to the kitchen and cook dinner for her, eating her fill, she picks Shinsei who woke up, then his stomach growls.

Sei: "Looks like the little boy is hungry come let me help you with that tummy of yours"

Sei show her breast to Shinsei who drink it without a second thought while thinking

Shin:'Looks like it's an evening I'll train my taijutsu stage 1 tonight'

Sei kept walking towards the room on the second floor where she and Shindo bed is, by the time she arrived is time mc finish drinking while thinking when to start training, Sei put Shensei on the crib while she moves to her bed.

Sei: "Goodnight, my little boy *zzz*"

Seeing that Sei is fast asleep, he immediately starts his training and that is by stretching one part of the body to its limit till he can't do it anymore, he moves to other parts and this kept repeating for an hour, then he moves to the part 2 the part 1 is stretching but part 2 is just rolling at your crib till your exhausted, then repeat, till 4 times and the last part is hanging to your crib till your arms give up, then the legs are next until they give in and you repeat this 2 times so that the body can gradually adapt and with that his training is finish and this is just for his stamina for now since he can't go beyond.

( I changed some parts in chap 2 but just a minor mistake

chap 2 - a gap of date of mc and Itachi is 4 months, not 2 months.

chap 2 - the height of Shindo and Sei I make Shindo's height from 6'7 to 6'1

that's all and I finish this at 5:40 am so 2 hours and more)