
Naruto (part 1) : The Second son

In a reality parallel to that of Naruto's story, the fact that Kushina is the first pregnant jinshuriki has brought consequences for her twin children who will impact the world in their own way . This story is a "what if" and I'm writing under some pretty special circumstances. English is not my first language so bear with me, sometimes the grammar will sting but the regulars of my stories certainly already know that. I hope you enjoy reading and thank you for your time

The3Entities · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 26 : Ambush

Obito appeared at the Senju domain and was slightly mentally fatigued, teleporting this distance was no joke and required a lot of chakra as well as massive concentration in a too short time.

It was there that he found Itachi who had been waiting for him there and they had a discussion. Itachi for the moment had to take another appearance and couldn't return to his clan's domain because this place haunted him.

 Now that his cover at Akatsuki had been compromised, he could return to the village and speak to Obito openly, Itachi told him that he was exhausted.

This statement could be banal but when you knew how much Itachi had carried on him, hearing him admit that he was exhausted took the expression to a whole new dimension if we realize how much he has endured .

Obito asked him for more details about what he knew and how his cover was discovered. According to Itachi, the masked man who's one of the main figures of the Akatsuki organization was very interested in Sasuke and asked him to take his brother so that his talent would be cultivated by the organization. 

 According to this "Madara" An Uchiha alone in Konoha would see his potential reduced and he needed his people (Other Uchiha) , Itachi had already planted the seed of hatred in him so it was already a good start.

For Itachi, Akatsuki wanting Sasuke was something he couldn't bear and his love for his brother was so great that without realizing it he had released an intense killing intent against the masked man who began to have suspicions about him.

 Because Itachi's behavior was becoming more and more suspicious for the leaders of the organization, Pain who possessed a rinnegan with some abilities unknown to Itachi himself wanted to question him but it was a risk that Itachi couldn't take so he deserted the organization.

Where the situation was urgent, the masked man wanted Sasuke and Itachi said it frankly, this guy was extremely powerful and smart .

 Now that Sasuke was on a mission outside the village with Naruto, these two were in serious danger because Akatsuki also wanted to collect the bijuus.

Listening to this, the state of emergency rang in Obito's brain, his brother was in danger and for the first time he had not sent a clone to follow him.

Itachi handed Jiraiya's mission order to the two of them and it was to bring Naruto and Sasuke back to safety in Konoha 'cause they were truly in danger.

Obito didn't panic, he had already placed a beacon on his brother so he teleported them to Naruto's position but when they arrived there, they found themselves in a cave and at the same time, Itachi in his anbu and masked appearance blocked the Kunai attack of a Kakashi who seemed desperate, exhausted and aggressive at the same time.

 "Calm down Kakashi-san…" Obito said and upon noticing them, Kakashi felt relieved and sat down exhaustedly. The left eye was closed and blood was leaking from it.

Obito looked at the ground and saw Naruto lying unconscious with blood on him and he was still breathing , near him there was Kiba with bandages on a large part of his body and Akamaru slightly injured licking his face.

 There was a big white blanket covering something, a corpse or even more, they had lost someone.

Obito told Kakashi that he will tell them everything later but the most important thing was urgent care for the wounded. 

He summoned several clones for each of the people present before using Iraishin and teleporting them all to Konoha as it was obvious that he and Itachi had arrived late. Fortunately, Naruto was fine but ended up in a deep coma.

 Kiba had suffered burns following an attack and as for Kakashi, he had lost his left eye. If Itachi remained silent, he wondered where Sasuke was and Kakashi's report made them understand that Sasuke had betrayed them to join those who had attacked them, much to the misfortune of Itachi who immediately guessed that it was of Akatsuki.

 Jiraiya, Obito, Gai and Itachi were near Kakashi lying in the village infirmary where he told them what had happened.

 (Much sooner)

 "Tch, if only Karin or my brother were here We would've already found these guys" Naruto said as he jumped from tree to tree following Pakkun Kakashi's ninken with Sasuke and Kakashi himself behind.


 "Hey raven head, are you sure everything is okay ? You've been looking weird for a while..." Naruto asked the silent Sasuke, his attitude had changed since the awards ceremony.

 "Leave me alone Naruto…" Sasuke replied coldly.

 "There's no point in sulking like that, we're friends right ? If there's something that's bothering you, you know you can count on your teammates..." Naruto told him with a big smile but Sasuke remained unmoved.

They eventually found the solid trail of the escaped prisoners and about 200 meters away they crossed paths with Kiba and his mother Tsume who were also tracking Mizuki and the Fujin & Raijin twins.

 The two teams as well as others had already found and neutralized several escapees in several days because they genins or new Chunins were dispersed under several teams to hunt down the dangerous criminals who had escaped thanks to Mizuki.

These three were the last but also the most dangerous because during their escape thanks to their frightening physical strength, they neutralized Jonins like Kurenai and Azuma even with the help of Izumo and Kotetsu.

 "We got them, their traces here are recent and the smell is strong." Tsume said sniffing the air with Kuromaru her wolf and Pakkun confirmed that Mizuki and the other two were close.

They followed the trails and came to what looked like the entrance to an old lair and in front of the entrance were Fujin and Raijin watching the surroundings, as if they were the guardians of this entrance.

 "I know this place, it's one of Orochimaru's very old laboratories. This was before he left the village after the Sandaime discovered his heinous experiments. I thought they had been emptied and above all destroyed…" Kakashi said with a little worry.

 Tsume : Do you believe in Orochimaru's involvement ?

 "It is very likely, the massive escape took place after his attack on the village and during the battle, one of his men certainly entered the country's large, very high security prison to prepare for this escape . These are just guesses but that's all we have for now." Kakashi replied and gave Naruto his observation mission, to subdue Fujin and Raijin.

Tsume said it was dangerous and Naruto looked at Sasuke before asking for his help, he knew he could handle them EASILY but he saw Sasuke's expression when Kakashi asked him to take charge.

 "Hey, why just THEM ? I-(interrupted)" Kiba wanted to participate but his mother stopped him from continuing.

 Tsume: Kakashi i know about the observation missions but these idiot brothers are monsters of physical power. It's too dangerous ! 

 "Trust them, we'll intervene if things get complicated." Kakashi responded calmly he knew both boys were powerful.

 Naruto and Sasuke moved in one leap to land less than 30 meters from the idiot brothers.

"Increased strength and physical resistance, these are their strengths according to the mission data, Mizuki is an average Chunin so let's do this quickly and return to the village." Naruto gave his instructions to his friend and teammates.

 Sasuke: You don't have to tell me what to do, I'm not an idiot.

 "I was just trying to…(sighs) I don't know what happened to you for a while but forget it. (to the brothers) Fujin and Raijin, we're here to take you back to the maximum security prison, surrender calmly and everything will go smoothly but resist and you'll see..." Naruto said as Sasuke shook his head.

 "Look bro, they sent two insects smaller than my thumb…do you think they want us to have fun ?" Fujin told his brother and Raijin asked Naruto & Sasuke if they had any food but before he even finished his question Sasuke had already lunged at him with a Kunai and when Raijin tried to grab him , his hand crossed Sasuke because he was only an afterimage of the young Uchiha who appeared in the air behind Raijin and he sliced ​​the back of his leg with his kunai to make Raijin lose mobility but his body was so strong that the blade barely cut his skin.

 "IT STINGS..." Raijin complained turning around to quickly grab Sasuke but once again it was another afterimage he passed through as Sasuke appeared near him again to harass him again with his Kunai.

 "Shisui-san's technique, he managed to master it. He certainly learned it from watching my brother during their fight, Sasuke you are really something..." Naruto thought with a slight smile before facing Fujin, he walked quietly with Fujin upset to see his brother being bullied by Sasuke and he attacked Naruto who easily avoided his attack before giving him a violent punch in the liver which made Fujin expel air and saliva from his mouth while a pain in his abdomen invaded him .

After the giant groaned in pain, he looked painfully at Naruto and was frightened by his eyes turned red with a slit iris.

This was the initial mode of using Kyubi's chakra to give him a physical boost, Naruto could activate it without any problem and even more so since his relationship with Kyubi was constantly progressing.

 Without giving Fujin time to recover, Naruto made a rasengan with which he hit his enemy in the abdomen to send him flying several dozen meters, destroying trees in the process. This Naruto learned a lot from his brother and didn't like to waste time unnecessarily, he had to master these two quickly, bring them back with Mizuki and finish this mission to accept another quickly because at the moment the village was overwhelmed with requests.

 Sasuke noticed that Naruto had already neutralized Fujin and he sniffed before moving away from Raijin, he wanted to test this Shunshin technique against Raijin but seeing that Naruto had already finished with his opponent irritated him.

 " BRO !" Angry Raijin shouted towards his completely defeated brother but Sasuke asked him to shut up as he activated his sharingan while the mark of the cursed seal spread on the left side of his body to increase his skills but Sasuke didn't move, he only looked at Raijin in the eyes and the latter in a few seconds collapsed under the influence of a powerful genjutsu from Sasuke.

This Sasuke, unlike the one in the main reality, had understood the usefulness of the cursed seal which increased his abilities several times.

Where in the main reality Sasuke used it to make his physique and his ninjutsu stronger, this Sasuke did it too but he also understood the boost it gave to his genjutsu.

His pathetic defeat against Obito had inspired him to use all his assets correctly. Kakashi and the others joined them...

 Kakashi: Good work, only Mizuki is missing. 

 "I can smell that traitor from here, he's inside the lab. We'll just need-(interrupted)" Tsume who was speaking felt the ground shake slightly with her superhuman senses and her instinct immediately put her on alert and she urgently asked the others to move when suddenly and with terrifying speed, large spikes of pink crystals emerged from the ground.

Tsume saw that her son had fallen behind and was going to be impaled by one of the spikes so at high speed, she separated from Kuromaru her ninken to jump and push Kiba to avoid potential death.

 "I always asked you to focus on your senses on missions…" Tsume reproached Kiba who thanked her before apologizing.

 "The maternal instinct really looked like a wolf rushing to save her puppy. It's really touching and so pathetic…" A female voice was heard and they saw a young adult with dark purple hair and green clothes with a rope belt, it was Guren.

The girl was not alone because with her there was Kabuto but that was not all...

 "Ohohohoh…" An amused voice was heard and Tobi appeared there with Kizame by Kamui.They appeared there and looked at the group calmly as Mizuki walked out of the lab smiling.

 "I knew Orochimaru-sama wouldn't have let me down. I guess he received my signal in the laboratory, he had planned everything ..." Mizuki said smiling when Naruto looked at him coldly, he didn't know what was happening but one thing was for sure, it was an ambush. He recognized Kizame and his sword but also Kabuto.

 "Oshigaki Kizame of the Akatsuki criminal organization and Kabuto, Orochimaru's right-hand ! Akatsuki and Orochimaru formed an alliance ? Things are going bad..." Kakashi said to himself as Obito sat calmly watching them.

 Tobi: Uchiha Sasuke, we're here for you. I am part of the Akatsuki organization, the organization your brother Itachi was a part of before he cowardly betrayed us.

 "What does that have to do with me and where is that bastard Itachi ?" Sasuke asked as anger rose within him.

 "I see, he hasn't approached you yet. I came to make you a proposition, join us and I'll make you strong enough in the years to come to kill Itachi and achieve your revenge." Tobi said nonchalantly and they all got surprised looking at Sasuke.

 Sasuke: Whatever, I don't even know you and you-(interrupted)

 "My bad manners, I am Uchiha Madara and my proposal is sincere." Tobi said and Sasuke was surprised like the others, Madara was a legendary figure in his clan and he is believed to have been long dead. As for Tsume and Kakashi, they were shocked.

 "Uchiha Madara!? How itns possible… ?!! " Tsume said as sweat dripped from her forehead. This name is that of an ancient legend and the most powerful Uchiha that ever existed.

 Kakashi: It's impossible, they say that Madara died at the hands of the Shodaime. Even if he had survived he would have looked older.

 Tobi : It's true ! My death is as false as your legitimacy to the sharingan you carry (To Sasuke) Konoha won't take care of you, This village will only limit your progress and I'm sure you've already figured it out. Are you even the strongest of your generation? .

Sasuke :... 

"This dear village is much darker than you think so I'll confide to you in secret, Konoha is involved in the genocide of our clan." Tobi said as the news hit the others like a bomb.

Kakashi wanted to say something but suddenly at a very high speed, big thick vines emerged from the ground but Kakashi escaped with a jump but these vines seemed alive and followed him into the air.

 "Fuuton: Bullet blade "

 Naruto after performing mudras inhaled then blew a blade of very high pressure air which sliced ​​the vines as they were about to reach Kakashi.

Zetsu where he was smiling cursed Naruto's reactivity and Kakashi thanked the boy but suddenly Kizame appeared between Naruto and Sasuke, he hit Naruto with a kick that sent him flying even though he had blocked the kick.

 "Damn Konoha kids, I'm never going to underestimate you again and i'll kill that traitor Itachi with my own hands." Kizame said before parrying an attack from Kakashi and a fight started between them. Kiba and his mother also engaged in a fight against Mizuki and Guren.

 "What I'm telling you is the pure truth Sasuke, Konoha is responsible for the massacre of your clan and your parents, Itachi only served as his executioner. Come with me and I'll tell you everything, you've the right to know all that and especially to meet the other children of the clan that I saved that night without the knowledge of your brother" Tobi said to Sasuke who looked at him in a daze upon hearing that children like him had been saved.

 Sasuke: Other survivors? I'm not alone ?! How can I believe you ?

 "I have a thousand and one ways in which I could take you by force without you being able to put up the slightest resistance. Discussing with you and tell you about all this should be proof of my sincerity. I know your potential Sasuke, i'll help you avenge our clan and everything we have lost." Obito appeared in front of Sasuke and held out his hand hoping that the boy would come to him. Completely silent Sasuke was in deep thought.