
Naruto (part 1) : The Second son

In a reality parallel to that of Naruto's story, the fact that Kushina is the first pregnant jinshuriki has brought consequences for her twin children who will impact the world in their own way . This story is a "what if" and I'm writing under some pretty special circumstances. English is not my first language so bear with me, sometimes the grammar will sting but the regulars of my stories certainly already know that. I hope you enjoy reading and thank you for your time

The3Entities · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 25 : How to Use a Shadow Clone

"We're going to do this quickly, this story ends today." Obito said moving at high speed alongside Haku, Yamato and Karin as Haku led them towards Dotô's fortress.

Obito asked Haku where Zabuza was and Haku told him that Zabuza had put himself into Dotô's service to serve as a spy for the resistance and give information to Haku.

Obito was pleasantly surprised by the changes in Zabuza and didn't regret sparing them.

 For now, Obito was really in a hurry to complete this mission and also had a very bad feeling. Itachi's return was unforeseen and Konoha risks being the scene of terrible events, Jiraiya had spoken to him about Akatsuki and they were all S-rank Ninjas with High-kage level for many of them .

Following the train tracks, they arrived at an outpost that served as a meeting point between Haku and Zabuza, Kiri's demon was already there and on his back he had a large sword that resembled the executioner sword of which he was formerly the possessor.

 When Zabuza saw Obito he disappeared from his position to appear in front of him and struck him with his greatsword, he was so fast that even Yamato and the others were able to react but the blade passed through Obito's body thanks to the shadow body technique.

 "ZABUZA-SAN ?!" Haku shouted at him to question him about this attack but Zabuza told him to calm down, he just wanted to test him in his own way.

The last time they saw each other, Zabuza was hurt and vulnerable so he wanted to see how strong Obito was for taking them down like he did last time.

He asked Obito how he managed to take absolutely no damage and Obito just looked at him coldly and told him that there will be no next time for this kind of thing, Obito was in a hurry and he was far from having time to have fun.

 "His sword, it has the same device as the armor of those who attacked us." Karin remarked.

 "You noticed, uh? The sword is a gift from Dotô for my services. His engineers made this sword with a device to absorb chakra from ninjutsu or genjutsu. When I am in contact with the handle, the device creates a chakra barrier to protect me while making my own chakra stronger.

With this sword I could make a mess of Kakashi and those dirty kids if our paths crossed again..." Zabuza explained with a smile, Haku reminded him that they had taken a new path and Zabuza told him that he was joking .

 Obito asked him for information on Dotô's whereabouts and his strength so after a moment of silence, Zabuza spoke and said what he knew about Dotô's forces.

According to him, Dotô himself was equipped with much more powerful armor than that of the others which boosted his chakra to propel his power to the Kage rank.

When he found out, he frowned slightly but his worries were quickly put to rest because even if this guy's chakra was Kage rank, it wasn't the same for his skills.

He was practically a low level kage so Obito asked directly for the direction of Dotô's fortress.

 (So ​​much later)

 "Dotô-sama, our elite troops will soon be ready for deployment. The manufacturing and distribution of individual armor is going well. Once we get our hands on Koyuki, these Konoha rats won't be able to do anything and I'll kill them to avenge Fubuki." Rouga placed one knee on the ground while sitting on a kind of throne, Dotô looked at him calmly and unlike the movie, he was definitely much more physically imposing.

 "Where is Zabuza ? You and him are my best men, I refuse to underestimate Konoha ninjas. I need the six-faced crystal to recover the family treasure and finance the army that will allow me to dominate the shinobi world." Dotō said coldly as he clenched his fist while giving off a slight chakra pressure.

On his back, you could see some kind of cables that linked him to his seat as if this seat powered something on him and it was his armor.

 "Dotô-sama I don't know where this guy is found but some of our men say he tends to disappear very often. I tell you again, Zabuza is a renegade from his own country who pretended to be dead and I've no confidence in him." Rouga said worriedly but when Dotô wanted to answer, one of their men came in to tell them that the fortress was under attack.

 While Rouga stood up with a concerned look, Dotô remained unmoved when suddenly, a kunai pierced the man's head from the back of his head and the tip came out through the mouth with blood which squirted a large quantity from his mouth.

Rouga felt the ground shake and in one leap he moved away from his position while wooden beams came out of the ground and moved like snakes to pursue him for several tens of meters in the void before stopping. 

 "It's much better to use my mokuton here than in this snowy area..." Yamato's voice was heard as he entered the room with Obito as pieces of wood fit into Yamato's palm. 

 " You ! This time I'm going to finish what we started last time..." Rouga said looking at Yamato.

 "You Konoha ninjas meddle in matters that don't concern you. Six-faced crystal and rainbow glaciers are things that concern my family, the Kazahana. Go back to where you came from or I'll kill you myself..." Dotô threatened expressionlessly and sitting without the slightest visible stress, he had confidence in his powerful armor.

 "Kinoe-san, let's finish this quickly...I'll take care of the sitting guy" Obito said before taking out his short sword and disappearing from his position to find himself in front of Dotô, outpacing everyone.

 " He's fast !!" Rouga said to himself with shock realizing that a ninja of his level couldn't even read Obito's movements who hadn't even used Shunshin but only his raw speed without his weights, Rouga tried to catch up with Obito but was forced to block Yamato's Kunai who also attacked him.

Yamato had also been outpaced by Obito who chose his opponent himself but he knew that the boy was strong so he let him attack and attacked Rouga with whom he started a fight which very quickly gained in intensity.

 As soon as Obito appeared in the void in front of Dotô, he attacked him, trying to drive his blade into the enemy's neck but the powerful chakra shield blocked his attack.

 "Miserable insects..." Dotô said with contempt and by his own will, the shield emitted a strong repulsion which violently pushed Obito away, it was similar to a Shinra tensei of quite weak intensity but quite powerful nonetheless facing average ninjas.

In the air, Obito like a cat stabilized himself from the push before bouncing on the ground with his arm supporting to do a back-flip and took out two shuriken in which he blew wind chakra while making them spin which generated a blade of wind around them like Danzo did against Sasuke and launched them at very high speed towards Dotô who held out his hand to deploy his chakra shield.

 "You're finished..." Obito whispered with a smile and when the Shuriken reached Dotô, they were stuck in the void and the confrontation even generated some lightning and sparks before the shuriken were pushed back but in exactly the same moment, in the shadow of Dotô's throne near him, another Obito came out of there taking Dotô by surprise and with a quick and powerful blow of his tanto saber, he decapitated Dotô without him even being able to react to time.

 The one who entered with Yamato and attacked Dotô head-on was a clone ever since, even Yamato didn't know that.

The real Obito had used the shadow technique to infiltrate the fortress and approached the throne without everyone knowing by moving in the shadows.

How had he killed Dotô with a simple swipe of his blade when the latter had the most powerful chakra shield according to Zabuza? Obito in the shadows had observed Dotô with his Kagura mental eye and had clearly seen the deployment of chakra by the armor and its fluctuations.

 There was no perfect defense in this world according to Obito and this shield, this high-power inverted chakra field in Dotô's case necessarily had a flaw and it was with his mental eye that he found it. 

Just after Dotô pushed his clone away with the repulsion of his shield. Immediately after this repulsion, he clearly saw the shield's chakra scatter before coming back into place in a second and a half, it was very short but enough for Obito so when Dotô used the repulsion to keep the fuuton shuriken away, he attacked him instantly during the chakra shield cooldown.

 It was pure strategy after observing the opponent in detail to know his weaknesses and Obito had learned from the best, he was not there to fight but to kill, he was a shinobi not a samuraï so kill the The enemy as quickly as possible was his way of doing things.

Dotô had died without having had the opportunity to show how powerful his superior armor was in its chakra boost, giving him this opportunity would have been a waste of time if we knew how to use his brain.

 Yamato and Rouga in full confrontation saw Dotô's head roll and to his great surprise, Rouga left an opening which Yamato exploited by sending him several wooden snakes coming out of his palm which surrounded Rouga before tightening on him but the enemy was experienced and had ensured that his hands remained free between the branches.

Rouga wanted to start making hand seals to use the Hyôton but in a flash, Obito's terrifyingly fast clone coldly cut off his hands with his sword.

For some reason still unknown, the mokuton could weaken or even cancel chakra shields and Yamato had understood this in their exchange.

 With his hands severed, Rouga groaned in pain and before he could even realize it, the upper part of his head had been sliced ​​off by Obito who wasted no time as Yamato silently looked on as he found the really scary boy.

No hesitation, no flashy and unnecessary Jutsu, ninja weapons were created for a purpose and to be used at the right time against the right opponent. Despite his insane chakra reserves, Obito wasn't the type to use ninjutsu all the time.

 For him, too many ninjutsu were flashy and were used sometimes when they weren't necessary. Techniques that were seen, noticed and that the enemy would have the possibility of avoiding or even countering them, unlike deadly ninja tools whose use was spontaneous and without the need for mudras.

 "Mission accomplished..." Obito said quickly waving his tanto to get rid of the blood on it and Yamato looked at him silently, if Hiruzen hadn't already told him about Obito then he would have thought that this monster of talent was raised by the root under Danzo's care. Just imagining Obito in the root seriously scared Yamato, if Danzo had gotten his hands on this boy then he would be a real scourge. 

 Outside, Zabuza was standing in front of Mizore's severed body, his fight against him had not posed the slightest difficulty. Karin and Haku were fighting the elite ninjas when Yamato and Obito arrived there.

It was only when the others saw Obito throw Rouga and Dotô's heads that they stopped abruptly, looking in horror at the two heads.

 "Give up the fight now or die, I will not make a second offer. Everything can end here and your country can be reborn away from Dotô's greed and tyranny, it's up to you to decide now which path to take..." Obito said calmly as he placed his hand on the hilt of his saber at the bottom from his back in a threatening manner.

After a few seconds , the enemy ninjas gave up and surrendered, they faced Zabuza, Haku and Karin without really being able to do anything against them but now they were facing two people who killed the formidable Rouga and the lord Dotô who according to rumored to have kage level power (lol) .

They were weak, really weak and it was to technologically strengthen this army that Dotô wanted his family's treasure.

 It was by facing these people that Obito realized the power of the great elemental nations. The land of snow was really weak, weak to the point that he succeeded in this mission in a few hours compared to the complications he might have encountered elsewhere.

Konoha was a powerful village, EXTREMELY powerful compared to all this snowy country, Dotô had his dreams of conquest because he didn't realize how huge the gulf between his country and the others was.

Even these armors couldn't change anything about such weak individuals.

 Later, Mayuri and the others arrived there after the news of the victory reached them and Many found it hard to believe because Dotô's tyranny had lasted for many years but everything was stopped just like that.

The prisoners in the fortress were released and Mayuri excitedly rushed to hug Obito congratulating him.

On Koyuki's face there was only disbelief and she couldn't believe this was all real. Sandayu in tears went to thank the Konoha team but Obito told the others that he had to return to the village, he left his shadow clone and Karin wanted to ask him for an explanation but he told her that it was an emergency.

 Mayuri was quite unhappy but Obito told her that his clone was powerful and durable enough to bring her back completely safe, his consciousness was the same as the main body so it won't make any différence.

She wanted to tell him something but he immediately teleported away.

 "Quite strong and durable uh? Let's see this..." Zabuza said maliciously and wanted to attack Obito's clone but it disappeared to appear lowered behind Zabuza with the tip of his blade which had already penetrated a few centimeters into Zabuza's back .

 "I warned you last time, mist demon..." Obito said coldly and Zabuza told him to calm down and that he just wanted to test his clone.

There were slight traces of sweat on his face, he didn't know how Obito appeared suddenly behind him so quickly and attacking him instantly without him being able to do anything.

What he didn't know was that Obito had placed a teleportation beacon on his back since their recent reunion and it was thanks to that that he teleported.

Zabuza wasn't weak, he was an experienced killer and one of the 7 Mist Swordsmen but he could sense that Obito was something else, a monster whose potential had no limits and formidable enough even to scare him who was not afraid of anyone and loved challenges.

 Later, the clone approached one of the resistance men who seemed completely insignificant while he was isolated and asked him to stop forcing the suppression of his chakra like that in addition to being slightly clumsy with it, he knew that he was the anbu sent to monitor his mission and that he had spotted him from the start.

First he infiltrated the Daimyo as a servant, then as a member of the boat crew and finally as a member of the resistance.

The anbu looked at him before laughing to himself and confirmed the success of his two missions but told him that he still had to bring Mayuri back safe and the clone just nodded before leaving.