
Shock and Summon

Mito's pov:-

when I woke up I first saw the devil infront of me and around us is all of his monstrous fiends.Some of their body is rotten to some of them looks so strange and terrifying that's unthinkable.when I asked him "are we in hell?"

he said "no,we are in elemental nation or more specifically in my hideout".but then I asked the most important 100 yen question "how I am even alive?I mean aren't I was dead."He said "I created your new body and put your soul in it."

I am starting to get nervous as I stuttered "w-w-what do you mean by creating a new body?" as 2 crow like wings came out of my back.He then answered "you are a fallen angel and my slave.Even though fallen angels are immortal that doesn't me you can't be killed so be careful."If the last answer was a flick on my forehead then this one is a sucker punch in gut immortality,I can't believe such thing can even exist. I think I don't think I should ask him anymore stuff because what I already heard is more than enough to keep me this whole night awake.Then he said "your chakra already transformed into magic which is stronger,flxable and potent than chakra but everything chakra can do it also can do,sometimes even better than what chakra can do"I thought what,magic then I decided and said to myself "mito,theres no point of thinking now just accept everything because if you try make logic into it you will lose whatever of your intelligence left."

Then he said "If you wanna know about your abilities then just say 'status'."Which I did and all the sudden a blue screen pop out infront of me Its like this-


Job- Servant of Razor Tyson


RACE-fallen angel(2 wings)

TRAIT-Immortality,being of light and dark,super strength,



After I shut it off and said "now what?"(pov end)

Tyson:For now nothing.Try to get used to your new body and powers.Oh yeah you also gonna need a new Summoning animal contract as your previous one expired because of your death.

Hearing this she left for training room.and used my mirror spell to see what's now going to happen in uzisho and konoha alliance.


After seeing Mito's dead body practically everyone is shocked and as for her mother she fainted after seeing her daughter's dead body. Many people tried to find clue of what happened but all of them failed.Hashirama with his brother Tobirama and friend Madara came to see as soon as they got the news.Seeing that his plan of

conquering uzisho going to fail Tobirama's face looks just like dog who just have been neutered.But seeing their power level I am disappointed lvl wise Madara and Hashirama are lvl 10 and Tobirama is lvl 9.Although Madara hasn't gotten eternal mangekyo sharingan yet and from spying on them I found out that some of my armies victims who were left half dead before died said a little bit about my undead monster and heard whispers in dark corners of the world of demonic dealings.So they tried to even ask from fire temple but all of them failed and one of the head monk's died mysteriously as when his body found it was mummified and it didn't have a drop of blood which I can guess is one of my vampire's deed.But even though Mito isn't there but they still made a trading deal.Hmph looks like

I really need to remove this idiot from uzukage's post and get my trusted people sit there.Then I cut off the spell.

Then I left to start next phase of the plan.That is Summons.I then searched across the lands for Summoning contracts I found 10 of them.those are tiger,fox,crow,alligator,bull,stingray,whale,bees,wolf and finally rhinos.

I then took them to Mito and ask her to choose from one of them she chose stingrays.I teased her saying "Seatype summon huh.well what else do you expect from a sea princess."

She then started blushing and stuttering "no,no,nothing like that.They are strong that's why i choose them not because I love sea creatures."

I looked her with "really" expression.She then shoved me all the sudden and ran away from the room screaming "why are you so mean to me?"

Tyson:"What the hell?(then after coming to conclusion) oh,it must be her that time of the month that's why she is so emotional today"

Mito in her room

Mito:oh jeez,did he really have to embarrass me like that and why all the sudden I am feeling like punching him.hmm he must have said bad something about me.but why my heart was beating so fast when he looked at me like that?(then after shaking her head in denial)No, mito stop it he is the devil he is trying to trick me into something.Nah,that's impossible I mean why would he even try to trick me I mean he even have my soul so he can do whatever he wants with me (with a loving smile she said)but he didn't,he is still friendly to me maybe sometime mean but he didn't do anything to me I don't want to.Oh he is cute too.

Yeah,right if Tyson knows that she thinks he is cute he will suicide while questioning his manliness.

Tyson:I chose crow Summoning contract because I thought crows are cool and match my devil theme and first try I can get a boss Summon.so I signed the contract.

so after doing handsigns I summoned my first crow which is a black crow with green eyes size of just 2 story building.Hey wait a minute just 2 story building wtf I read in manga that boss Summons are size of a mountain.

wait does that mean this isn't a boss.just thinking of not having a boss as slav-I mean subordinate pisses me off and this damm bitch is also starting at me like I cuckolded him or something.so I clearly said to it"look man,my bad time haven't become that bad that I have to cuckold likes of you."

All the the sudden a female tone of voice entered my ear and I heard it said in soft tone"excuse me,I don't understand what is you are trying to say."

I instantly said"Wow,not only just small you are also retarded,whatever look woman I am your summoner from now on so look at my handsome face and get out."

Looks like this bird has patience as it said "forgive me then mr. summoner but we don't work like that we need to take a test to see if you are truly worthy of becoming our summoner and I have a question to ask (at my nod she asked)what are you ? I mean you are so powerful that your life force is practically infinite.

I am thinking my power is not infinite so my life force is infinite it must come from my race as ouroboros.so I answered that I am a demon god.

That crow instantly got scared and on guard then asked "what do want?I mean why are you here I mean living world"?

Tyson:What I'm doing has none of your concern but if you serve me you can get a place in my realm(i bullshitted).I also heard you all lost the war with owls so think about it.

That female Crow started to think and finally resigned and agreed to serve me and told her name is miyuki and she is the grand elder of crow clan after that she left.

mc's summoning animal is crow.but i don't wanna make mc to become crow sanin.what type of senjutsu any idea?

Tentacle_mancreators' thoughts