
New world

Next day I am talking with my wives about my next journey.They just simply said they have no problem with it as they lives in my kamui dimension so they can meet whenever we want.

But I have to at least come home every week.Which I agreed but Albedo didn't wish let me go alone its nothing that a night of lovemaking can't fix.

So next day I opened my 2nd true magic and went to next world.Where I saw a old Japanese houses and fields.First I thought I am in wrong world.Then when I saw her I finally understood I am in right place but wrong time.

Who I saw is a very beautiful woman.Who is 5"2 inches tall,waist length straight black hair,wearing white kimono seeing I her I instantly

recognized as "Yachiru Unohana".who later known as Resu unohana.

So now you guys understand that I am in 'bleach' world.

But seeing yachiru kills living people who can't see her I remembered she is in her criminal days.

So I wait for her to finish with those poor fools then I said to her"you will never find what you are searching for if you keep going after weak opponent".

She first looked shocked that I can see her then said "don't worry,after I finished with them I will kill you".

So she started attacking me i started dodging.

But after sometime I got bored and decided it's time to show her the difference between me and her.I grabbed her blade tip with just my first 2 fingers and simply broke her.When she looked shocked I simply slapped her which turned her left cheekbone to pieces and make her flew towards the nearest mountain.

Yachiru's pov:-

At first I thought I can easily kill that odd man who can see me.But when I attacked him he dodged my blade swings like nothing but I was not disappointed at it oh no no I was so happy and excited to play with this new toy which can keep up with me.But I was mistaken and understood it much later when I saw him broke my zanpakto like nothing and broke my left cheekbone with just a slap.But all the sudden he came up and put his hand on my chest and starting to drag something out.I then starting to feel like my whole body will be destroyed of its pulled little more.But thankfully he stopped but what said send chill down to my spine"i wonder though what will happen if I drag your zanpakto spirit out of your body forcefully".

In my shock when I looked down I saw his hand is holding on minazuki,who is hyperventilating.Then all sudden he released minazuki and starting to leave after saying "you are weak".

Just hearing that word I feel like my blood is boiling in rage and hatred.Blinded by my hatred I ignored my bodies pain and shoved my broken blade through his back and stabbed his heart.Then I felt no I killed him I mean no one can live with their heart stabbed.

Then I felt it the pressure and vile evil feelings which made me puke my breakfast and my soul is like telling me that soul suicide which is one of the most painful way of dying is much easier release than staying anywhere near this being.

As he took out my blade I saw his wound instantly regenerated.Then he in a second teared my right hand off by his bare hand and kicked me on the gut so hard I flew past at least 10 km. As I am losing consciousness I still asking my self a question what is he?(pov end)

As I am devouring yachiru's arm I gained elite shinigami bloodline.Although looks like she is only level 9.

So I left.And keep traveling all across the world for next few centuries and every week returning to my wives.

Until one day as I am resting on a island near Japan's main island.I saw a senkimon opened near me.Then I saw yachiru coming out of it.This time she looks different but much more stronger.

She is wearing black shihaksu.and white captain's coat over it and on it's back written 11.and on that right arms place is now a stub.

She said"Razor Tyson,I came to challenge you for

you daring to humiliate me last time".

I didn't care what she is saying.I am just looking at her up and down and said"looks like you have gotten much stronger and you didn't let your physical weakness get to you."

Hearing this she felt little proud and said "that's right after getting defeated by you I joined a group called gotei 13 and learned godly arts from there and became one of the strongest among them.Now I will defeat you."

Hearing her babbling I told her to attack me.seeing my arrogance she is getting angry but controlled her rage as she released her bankai and released her fluid manipulating power but on me it has no effect.So with just one finger I made a slash towards her chest which made her bleed i drank that blood and gained all of her memories. Then she seeing this starting to use kido.seeing lower or mid level have no effect on me.She casted hado no 90 kurohittsugi on me while saying it can control time and space.But I can sense very well it's not.It's not that this hado is weak.It is the power level retsu is not enough to change the time and space.so I ripped it apart.

Seeing Yachiru's shocked look I told her "is this your godly art ?Hmmph, stupid woman when there is no such thing as god,then how the fuck something like goy art can exist? well anyway why don't I show you a little bit of my power."

After saying I made a rassengan with atom release and shoot it like gun towards the moon.

Seeing this Unohana looked unimpressed and said "and,is there supposed to happe-"

Before she could finish her word a massive explosion in the sky after 10 minutes when explosion cleared we all saw there is no moon.

Unohana looks terrified and shocked "w-w-what the hell? how did you even do that?"

I said "pure power,If I use even 1% of my power I can destroy your whole world,infact before coming to your world I destroyed one ,now get out"

Yachiru Unohana's pov:-

When I saw him destroy the moon.Then I finally understood very well what I am against.I am against something what can only described as godly.Then what I heard from his mouth turned my blood cold as he said with just 1%of his power he can destroy our world.We may call ourselves death god but we are compared to this being.Forget us even soulking is nothing infront of this being.I understood one thing very clearly If we wanna survive we have to stay away from him.So I left that place as fast as possible.(pov end)

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Tentacle_mancreators' thoughts