

This is a love story but it is also a story about Naruko Uzumaki Uchiha, Naruto's twin sister and besides this story might have some smut in it. And we will be meeting Sasuke's twin sister Sasuko Uchiha.

Luna_McClain · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Team 7's first mission

Author's POV

As Sasuke, Naruko and Naruto walked to the ramen shop Naruko noticed they were being followed. "Guys we are being followed." Naruko whispered. "Do you know who it could be?" Naruto whispered back. "Yeah it's Sakura." Naruko whispered. So as the group continued to walk Naruko became really uncomfortable so they walked to the Hokage's office to see if they can lose Sakura. As soon as they arrived to the Hokage's office they went inside. "Sakura I know that's you." Naruko said. "And what of it?" Sakura asked sassily. "You do realize that what you just did is called stalking right?" Naruko asked. "Yes I do." Sakura said. "Alright." Naruto said. "So Sasuke we are gonna be going on D rank missions before we can get higher missions right?" Sakura asked. "Well duh." Naruko said answering for Sasuke. "Shut up no one asked you Naruko!" Sakura shouted. "Sakura you do know that we are at the Hokage's office right?" Naruto asked. "Yeah I do." Sakura said. "Then don't insult my sister in front of me or Sasuke again got it?" Naruto asked. "Yeah whatever, Naruto." Sakura said. A little bit later as team 7 was walking into the Hokage's office Sakura decided to go and tell Old Man Hokage that Naruko was bullying her. "Naruko." Lord Hokage said. "Yes?" Naruko asked confused. "Are you bullying Sakura?" The Hokage asked. "No why would I?" Naruko asked. "Because Sakura came and told me that you are bullying her." The Hokage said. 'I must confess I feel like a monster!!!!!!' Naruko thought to herself when she remembered that she and Naruto hold the nine tailed fox demon. 'She just didn't understand that me and my brother are different than most people.' Naruko thought. "Sakura, I told lord Hokage not to put you on the team that I will be on but the old man didn't listen to me." Naruko said. "Girls enough." Kakashi said. Sakura is the one team 7 member that Naruko has issues with. "Naruko Uzumaki I hope you get killed in battle!" Sakura shouts. "Sakura you will not speak to her like that!" Naruto shouts. "No!!! That brat needs to learn her place!" Sakura shouts back. "Sasuke I'm gonna go home." Naruko said. "No your not leaving." Sasuke said. "Fine." Naruko said going over to the couch in the office to lay down. "Sakura when Naruko and Naruto were kids they lost their entire clan. Do you know what clan they belong to?" The Hokage asked. "No." Sakura said. "They are from the Uchiha clan." The Hokage said. "I apologize Naruko and Naruto. But I don't like that your dating Sasuke. Sakura said. "Wait they are dating?!" Kakashi said shocked. "Yeah Kashi." Naruto said. "But why didn't tell me?" Kakashi asked. "Your not supposed to say my nickname Naruko." Kakashi said. "Sorry." Naruko said. "Oh don't be sad. Your dad would kill me if he were to find out about you being sad." Kakashi said. "Kakashi just because my dad is Obito doesn't mean you can be scared of him. And besides he is dead so he couldn't kill you for making me sad even if he wanted to." Naruko said sadly. "It's alright Naruko. You can call me Kashi but only with the Hokage and our team and at home since I take care of you since you are my god siblings." Kakashi said. {Sorry I was tired😅 So the next part of is the real part of this story that is what I wanted it to go.} Sasuke, Naruko and Naruto were sitting at Ichiraku ramen when that start to feel like they are being watched so they decided to go to the Hokage's office. After getting to the Hokage's they went inside to wait for their team. As soon as Sakura walked in with them was the final clue to see if Sakura was really following them. "What do you want Sakura?" Naruko asked. "I wanted to know if we had any missions." Sakura said. "Yeah right you wanted to follow Sasuke." Naruto said. "Your right. Even though he is dating Naruko I still like Sasuke." Sakura said with her head down in sadness. "Sakura you have to get over Sasuke." Naruko said. "I know but still there is no one else that are single though." Sakura said. "You'll just have to wait and see." Naruko said. A little bit later team 7 had to go after Tora the cat. "Alright I'm done with these stupid missions!" Naruto and Naruko shouted at the Hokage. "Alright then you get a C-rank mission instead of a D-rank mission and it would be to go after Tora again." The Hokage said. "We'll take the C-rank!" All of team 7 said. A little while later Tazuna the bridge builder comes into to the room to see team 7 and he gets mad real quick. "I thought I asked for ninjas not children!" Tazuna shouts angrily. "We are ninja you asshole!!!" Naruko shouts right before jumping at Tazuna only to be grabbed by Kakashi to stop her from killing Tazuna. "Naruko he is the client don't kill him even if he did insult you." Kakashi said. "Fine, lets go and get the bridge builder home." Naruko said. The team went to their homes to get ready to go to the Land Of The Waves. After getting ready they all met up at the front gate. "Oh yeah! I'm a traveler now!" Naruto yells. "Naruto shut up!" Sakura yells. "Sakura why are you yelling at my brother?" Naruko asked. "He was yelling to loud so I yelled at him." Sakura said. "Don't yell at him again." Naruko said darkly. "Got it." Sakura said. "Bitch." Sakura said under her breath but Naruko heard her. "Don't call me a bitch again." Naruko said. "What! You heard that?!" Sakura asked shocked. "Yeah now shut up." Naruko said. "Don't tell me what to do! Your just jealous that I'm pretty!" Sakura yelled. "Yeah uh huh keep telling yourself that." Naruko said. "You-you bitch! I wish you had never been born to this village and I wish we never met!" Sakura screamed. "Oh I can make that happen." Naruko said. "NARUKO!" Naruto yelled. "Yes." Naruko asked. "Let's go up ahead with Sasuke." Naruto said. "Yeah okay." Naruko said. "Sasuke!!" Sakura shouted. "No." Sasuke said. A little while later all of team 7 make to the location of their mission. "Alright team now that we are here we are gonna be starting tomorrow." Kakashi said.