

This is a love story but it is also a story about Naruko Uzumaki Uchiha, Naruto's twin sister and besides this story might have some smut in it. And we will be meeting Sasuke's twin sister Sasuko Uchiha.

Luna_McClain · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Zabuza Momochi

Naruko's POV

As we all made our way through the forest I noticed a puddle on the ground. "Sakura come here." I said. "What?" She asked. "Protect my brother at all costs." I said. "Why?" She asked. "Something bad is gonna happen." I said. "Alright." Sakura said. As we continued on our way I watched as Naruto started throwing kunis left and right. "Naruto stop that!" Sakura shouted hitting my brother on the head. "Sakura he can sense that we are being followed." I said walking over to Naruto. "Why do you even care that he gets hurt anyway?" Sakura asked. "Because he is the only family I have left!" I screamed. "Naruko calm down please?" Naruto pleaded. "Fine but only because you asked Naruto." I said. "Naruko wait!" Sakura shouted. "No you act like your better than us well tough luck damn it me and Naruto are better when it comes ninja training!" I shouted. "Naruto go after her!" Sakura shouted demanding my brother. "No you don't get to order me to do anything." Naruto said. "Ugh you don't get to talk back to me!" Sakura shouted a couple seconds later I hear a sharp slapping sound. "Why?" Naruto asked in tears. "Because you were talking back to me." She said smugly. I turn around and walk over to my brother to see his cheek forming a bruise. "So just because I walked away from you gives you a right to order my brother around and slap him? Oh no bitch you chose the wrong person to fuck with." I said walking up to her. "Naruko she will be dealt with when we get home." Kakashi sensei said stopping me from killing Sakura. "Fine." I said walking to my brother and Sasuke. "Naruto are you alright?" Kakashi sensei asked. "Not...really...it...hurts...to...talk." Naruto said finally bursting into tears. "Great thanks Sakura now my brother has a broken jaw. Ya know I could kill you here and now." I said walking over to her. "Naruko." Kakashi said. "What this bitch just broke his jaw!!!!!" I screamed at Kakashi making Sakura flinch. "Naruko just use your healing jutsu." Sasuke said. "Fine." I said walking up to my crying brother. "Naruko it appears that he can't move his jaw at all." Kakashi said patting my head. "Oh Naruto you'll be okay alright." I said trying not to cry. Sasuke knows that my brother means everything to me even though he pisses me off half the time. "Naruko." Sakura said walking up to me. "Stay away." Sasuke said. "No she needs to learn that Naruto deserves to die!" Sakura screamed. "Oh hell no." I said getting up after healing my brother and walking up to her. "What do you want?" Sakura asked. "Oh nothing." I said before bitch slapping her. "Ow what the hell!" She yelled. "That's for hurting my brother and for saying he deserves to die." I said. "But what you deserve is worse than that bitch slap Naruko gave you." Sasuke said. "But Sasuke I thought you loved me." Sakura said. "No I love Naruko and she's my girlfriend. If I ever hear of or see you hitting Naruko or Naruto again I will kill you." Sasuke said. "But Sasuke they don't have parents to tell them right from wrong." Sakura said. "Nah Sakura we did have parents at one point but you know the Uchiha massacre happened." I said and at that Sakura looked shocked. "Now don't be lying Naruko, Sasuke is the last Uchiha." Sakura said. "Sakura I will kill you but since your to stupid to understand, I'll just say this I was the little girl always hanging around Sasuke." I said. "No that was Sasuke's sister." Sakura said. "Actually Sakura, Sasuko was hanging around Naruto." Sasuke said. "Your wrong." Sakura said. "I'd shut up if I were you." Kakashi said. "Sakura, my sister is someone that isn't to be messed with. And besides Naruko is an Anbu ninja." Naruto said. "My name is 'Bloody Lily' SSS class." I said, Sakura was standing there with her mouth open. "Naruko it's not nice to lie." Sakura said right before Kakashi sensei gets "killed". "Ahhhh!!!!!" Sakura screamed. "Naruto, Sasuke you two protect Tazuna and I'll take care of these guys." I said. A little bit into the fight Kakashi reappeared and took care of them after me and Sasuke kicked their ass's. So what I did was tie them to a tree and put them in tsukuyomi, of course the pink haired banshee was in shock. "Tazuna we need to have a little chat." Kakashi sensei said, as Kakashi and Tazuna went over to another area. "Now to deal with these two." I said walking up to them. "Brother it's Bloody Lily!" One the the demon brothers shouted. After dealing with the demon brothers we all continued on our way. A little while later into our walk Zabuza Momochi appeared. "Duck!" Kakashi-sensei shouted. We all drop to ground in time for Zabuza's sword to come flying over head. "Well if it isn't the Copycat ninja." Zabuza said. "Zabuza Momochi, one of the seven swordsmen. And a rouge ninja." I said. "Child, how do you know all that?" Zabuza asked. "Well I'm not gonna reveal the information cuz it won't be any fun if you know." I said with a cold look on my face. "How is it that you know that?" Zabuza asked looking a bit scared. "Good be scared. And you don't need to know how I know that information." I said. "Yeah." My brother and Sasuke said. "Why shouldn't he know, Naruko?" Sakura asked. "Cuz he'll kill us." I said. "I was gonna do it regardless. Wait why am I telling you this!" Zabuza said/shouted. After a couple of minutes Zabuza and Kakashi-Sensei start fighting. ''Hey Sasuke do you want to make a bet?" I asked. "Hn, sure Kakashi wins." Sasuke said. "Nah love, Zabuza will trap him in the water prison." I said smirking. After betting on who will win, Zabuza trapped Kakashi in the water prison. "Hn, Sasuke I win." Is all I say with a smirk. "Hn, alright Naruko." Sasuke said pouting a bit. "Naruko, Sasuke you didnt have to make a bet y'know." Naruto said. "But we did." I said smugly. "Naruko you need to stop dragging Sasuke down!" Sakura shouted. "That's you Sakura, considering I'm in the anbu so I'd advise you to shut up before I make it impossible for you to get into the anbu." I said glaring at Sakura. "Ugh what ever Naruko." Sakura said walking over to the bridge builder. "Y'know Sakura there is no need to be a bitch." I said with a small smirk. "What did you just say to me!" Sakura screamed turning red while walking over to me. "I called you a bitch. Mostly because you are a bitch." I said side eyeing Sakura. "I'm not a bitch!" Sakura shouted turning even more red. "Your acting like one now." I said glaring at her. "Ugh whatever." Sakura said walking away. "So Sasuke what should your punishment be?" I asked while smirking. "How about I wear whatever you choose for four weeks." Sasuke said pouting. "I love that idea Sasuke." I said with a smirk. "Naruko that is not okay!" Sakura screamed. "Okay banshee, SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW!" I screamed while my sharingan activated. "Naruko calm down." My brother and Sasuke said while holding me back from killing Sakura. 'Why is Sakura so suicidal?' I asked myself. "Sakura knock it off we are on a mission!" Kakashi shouted from the water prison. "Naruto, Sasuke come here. Sakura protect the bridge builder." I said. "What is it Naruko?" Naruto asked. "Naruto you are going to transform into a giant shuriken. Sasuke you are going to throw both your giant shuriken and Naruto. And I'm going to distract Zabuza." I said explaining the plan. "Wait what is Sakura going to do?" Naruto asked. "She's going to try and protect the bridge builder and Sasuke after you throw both you giant shuriken and Naruto go help Sakura." I said getting ready to head to Zabuza. "Alright, and I love you Naruko." Both Naruto and Sasuke said. "I love you both to." I said before running over to Kakashi and Zabuza. "Yo Zabuza! You have crossed a line. Now prepare to die by my hand, Bloody Lily!" I shouted. "Fuck! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" Zabuza shouted. "Da fuck! You trusting me! Hahahaha! Fat fucking chance Zabuza you don't trust anyone but your little lackey!" I shouted before running at his clone. At some point Sasuke ends throwing his giant shuriken and Naruto which distracted him. "Kakashi use your fucking sharingan!" I shouted destroying Zabuza's water clone. As soon as Kakashi used his sharingan we all went over to Sakura and the bridge builder and watched as Zabuza and Kakashi did the Water Dragon Jutsu. "Alright now that this is over lets head to your house Tazuna." Kakashi said before he passed out.