
Narika: The Ghost Bride

~Together they created a world of chaos, in search of love~ They are two worlds apart! An unlucky fate. Destiny played an unfair game towards Narika,  by entangling her fate with the dead. She was marked out to be the bride of a restless ghost, and now Narika Singh must endeavor to fight her way out. ADRIK IVANOV!  A ghost driven by nothing, but revenge against the family that ruined his life, and that of the woman he loved. He has only one goal, to ruin the lives of the Singh family but that is until he sees her, Narika Singh. An enemy that he fell so hard and deeply for, or so he thought, because of her uncanny resemblance to his past lover? But would it ever be possible to fall in love with a ghost? After all, love conquers all, right? What would happen when Narika meets Adrik, the ghost groom, and learns of the twisted fate between the both of them? Would she waver in her decision to ban him forever in the underworld?  And Adrik, would he ever let go of the woman given the second chance he got,  or move ahead with his revenge? With Lucifer, king of the hell in the picture,  who would do anything to get Narika to bear him a baby, hell's saving grace. Adrik would have to do more than protect the woman he has fallen in love with, a second time. Warning: Everything in this book is fiction, any resemblance to anyone is all but a mistake. No part of this publication should be published by any external company. ~~ "What do you want from me!"  She shouted, watching from where she sat with her hands bound, leaving her all completely at his mercy. "The right question  should be, what exactly do you and your entire family owe me?" He breathed right at her face, grabbing her jaw in his palm to keep her eyes on him.  He had been keeping watch on her for a while, but now he's come to claim what rightfully belongs to him. Another daughter of the Singhs! This was a means to an end, and Narika would be the compensation for what they had done to him. "We owe you nothing, I have no idea what you are talking  about, let me go!" She cried. "Shh sweetheart, it's okay. " He cooed, patting her hair while giving her those creepy looks of his, that scared the hell out of her. "Let me go!''She shouted, but it was too late for her to see that he was not here to joke with either her or her family. He grabbed her  hair, and pushed her up against the wall of her room, "I will be coming for you soon, and when i come. No one will stand in my way of getting what i want…not including you princess!" "I pray your soul rots in the deepest part of hell where you came  from, I detest you!"She yelled. "The feeling is mutual, I hate and at the same time feel things for you, that i am sure don't make any sense to me." Adrik complained, before covering the space between them. "What have you done to me, Narika?" A/N:My Official story for the WSA competition, your support is massively needed. ~~~  Other books by the same author: *356 days to love*  *A Mommy For Hire:The heiress must get married* *Dangerous Love:Two can play this game* Discord ID:Jayden222#1883  My Discord Server:https//discord.gg/6kxjMKR2 Instagram ID:IrreplacebleSassy 

Jayden222 · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Two: His Place In His Father's Life.

"Who does he think he is?!''Alex yelled at nobody, it was more of him taking his aggression out on thin air, because no one standing right there with him was the cause of his problem.

His rantings have been mainly because he has a showcase with his enemy, Jason Ivanov. He had not for once imagined in his entire life that there would ever come a day, where he would stand so close to that motherfucker, without pulling his trigger on him.

"With all due respect sir, I don't think being angry is the right…" George tried to talk him out of his ridiculous habit of getting angry, at any slightest bit of news.

It wasn't all that either, but the young man was worried more about the part where he tends to injure people, around him when he's really pissed off.

For someone who is running for the president of the country, he would have to fix his temper if he doesn't want to lose that position.

Alex glared at him instantly and that made him shut up, and kept his eyes fixed right on the ground in fear for his life.

"I can't stand even a single second with that idiot, talkmore of attending a conference with him as an associate." He complained, walking up and down with his mind filled up with thoughts of what to do.

Cain moved forward and offered him something in a tray, and George looked up to see him trying to inhale.. cocaine.

Alex gasped after rolling one line, he turned to George with a ridiculous smile on his face. He was high as fuck!

"So tell me.." He trailed on, approaching his strategist who had no other option than to act as if he wasn't worried, that he was working for a madman.

"Is there no way to have him removed from attending that conference?"He stupidly asked, as if it was him who was hosting the event.

"I'm afraid there's nothing i can do but to advise you on not bailing.."

"You are so stupid, George." He uttered, laughing hysterically," why would you think that i would bail because of that idiot?"

George fixed his glasses, looking away from Cain who it didn't bother him that his boss just insulted him, someone so important enough to ruin his political career.

He kept quiet, but it was all because he loves his life. If anyone was going to be smart it would be him. Axel is a bad man with no human conscience, he only prayed for the strength to keep up with him until their contract is over.

The front door was opened and Adrian walked in, and that made everyone turn to face him instantly. He felt uneasy with the stares, especially that of his dad because he had made a move on what he assigned him.

"I will get everything prepared for the conference," George said lastly, he saw this as his cue to leave since his filial son was here.

"Son?" Alex beckoned for him, with his arms widely spread out to him. Adrian knew that there was no way his father would suddenly act so affectionate, he was anything but that.

Cain's glance at him had him know that his father was high, and high Alex Singh, wasn't a good eye to see.

"You get any news for me?" He asked intently, his patience was running low with him, and with the ugly report he got about Jason competing for the same presidential race he was in, had him in an ugly spot.

"Business has been going smoothly father…" Adrian said plainly, but stopped when he saw the look his father gave him.

Alex gave his hand out to Cain, who gave him a knife before he started to walk closer to him. Adrian didn't waver in his spot, he knew better than to show any signs of weakness.

"Vanessa?" He asked with a malicious glare at him," I want to hear that you got some good news for me, son. I'm in a very bad mood." He slurred.

"It's only been two days since she's back…" 

Adrian gave his feedback which didn't settle quite well with him, rather he had his knife up to his son's throat.

"If there is anything i hate son, that would be tardiness and we both know that I'm not a  very patient man, Adrian." He said more like reminding him, to which he nodded to his words.

"I don't care how you do it, but I want you to bring that girl to me soon. This is not just about you, but about the family. Think of your sister!" He shouted, grabbing Adrian's jaw."I don't want to lose you too, son." He said sadly, but that was nothing but manipulative Alex, trying to get into his head.

He didn't care for him. He was only managing him because he's the only one he had left, and that made the young man not scared one about hurting him.


That's because he's the only one he got right now, and getting rid of him in this critical time of his campaign, would arouse suspicions on him.

"You won't father, I will get revenge for Polina." He said, and his father patted his face hard before letting out a really creepy laugh, making him snuck in a breath.

"That's the spirit my boy, I don't care whatever it is you do with her. I heard she's really pretty, but i want you to bring her to me."

"I can't have something going on with an enemy," Adrian blurted out, it was really degrading for his ego and on behalf of his dead sister, he isn't planning on getting attached to Vanessa Ivanov, pretty or not?

"Keep your judgment for when you see her. How's Camile?" His father asked an unexpected question, which made him wonder how exactly he got to know about him and Camille.

"We are good,"He said plainly.

"We?" Alex raised a brow at him,"Listen to me son, women are nothing but distractions which is why we get rid of them, after they have served their use."

"I know father,"He looked up to see Cain mocking him, with that irritating grin at the edge of his lips.

"You can keep her, but all I'm saying is that you don't get distracted from what matters the most, which is?"

"Vanessa Ivanov."He completed the statement.

"Good," He said with a smoke, before shifting away and taking the tray of cocaine. "Want some?"

"I'm good, father."He declined, his eyes not failing to see the mock on Cain's face again.

"I will be leaving for a two day trip son, and when I'm back i will be expecting good news, Adrian." He called him by his name, which only meant that he wasn't joking with his words.

"Yes father, I won't fail you this time." He said, nearly biting his tongue at his words when he knew that he had far more important things to do, like finding out where his other brother, Nelson Singh was.

"You better not, you are dismissed." Alex told him, giving back the little knife to Cain who mugged Adrian while he left for his room.

It can only get worse, their father and son bond but right from the first day, Adrian knew his place in his father's life, and he knew he's not significant.