
Narika: The Ghost Bride

~Together they created a world of chaos, in search of love~ They are two worlds apart! An unlucky fate. Destiny played an unfair game towards Narika,  by entangling her fate with the dead. She was marked out to be the bride of a restless ghost, and now Narika Singh must endeavor to fight her way out. ADRIK IVANOV!  A ghost driven by nothing, but revenge against the family that ruined his life, and that of the woman he loved. He has only one goal, to ruin the lives of the Singh family but that is until he sees her, Narika Singh. An enemy that he fell so hard and deeply for, or so he thought, because of her uncanny resemblance to his past lover? But would it ever be possible to fall in love with a ghost? After all, love conquers all, right? What would happen when Narika meets Adrik, the ghost groom, and learns of the twisted fate between the both of them? Would she waver in her decision to ban him forever in the underworld?  And Adrik, would he ever let go of the woman given the second chance he got,  or move ahead with his revenge? With Lucifer, king of the hell in the picture,  who would do anything to get Narika to bear him a baby, hell's saving grace. Adrik would have to do more than protect the woman he has fallen in love with, a second time. Warning: Everything in this book is fiction, any resemblance to anyone is all but a mistake. No part of this publication should be published by any external company. ~~ "What do you want from me!"  She shouted, watching from where she sat with her hands bound, leaving her all completely at his mercy. "The right question  should be, what exactly do you and your entire family owe me?" He breathed right at her face, grabbing her jaw in his palm to keep her eyes on him.  He had been keeping watch on her for a while, but now he's come to claim what rightfully belongs to him. Another daughter of the Singhs! This was a means to an end, and Narika would be the compensation for what they had done to him. "We owe you nothing, I have no idea what you are talking  about, let me go!" She cried. "Shh sweetheart, it's okay. " He cooed, patting her hair while giving her those creepy looks of his, that scared the hell out of her. "Let me go!''She shouted, but it was too late for her to see that he was not here to joke with either her or her family. He grabbed her  hair, and pushed her up against the wall of her room, "I will be coming for you soon, and when i come. No one will stand in my way of getting what i want…not including you princess!" "I pray your soul rots in the deepest part of hell where you came  from, I detest you!"She yelled. "The feeling is mutual, I hate and at the same time feel things for you, that i am sure don't make any sense to me." Adrik complained, before covering the space between them. "What have you done to me, Narika?" A/N:My Official story for the WSA competition, your support is massively needed. ~~~  Other books by the same author: *356 days to love*  *A Mommy For Hire:The heiress must get married* *Dangerous Love:Two can play this game* Discord ID:Jayden222#1883  My Discord Server:https//discord.gg/6kxjMKR2 Instagram ID:IrreplacebleSassy 

Jayden222 · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Four: He's Not Yours To Claim.

"Here you are, I have been looking everywhere for you. You missed the gathering, Sakura." The overlord stepped into her room, to see her standing so clear  to the window with her two arms folded under her chest.

A deep frown plastered on her face, conjuring his inquisitive mind that was anxious already to know what exactly was wrong with her.

She wasn't at the gathering held today at the grand alliance, which was very unusual for the admiral of the underworld. Whereas, he had to cover up for her, that's what a good uncle would do.

"I..have been here." She mumbled lowly, giving her uncle clear evidence that she had something bothering. It was the first time to see her this way, all gloomy.

The admiral, Sakura, was a well endowed creature whose beauty and elegance was the main reason, his palace had its recognition from all over the horizon.

Also, combing the fact that she's not just beautiful, she's smart and strong unlike the normal female Definites that were to exist in the underworld.

Definites were mainly ghosts, that were lucky enough to live a good life after dying a painful death, the payment for that entitlement was to work their ass off for the Grand Alliance that consisted of the Grand Circle, Definites and of course the lowly ghosts, The indefinites that were mainly existed as a voice for the ghosts, that didn't cross over yet.

The overlord Oregon existed for a long period of time, he's the main connection between all the ghost's to the Grand Circle which is the brain of how the underworld exists.

Sakura, his niece, had been in his protection after she had died a miserable death, as a child due to her parent's negligence to the poor soul.

Having Sakura with him all these years, filled the emptiness in his heart about not having a child of his own. Not that he couldn't do anything about it, like getting married, but commitment was one thing he couldn't see himself doing.

Afterall, he had his hands full with his honor as the Overlord of the underground, so, having a wife is likely a distraction. But he would live his life ensuring that Sakura gets every good thing, that exists in this world.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked concernedly, turning her to face him since she's so good at hiding her emotions so well for others.

But he was good at reading every movement of her body, and right now she was acting so out of her normal self.

"Sakura, talk to me dear child, what is it exactly that had you acting this way?" He urged her  to talk, but she took one look at him, as if she's debating on telling him what exactly was her problem.

"Don't give him what he wants," she said simply, watching his brow arch up in confusion as to who exactly she's reffering to.

"Who exactly…"

"You know who exactly uncle, don't get him married to her," she said again , but this time a little bit courageous enough to hint at where exactly her problem was, or was that it? "She's a ..human." 

"So, this is about Adrik?" Oregon asked, his hands leaving her shoulder. She watched his face shrouded in disappointment, telling her that whatever it is that she wanted was going to happen, even before he opened his mouth to say it isn't going to be successful.

"I'm afraid that's something that is between Adrik and I…"

"I love him," she confessed, cutting into her uncle's words. Oregon let out a huge gasp at her declaration, he had known all along that there's something she had ongoing with Adrik.

But a smart woman like her, should have known how much of a manwhore Adrian is, after all she's not the only woman here that had his attention.

Besides, there's the fact that he couldn't forget his ex that he believes he's going to find, and there's also his little human bride?

Yet, she stands in front of him and claims that she loves him. No, that's not love, she's only infatuated with him, and he knew the best approach to prevent her from hurting herself further.

"As much as i would be glad to see you finally settle down, happily in love with the man of your dreams. I would have to correct you on the point that that man is not Adrik." Oregon confessed truthfully, watching her face try to deny his words but she knew better that he can't lie to her.

"No.." she refused to listen to him.

"You deserve better, child."

"I love him, that's enough." She claimed, touching her heart that beat for the man that was about to be snatched right from her nose by some human girl.

"That is not enough Sakura, I trained you better to know that you don't settle for less." He yelled," Adrik is a man of quandary, you don't want to be associated with his kind.."

"His kind? He's a ghost just like me, just like the rest of us, what do you mean that i can't be with his kind?" Sakura demanded hastily, refusing to listen to the clear warning of her uncle.

Boy! She's in love with the man that can't be hers, but she needs reasons unless she takes laws into her hands, and saves her love life.

"That's not something you should bother…" Oregon dismissed her instantly,he had nearly made the mistake of letting out an important info about Adrik that only the Grand Circle knew.

"Uncle, please." She pleaded, closing the gap between them and holding his hands for him to look directly at her face.

"This isn't gonna to change anything, you can't be with him, and this is the end of this conversation. Don't make any rash decisions  you can't handle, Sakura." He said lastly, and tugged his hands free from hers and turned to leave.


"Why can't you grant this one wish of mine?  I'm your niece for crying out loud. Please, I can't bear the thought of not being with…"She cried, but was cut short by the swift slap that her uncle rained down on her.

That cleared her eyes instantly, and she looked at him with fretful eyes." He's not yours to claim, and was never yours in the beginning. Stop being stupid and resume work immediately!" He said lastly and left her, all heartbroken and rejected while she wallowed in self pity.

Her uncle's words ran through her mind. He was never yours in the beginning!

Yes, he might have been with Polina, but that is in the past, right now it is the present  and there's no Polina to take back what rightfully belongs to her.

With this in mind, she shoved her uncle's warning to the back of her kind, with the only thoughts she knew she's going to accept was only that of hers, not backing down without a fight.

Adrik is hers!

No one else, but Sakura's.

The human girl stands no chance, only her!

How's the story going guys? Although it's a slow burn romance. Things are about to get intense after this chapter, so giddy up and vote this book.

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