
Néhel Whiteheart

Nehel_Whiteheart · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 : Crafting Potions

Today I learned a lot from my mistres, she made me practice every day, she is like a mother figure, she then hugged me tightly until I heard her voice whispering to me with no particular reason and putting herself at my size to get an eye contact.

‐ Guess who's lucky today !

- It's me.

- Indeed my dear student, today we are gonna do some potions for you to use the right ingredients and use it for good.

- Which pots ? I asked curious.

- Potions of explosion, potions of light vision and potions that makes anyone your friend.

Since I'm curious with what seems like I am perhaps crazy but don't human do be crazy I asked myself thinking. So she smile at me, a sunlight smile as she showed me a blue, a green and a yellow potion on the table next to her.

- Néhel guess which ones are the potion from left to right.

- Blue is explosive, yellow is light vision, green is the friendship pot.

Mistress shows me how to craft those pot, she starts with the yellow one, the ingredients are tomato, potato and apple, It's called Lightnergy. The green one needless to say is working for a week, it needs caramel, sugar and ananas juice It's called Friendnergy The explosive potion is blue, the ingredients are shark's blood and coffee. By the way my observatorss the name is Explosive Potion or Exopot.

She shows me everything I need to know, well you know what ? I'm a witch but you can treat me as a sorceress.

Miss Xiao Qinari is a mage for some unknown reason she seems to be a good person, It's true I'm a sinner since no one is pure from the gods perspective, we use the cauldron outside home just at the left to craft one of each of those three pots and I by myself and her direction made it work.

"Néhel Whiteheart, one day you will break the 4th wall, It's your destiny, you are supposed to save the world, not destroy it, you will be able to go from world to world, universe to universe without ever creating a time paradox."

She takes my hand and dance with me as well as she talk to her imaginary friend, this friend I can also hear what he says, faster than speed of sound, his name she called him out of anyone, Kimi l'onoh but he wasn't which means that the invisibility pot worked.

How do I know him without ever knowing having the knowledge, a real mystery and yet he talks super fast, so fast in fact that he could do everything perfectly which means he might be able to stop time or is he not ? Wandering about that is a waste of time, I say hello to the very young man then miss Qinari laugh a little, she knows who he is, what he is, an half-god.

Until next time, yes my dear public, until the new chapter release.