
Néhel Whiteheart

Nehel_Whiteheart · Fantasy
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Chapter 2 : A Magical Accessory

- Néhel... That's a pretty name for a girl !

- But... are you sure ? The Whiteheart family is said to be cursed by the God of Light, that everything they do will be counted as good. Even hurting and killing people, even doing it with your own blood.

- Love is what matters the most, that's why I like the Whiteheart Family. I also know that they will reach the end of time. And what is behind that is...

I disappeared from this memory of the sorceress and her friend, I felt a strong bond between us three and woke up tied to a chair, this golden hair woman laughed at me, she was real mad.

- You saw it right ?

- Saw what ?

- Me and Lily.

- You were talking about my family.

- What did you see exactly ?

- I only saw you...You were both cute too.

- Alright, you can stay with me a little while longer my child.

- So... what spell will you learn to me ? Fireball, water, ice, thunder ?

- None of those, only magical accessories.

She laughed at me for no reason then I laughed too and got happy, I was smiling, enjoying myself on this calm day. And I asked myself : "What magical accessory do I want ?"

- I want a ring that can make me invisible ! A pretty ring... even if I don't plan on getting married.

- Why don't you want to get married !?

- I have fun by myself. And knowledge is more interesting than having a baby to deal with, also I... Well it doesn't matter what I do when I'm an adult.

- Alright ! Find a ring in the next 24 hours and I will help you, but remember. This spell takes a few days to work properly without hurting you.

- I bet I'll find one in half this time.

- If you happen to win the bet, I'll give you a huge knowledge.

She said that, but at the same time I found the ring under my belly, wait how did it end up there in the first place !? Is she testing me right now or is it someone else ? I breath slowly, keeping my cool.

- Found it.

- That's impossible !

- Well erh... doesn't ring a bell to you ?

- Fine I believe you. This huge knowledge is about someone you met before. An half dragon with demon horns.

- Oh, this girl. What about her ?

- You know how everyone is scared of us witches. Well, she got pretty popular with the demons. Actually, she is the first of her species to have been able to switch between human and dragon form.

- Don't tell me this is the huge thing.

- I'll come to it. This girl harness the power to kill us, we who shouldn't die from anything but when we want to and we never want to.

- This means I must be in good terms with her... Then there's nothing to worry about.