
Néhel Whiteheart

Nehel_Whiteheart · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 1 : The First Day

I was in the witch's house, she was tall and her evil looking face made me wonder if I should be scared or not, I decided to keep my cool and jump to touch her wrist.

- Excuse me miss ! Can you say your name please ?

- Oh right ! I'm Qinary Xiao, a sorceress and you have a lot to learn Whiteheart's daughter.

- Miss Xiao how do I become a godess ? How much time do I need to get there ?

- Hard work and luck, for now I can't say your role in the future, but I can say for certain that you will live longer than any beings, She said with an almost serious tone.

Miss Xiao then showed me some of her magic, because in this world, anyone with a heart and soul can learn to use it. The woman with beautiful and very long golden hair made the fire of all the candles disappear just by saying one word. Shen then look directly into my eyes and I was a little afraid of failing.

- Now, enlighten those candles.

- That's all ?

- Don't they say to school : "Basics are the most important lessons"?

- Eh no.

- Well they should. Now enlighten the candle or I throw you into the river.

- You witch.

- I'm not a witch but a sorceress you damn b... girl ! She said angry and grommeling to herself.

- What is a damn B ? I asked politely.

- Do as I say, and in a few years you'll be strong enough to create your own spells, I mean magics.

I stared at all the candles in one go and in my mind I see the candles illuminating the place, Miss Xiao closes her windows so it gets dark and ask me to keep my eyes open so I do it.

- Enlighten, enlighten, enlighten ! I say determinated.

- You lack confidence, you don't need to say the word if you are good like me. Except that you are not good.

- Enlighten ! I cried with all my might getting angry because of her provocation.

- Look at the candles, breath calmly and then use the magical word.

I look at the candles in the dark, I breath calmly and then I say with confidence that magical word.

- Enlighten !

The candles fire was back and I could actually see the woman who learned me to do that, she then hugged me for no reason and left the house.

- Cook me a délicieux repas before I get back from the shop !

In her house there was only salad, tomato, cheese, bread and apple.

So I cooked something in 30 minutes, it was just a normal sandwich with applejuice and she got back with her bag and when I looked inside it there was the exact same sandwich that I did and we took a sit to eat together.

- Why is it the same as mine ?

- Well you know, some people have good taste.

- Thanks.

- Do I eat it ?

- Yes, eat your own meal.

We eat at the same speed, it scares me a lot because she wasn't even looking at me while doing it. So why, why did it feel so scary ?

Miss Xiao suddenly got up after finishing and took my hand teleporting me somewhere else in a cloud, I saw the glare on her eyes, she was terrified.

- What is wrong ? Why did you suddenly teleport us here ?

- A demon came, the one who... Nevermind It's nothing. What matters is that we are safe.

-Why are you scared ? Aren't you a strong sorceress ?

- I can sense his energy from afar, he is after you and he wants to corrupt you because of your Pure White Heart.

- He wants to turn me into a demon ?

- Yes. So you only listen to me. First, never accept anything from him. Two, If I fail I'll send you into the Stopped World, my sister will be there. Third, never give up.

I said nothing and hugged her, miss Xiao then walked in the sky and faced the demon who was after me. With my eyes I could'nt see more than a glimpse of a fight, there was Fire, Darkness, Light, Ice, Water, Wind and Thunder and in the end.

Qinary Xiao came back to me with a lot of bruises, she was smiling to me and in tears, hugging me tight.

- I finally did it... I took down the Little Devil... You are safe now Néhel.

I hugged her in return, not knowing what to say, tightly and I was smiling, happy for her. But a sudden light took over our body and we became unconscious while falling from the sky.

When I woke up I was at the side of a girl around fifteen, it was actually the evil looking sorceress in her youth.

"Did I go back in time ?"