
Néhel Whiteheart

Nehel_Whiteheart · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 0

Town is Dilaria

Country is Brakharm

I am Néhel Whiteheart, daughter of the second most important and noble family in Brakharm.

My story starts at the end of this chapter.

I grew up like any noble, but my dad was different than all the others, he had a pure and white aura around him, like everything he does will be good whatever it may be.

And then when I was five, a terrible event occured, when I went home I found my dad, murdered and I could see all his blood on the floor. At first sight I thought it was a nightmare, at second sight when my mom saw that and hide him from me she tried to confort me.

But... My dad died because of someone I've been looking for the killer for one month and the others citizens found evidence of who did it because we all worked hard. And it was Dean Grambell, from the richest family, he then got executed and then life went normally.

Until I get eleven, I was raised to become the closest thing to godess, and what's closest is to be a witch, or like my mom says, a sorceress.

It's at that time that I met her, in front of my eyes, this evil looking lady with purple eyes took me from the river to her floating house.

And this is how, my story begins.