
Myth Beyond Heaven

Yun Lintian, a man from Earth, found himself in a clichéd transmigrated situation and ended up in the Azure World, a magical cultivation-oriented world. Unlike the protagonists in the novels he had read, Yun Lintian lacks any cheating devices to assist him on his journey. Did the God of Transmission forget about it? However, as a crisis unfolds, an ancient power dormant within him suddenly awakens, entangling him in a mysterious destiny... Watch the journey of Yun Lintian in a foreign world as he rises in power ranking alongside his precious all-female sect! ————————————— DISCLAIMER: The protagonist of this novel is exceptionally powerful, resourceful, and mature. If you don't enjoy stories with an overpowered protagonist who frequently use logic from novels he has read to solve the problems he encounters, this novel may not be to your liking. Besides the cultivation adventure, this novel also focuses on romance, comedy, and the bonds between the protagonist and his fellow disciples in the sect. The author is not a native English speaker, so you can expect some grammatical errors in the novel. Please bear with me, and trust me, I am trying to improve it. Everything in this novel is pure fantasy based on the author's imagination. It does not reflect the real world. Hence, readers should not attempt to apply their common sense and logic to this novel. Constructive criticism is always welcome. ————————————— All rights to the cover belong to the original artist.

CloudBeneathMoon · Eastern
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2241 Chs


Earth, 2020

"Farewell, Lintian. Rest assured, I won't let any single one of those who harmed you go." Said a dignified, mature woman standing beside a large wooden coffin. In the coffin laid the body of a man. His face was pale, devoid of blood, and several vicious wounds marred his once handsome appearance.

A strong wind blew, causing the woman's long, black hair to flutter. She had a beautiful oval face and a slender figure, radiating a heroic aura. Her bloodshot eyes filled with immense hatred as she continued to stare at the lifeless body in the coffin. Her hands clenched into tight fists, so much so that blood seeped between her fingers.

She took a deep breath and turned to a group of men behind her. Then, she nodded her head lightly. They immediately moved the coffin into the prepared grave, sealed the lid shut, and carefully buried it with soil under the woman's reluctant gaze.

"Are you sure you want to take this road, Miss?" A white-haired old man, who stood one step behind the woman, asked concernedly.

The woman gazed into the distance. A pair of bloodshot eyes filled with boundless determination as she replied, "Uncle Yang, you have taken care of me since I was born. Do you think I am joking?"

The butler, Yang Wu, looked at his Young Miss' back with his cloudy eyes for a while before he let out a soft sigh. "Please, allow this old servant to accompany you until the end of the road."

The woman turned around to face Yang Wu, and he could clearly see her current expression. It was icy as her body seemed to emanate an immense aura of murderous intent, causing the surrounding temperature to significantly drop. She uttered, "Let's go." After finishing her sentence, she immediately walked towards the black Rolls-Royce car parked some distance away, with Butler Yang and her subordinates following closely behind.

As the row of cars disappeared along the road, two mysterious figures suddenly materialized before the grave. The white mist enveloped both of them, obscuring their visibility.

"What an emotional girl." A female voice rang out from one of the two figures. The voice was soft and seemed ethereal.

Meanwhile, the other figure remained silent. Suddenly, the surrounding white mist began to swirl, and the ground started to shake. In the next moment, the coffin that had been buried earlier magically appeared on the ground.

The lid automatically opened, revealing the man's body inside. A beam of golden light shot out from the white mist, enveloping the lifeless body. Following that, an enigmatic scene unfolded. The man's vicious wounds gradually healed, and his body slowly shrank in size. The man, who had once appeared to be thirty years old, gradually started to look younger, little by little. It was as if time had turned back.

A minute later, the golden light completely dissipated, and the man's body that had been there earlier was now nowhere to be found. Instead, only a small male infant was inside the coffin, who appeared to be alive as he moved his tiny limbs slightly. Around the baby's neck was a silver necklace with a rectangular pendant in the center. It clearly belonged to the man before.

The white mist surrounding the figure began to thin, unveiling a pair of delicate hands gently cradling the infant. Caressing the infant's face for a moment, the figure behind the white mist handed him to the woman beside it.

"Take him to that place and ensure his safety." An incredibly cold female voice emerged from the mist.

"Yes, Master." The woman responded solemnly. She hesitated for a second before asking, "Where are you going, Master? Please, allow this servant to accompany you."

The female master didn't answer her question; instead, she said, "Remember, never reveal your existence until he has fully awakened his power... Go." She waved her hand after finishing her sentence.

A powerful force coalesced around the female servant and the infant, causing the space behind them to fracture like a spider's web.

"Understood, Master." The female servant reluctantly replied before she and the infant vanished into the rifts in space, leaving the female master alone.

With a soft sigh of helplessness, the female master again waved her hand. The grave magically returned to its original appearance as if nothing had happened before. Following that, her figure also disappeared from the place...