
Mysterious Legacy: Her Secret World!

Lily was one of the most influential business mogul in the whole of New York City despite her young age. Buried deep in sorrow by the death of her father, Lily tried to stay sane until she met Richard who seemed to be the right one for her, little did she know that she had unknowingly entered the lion's den. There was a deep secret in her family that she had lived in without knowing and when she finally found out, it almost took her to the point of no return. Would she find out the truth about her blood? What could possibly save her from this? What would Richard's reaction be when he discovered Lily's deep secret? Would he turn to hurt her?

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Chapter 5: The Dream

Chapter 5: The Dream

Jane started the car immediately she got in. Lily had been waiting. So as not to waste Lily's time, she drove her straight to Grandfather Waters' mansion. On the way, no one said anything. Lily really needed space.

When they got to Grandfather Waters' home, they were welcomed warmly, just as expected.

"Where's grandfather?" Lily asked after what seemed like forever.

"He is in his room. He will be here in a moment." A maid responded.

"Okay." Nodding her head, she sat down as she sipped the cup of tea she was served.

Jane sat opposite her as she sipped her tea as well.

Soon, grandfather came down. They then went to the luxurious dinning room. The room had an European style to it, fitting into Grandfather Waters' taste.

"It feels so great having you here my dearest Lily."

"Thank you grandfather."

"How was work today?"

"It went well grandfather."

"Hope you had a good lunch?"

"Yes i did grandfather." Lily replied, remembering how her day had went. When she remembered the lunch with William, she smiled.

Grandfather William froze.

Did his granddaughter just smiled?

And that smile? He could tell.

Looking into her eyes, he was eager to know something.

Jane smiled. She just watched. She didn't feel it would be okay to interrupt this beautiful discussion.

Grandfather then looked at Jane.

Shocked, she took her eyes off.

"Is there something you are hiding from me? Grandfather Waters asked, as they ate.

"What do you mean grandfather?" Lily asked as she drank some wine.

"That smile. It's what I meant.".

"Grandfather I had lunch with William today and he was so nice to me." She confessed.

Grandfather Waters widened his eyes in surprise. Jane looked on too.


"That's good news, so does that means I should be expecting some good news soon?"

Laughing hard, "Grandfather that's so fast."

"Its okay my darling, just do what makes you happy."

"Thanks grandfather!"

"About why I called you, meet me in my study room after dinner."

"Sure grandfather."

After dinner, Lily made her way to Grandfather Waters' study room.

"Come in." He said after he heard a knock. He was sure it was Lily.

"Sir down." He said, which the did.

"How are you Lily."

"I'm fine grandfather."

"No you don't. I just want to have a word with you. In this world, in humans, half human or whatever it is called, there's nothing like perfection. All you need to do is love yourself, others will follow. I know you are not too happy dear, but somehow, I think you should give love a chance."

Grandfather Waters held her hand as he spoke, showing all of the concerns in the world.

Lily felt touched.

"Lily, you are good and that's all that matters. I want you to know that."

"Thank you so much grandfather." Lily said as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Seeing the state his granddaughter was in, he drew her closer and gave her a tight hug.

"Thank you grandfather!" She whispered, sobbing.

"I want to be on my way now. I have a long way to go tomorrow."

"I understand, I won't keep you waiting, you can go now."

"Thank you grandfather!"

Happily, she hugged her grandfather and went down to meet Jane.

"We should leave now." She said.

"Alright boss."

They bid all of the staffs goodnight and left, with smiles on their faces.

"Jane, I think you should go home now, there's really no need to follow me home. It's late already." Lily said in concern when they got into the car.

"Alright boss, I'll be on my way now. Be safe!"

"You too. Goodnight!"

When Lily got home, she went straight to the bathroom to have a warm bath. It's been a long day, she sighed.

Madam Cross went into the kitchen immediately to bring out some food for Lily. After that, she went upstairs to check on her.

"Miss Lily, your dinner is ready."

Hearing Madam Cross' voice, she smiled.

"Hello Madam Cross, I am so sorry but I had dinner at grandfather's house. Maybe tomorrow." She responded, raising her voice so Madam Cross could hear her.

"Oh that's good then. Have a beautiful night."

"You too Madam Cross. Thank you so much."

Madam Cross went back to her room relieved. At least Lily was getting better. She now responds well and could even eat well, unlike before.

After the long bath, Lily went straight to her bed and laid down to sleep.

"Lily, I made you some good food. I promise you will love it."

"I will definitely dad!"

"It's delicious, have a taste!"

"Hmmm it's yummy. I love you dad!"

"I love you too my baby!"

"I know dad. Promise me you will never leave!"

"I promise!"

"Yah yah yah!"

Smiling, "when are you going to grow up."

"That doesn't matter right now. I will always have you by my side anyways."

"Hahaha, alright, I'm coming back. I need to go get something."

"But where to?"

"Don't worry, I'm always here."

"Dad! Don't go! Please stay. Please don't go...."

Lily turned round the whole bed, screaming her dad's name while begging him not to leave her.

She kept talking till she started coughing. Tears was already all over her face when she jumped out of the bed.

Holding her neck, she shivered uncontrollably.

The nightmare!

She had actually had it again.

What was she going to do now? Sweat was all over her body yet she was shivering.

"Why did you go dad? You promised never to leave."

Lily's tears could not stop falling. Fear gripped her. It was already in the middle of the night. No one could come to her rescue.

She felt alone and desolate. This was her world.

Soon, she could feel a father figure by her side, tapping her shoulders and trying to comfort her.

Thinking that her father was close by, she went in for a warm hug with a smile on her face, only to fall hard on the strong tiled floor.