
Mysterio's Mask System in MAU (Marvel alternate universe)

Hey author here just to let you guys know that I'm starting my second ever FF this one will be a Marvel Alternate universe that will not only start with an altered Iron Man Armoured adventures but will eventually branch off into other series that may or may not be changed a lot The first series will of course be Iron Man Armored adventures but taking place while Tony and Rody are in College instead and there will meet pepper. I will be changing the beginning to be more impactful by having Howard die while Tony is in School. The next series is Hulk and the agents of smash which I will blend with the events of Armoured adventures and there will be more to come as well as the FF continues -------------------------------- Disclaimer I don't own anything other than the OC all rights go to their respective owners Ps: Although there will be No Harem there may be 1-2 wives\Girlfriends

Demonicgundam · TV
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21 Chs

Chapter 8: Tony's Worst Day

Just as the morning rays of light peaked into Tony's room he was woken up by the ring of his cell phone groggy and still tired after working late last night on the newest project he was going to impress his father with.

Tony eventually got out of bed and walked to a nearby dresser and grabbed the phone and answered it his voice was clearly gruff and annoyed. " Tony here this better be good I need my beauty rest if I am to stay this handsome and smart."

Though in the next second his joking and calm demeanor changed to one of worry and panic as he hears that the man at the testing site his dad left for yesterday said that he never showed up and that was out of character for his dad.

Tony quickly calls the company and tells them to track the black box on his dad's plane and to send out a rescue team once it is found, he then gets dressed and heads to stark industries in a rush.

Unknown to Tony, Obadiah was in his office when one of his minions brought him the good news, Obadiah grins and tells them that now is the time and within moments all the people that Obadiah has convinced or blackmailed quit all at once some taking their research with them.

When Tony gets to the company the place is in an uproar and Tony quickly finds someone to tell him what's going on what he finds shocks him Obadiah had betrayed them and poached a lot of personnel and they left the company.

Tony knew that his dad and Obadiah never got along so it didn't surprise him that Obadiah pulled something while he was missing but it did anger him. " That sleazy snake of course would pull this shit never mind him we have to find my father."

Tony then heads to his lab where he activates his latest project early. " Jarvis please scan for the black box frequency I just uploaded to your system and pinpoint it for me." A charming British voice responds " Right away sir though may I suggest looking for a flight plan too."

Tony facepalms at the suggestion before rushing to the elevator and up to his father's office. Once there he searches around through some of his computer and paper files eventually finding two things his dad's ring and the flight plan.

Tony then heads back to his lab with files and ring in hand"Javis use this flight plan to narrow down the search radius and find my father." It takes but moments before Jarvis replies. "I have found the black box sir though you may not like what you see."

Jarvis pulls up a map and the black box ping is coming from the ocean shocking Tony who is already dreading the worst. " Thanks, Jarvis can you send that to the Search and rescue team." Tony sits down and pulls out a bottle of whiskey and pours himself some clearly devastated.

Just then alarms start to go off in Tony's lab and in a blinding flash of light, the Mandarin appears. Shocked Tony jumps up and backs away as he looks at the being before him. " Jarvis I am not hallucinating the black knight in front of me right I'm Not even drunk yet." Jarvis quickly replies " No sir."

The Mandarin sees the ring in Tony's hand and starts walking toward him while speaking. " Well if it isn't Tony stark hand over that ring." Tony starts to back up while secretly hitting a button under his desk. " No can do pal my dad loves this stupid thing and he would be really mad if I gave it away."

The Mandarin scoffs at tony before striding towards him and knocking Tony away making the ring fly out of his grasp. " Please a dead man has no use for trinkets. The Mandarin then grabs the ring on the ground but is shocked when he hears Tony roar and charge him holding a weird device.

Mandarin scoffs yet again before knocking Tony away with energy as he teleports away. Tony gets sent flying and eventually hits his head and gets knocked out.


Hey look listen Navi required Power Stones to rule the world XD