
Mysterio's Mask System in MAU (Marvel alternate universe)

Hey author here just to let you guys know that I'm starting my second ever FF this one will be a Marvel Alternate universe that will not only start with an altered Iron Man Armoured adventures but will eventually branch off into other series that may or may not be changed a lot The first series will of course be Iron Man Armored adventures but taking place while Tony and Rody are in College instead and there will meet pepper. I will be changing the beginning to be more impactful by having Howard die while Tony is in School. The next series is Hulk and the agents of smash which I will blend with the events of Armoured adventures and there will be more to come as well as the FF continues -------------------------------- Disclaimer I don't own anything other than the OC all rights go to their respective owners Ps: Although there will be No Harem there may be 1-2 wives\Girlfriends

Demonicgundam · TV
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21 Chs

Chapter 18: Millionaire Mysterio

2 Weeks after the fight between Iron man and the Maggia that now has everyone seeing Iron man as even more of a hero, lots of things have taken place, first, the government and a lot of arms companies like Stane Industries wanted the Ironman armor as they quote ' having a weapon like that should require sanctions and oversight '

but as no one knew who Ironman was, so they had to resort to scanning or capturing Ironman which both proved to be rather futile as Ironman was more Advanced than anything around now. The government did look into those who might be able to create Ironman Like Stark or AIM but turned up nothing.

And while all of that was happening John was busy working on his plans, having met with the executives of the upcoming telecommunications company Pear armed with the patient of his Holographic tech, which he had dumbed down from his Illusion tech as, unlike the Illusion tech that mimics sound, smell as well as the presence this only made a rather vivid Hologram.

John then sold them on buying not only the rights and blueprints of the tech but also the exclusive distribution and sale of it. He had also given them the idea of a holophone and came away from the meeting 23 million dollars richer why a weird number like 23 well most of the 50 million he got was already spent.

After acquiring the money John spent a lot to get set up finding a nice land plot and eventually building Machining Mysteries his new company a two-story above-ground layout on the entire first floor was a rather large factory where he had a state-of-the-art assembly built that will be able to create near anything he wants that cost him a lot as well as extra for fast delivery and installment.

The second story was his actual new house a nice two-bed two-bath filled with all the newest appliances but what really cost him was building 3 underground secret floors, the first was a large training room filled with a sparing arena and lots of high-tech training equipment showers and a kitchen.

Below that was a state-of-the-art chemistry Lab built to Secure Contain and Protect not only him but the world from what he will make there. After realizing that he had no clue about this marvel universe John planned to use all his past knowledge including stuff from the OP Character Creator studio.

Hence the Chem lab as he was already going add hallucinogenic gas and other toxins to his weaponry just imagine an Illusion you are actually afraid of, that's right John planned to somehow recreate the Crazy Strawman's gas as well as a certain Plant ladies Aroma.

He doubted he could make them anywhere near as strong as the originals but even if he got just 10 percent he would be laughing. Finally on the last floor was that's right you may have guessed it was the Batcave, but no, in all seriousness, it was a secret hideout for Mysterio filled already with mini drones as well as incomplete robots.

After building all of that he was left with 23 million dollars half of which he plans to reinvest into his business using it to set up his company as a machine part manufacturing company he hired a few trustworthy employees.

He had also completed the second Task and was in the process of opening it now down in his hideout, hovering before John is three object holograms. The First object was a high-tech-looking board of sorts floating the description reads: Hoverboard Blueprint. because we were Promised these in 1985. This made John chuckle before looking at the next.

The second object was a large robot in a white and blue color scheme the description reads: Gun-Dam big robot Blueprint. For when we all need some Freedom. John blinks in amazement before eventually looking at the last item.

The Third object was a High tech looking battle armor with a hood the description reads: High-tech assassin armor because every Anti Hero needs to look badass.


Tony Stark is looking for the next Ironman and requires power stones to do so.

Hey guys Author here, this is the apology bonus chapter for missing last week I have also hidden (Not well) a few references throughout if you guys manage to find them all there may be another bonus chapter for you guys

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