
Mysterio's Mask System in MAU (Marvel alternate universe)

Hey author here just to let you guys know that I'm starting my second ever FF this one will be a Marvel Alternate universe that will not only start with an altered Iron Man Armoured adventures but will eventually branch off into other series that may or may not be changed a lot The first series will of course be Iron Man Armored adventures but taking place while Tony and Rody are in College instead and there will meet pepper. I will be changing the beginning to be more impactful by having Howard die while Tony is in School. The next series is Hulk and the agents of smash which I will blend with the events of Armoured adventures and there will be more to come as well as the FF continues -------------------------------- Disclaimer I don't own anything other than the OC all rights go to their respective owners Ps: Although there will be No Harem there may be 1-2 wives\Girlfriends

Demonicgundam · TV
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21 Chs

Chapter 17: Peppers Suspicions

Tony looks at the passed-out Unicorn before looking over at Pepper only to see something that he was suspecting but also not pepper was standing over Shocker a little bit more bruised and panting while out of breath.

While Tony started to fight with Unicorn --------

Pepper looked at Shocker before griping her baton and gently taking a stance. " Alright, then asshole round two this time there will be no one to save you." Pepper rushes towards Shocker flipping over a nearby barrel to dodge a blast before rolling and kicking the feet out under him.

Shocker trips and falls but using some quick thinking blasts the ground not only getting up but knocking back Pepper slightly. " No way toots it's the other way round no one is here to stop me from ending you." Shocker then unleashes blast after blast at Pepper.

Narrowly avoiding most of the blasts Pepper gets clipped by one of them and is thrown slightly to her right and gets bruised yet again. Hissing her brows narrow before she starts thinking " Ok Pepper you cannot take another one of those, think."

Dodging this way and that, Pepper eventually notices that the gauntlets on Shocker are not very protected and comes up with a plan. She hides behind a nearby shipping container while looking for what she needs and then a large crash could be heard in the distance and as she looks she can see Iron man get hit by a forklift.

" ok glad I'm not dealing with that one." she sighs when she sees Ironman get back up then dodges as another blast hit where she was knocking down a pipe from the container. " there you are, stop hiding so I can end you already" Pepper quickly picks up the fallen pipe in her other hand and rushes Shocker with both it and her baton.

Eventually getting close Pepper tries another leg sweep hoping that Shocker dodges it and surprisingly he doesn't as he falls over and hits the ground. Pepper not wanting to waste this moment slams both the pipe and her baton down on Shocker's left gauntlet causing the thing to malfunction and stop working.

Jumping back after the deed not wanting retaliation Pepper is shocked to find that Shocker isn't getting up she carefully walks over and notices that he is out cold unknown to both her and Herman the tech he was using was slowly causing him damage as well as he had no shock absorbing suit and it slowly shook his brain throughout the fight knocking him out.

Pepper eventually relaxes as she knows that Shocker isn't going to get up and turns to watch Iron man's battle and is shocked as she witnesses Unicorn get sent flying by the unibeam.

--------After the Battles

Tony walks over to Pepper after noticing that she has finished her fight first and speaks in the slightly robotic Ironman voice " well then my lady that was a fine dance if I do say so myself make sure you pick a better partner next time, like me now I've already called the authorities I suggest you head home.

Tony then goes over to the two unconscious criminals and takes some of their tech, like the semi-busted gauntlet from Shocker and the laser lens from Unicorn. Pepper eyes him thoroughly as something has been bugging her the entire time like first off how did he know she was in trouble?

As well and his attitude it was similar to a few people that she knew but before she could ask any questions Tony and finished looting what he could and took off not wanting to stay too long encase Pepper figured out that he was Iron man." Well until we meet again"